心儿飞 发表于 2011-12-22 08:51


Our January issue is out now, . It’s a Captain Scott special issue exploring the cultural impact and scientific legacy of the polar legend 100 years on. The features include:
摄影报道:定格Photostory: Freeze frames
不凡的人生A life less ordinary
只因有梦All the dreams must go
回望斯科特最后之旅Reassessing Scott’s final expedition
南极的斯科特:从英雄到小人?Scott of the Antarctic: From hero to villain?
发现之旅Journey of discovery
感性的冒险家The lyrical adventurer
斯科特队长的一个世纪的帐篷A century of captain Scott’s hut

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查看完整版本: 【地理111222】回望斯科特的南极之旅,揭开科学谜题