codewei 发表于 2011-12-22 08:34


本帖最后由 codewei 于 2011-12-22 08:40 编辑

许多因素都成为破坏国家的经济增长的原由。在过去一段时间,中国房地产市场已经过热。但中国政府一再表示,将抑制过热,但从没有真这么实施过。现在,随着市场的自我修复,在全球经济发送出的冲击波中,国家经济的很大一部分已经开始在痉挛。China's Real Estate Bubble May Have Just Popped
A Host of Factors Are Set to Undermine the Country's Economic Growth
China's real estate market has overheated in the past. But Beijing has repeatedly said it would "cool" things down; it never did. Now, as the market corrects itself, a large part of the country's economy is convulsing, while sending shockwaves through the global economy.
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查看完整版本: 【外交事务111222】中国的房地产泡沫可能已经弹出