彩虹族 发表于 2011-12-24 13:54


本帖最后由 yusuf1124 于 2011-12-24 16:53 编辑

【原文标题】Getting in the Q3   We take Audi's smallest SUV on a 2,100km ride from Beijing to Shanghai
【译    者】彩虹族
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    站在外滩,望着上海她那被夕阳照亮的金属和玻璃庞然大物的轮廓,我们感受到了著名的探险家罗德·阿蒙森经过长途跋涉到达南极,并竖上一面旗帜时同样的快感。好吧,可能铺设的太多了,但你不能指责我们头晕了。你瞧,我们刚从奥迪Q3上出来,这个品牌最新款紧凑运动型多用途汽车(suv),行驶了将近2100公里,耗时四天,从中国的政治中心北京一直开到它的经济中心上海。    不算短的一次短途旅行,但是他仅仅是奥迪穿越中国之旅的第一段行程(共四段),一段史诗般的公路旅行,从北京到香港,行程超过5700公里,途径中国各省,一路上大约有两百名参加者在场。    这似乎是一段很长的距离,但是相比中国960万平方公里的面积(新加坡土地面积月700平方公里),总体上它仍旧什么都不是。奥迪Q3本身具有较不起眼的尺寸,4.385米长(稍大于一个中型掀背车) 。估计明年中旬上市。    一个地域辽阔的国家和一台奥迪最小的汽车组成了一个看似奇怪的配对,但是它紧凑的大小有很多好处,在克服令人胆颤心惊的恐怖——北京早上的高峰期,汽车,摩托车,自行车还有行人,似乎都想同时占据同一段道路。    对比奥迪Q3,中国的大型工程项目似乎都比她大。上海101层世界金融中心楼——世界上最高的建筑之一,长达42千米的青岛海湾大桥——大部分是建在海上。还有北京200米长的LCD屏幕华盖——就是从这此次活动开始。    在这样一个大国,她的风景也是多种多样。我们没有横越干燥的戈壁滩,有怡人的热带气候的海南,但是领略了北京的超现代和青岛(青岛啤酒产自此地)这座城市的19世纪时期的德国殖民建筑。    它拥有运动型多用途汽车的紧凑,和普通的汽车一样的灵活,运动型多用途汽车的实用方便。大型装载圈使得笨重的东西容易启动,所有囊括进了奥迪一贯的坚固风格。    我们提到了Q3的速度吗?211马力的高效版2.0TFSI发动机,百米加速时间是热门掀背式6.9秒。配上300nm的峰值扭矩从1800转,令奥迪Q3能在拥堵的车流中自如穿心。     在城市以外的驾驶环境中,奥迪Q3的小车型不是最好的东西,在那里唯一适用的法则是丛林法则。(你只是不和18轮的卡车争论车道礼仪,你知道吗? )    没有旗帜插在中国这块土地,甚至在冒着所有伟大的冒险家支持的致命危险,但是当我们抵达上海,迎接我们的是痛快的冰冻啤酒和天际线壮观的景色。    我们很高兴接受这一切,估计阿蒙森也会满意。

      STANDING on the Bund and looking out at the Shanghai skyline with its behemoths of metal and glass lit by a setting sun, we felt the same euphoria that must have struck famed explorer Roald Amundsen, when he trekked to the South Pole and planted a flag there.

      Okay, that might be laying it on a little thick, but you can't blame us for being giddy. You see, we had just stepped out of an Audi Q3, the brand's latest compact sport utility vehicle (SUV) offering, after driving it nearly 2,100km in four days from the seat of China's political power, Beijing, to the centre of its economic power, Shanghai.

      Hardly a short jaunt to the shops, but it merely comprised the first leg (of four) of Audi's Trans-China Tour, an epic road trip taking place across 5,700km from Beijing to Hong Kong, crossing eight Chinese provinces along the way with more than 200 participants in attendance.

      That might seem a huge distance but it is still nothing compared to China as a whole, with its landmass of 9.6 million sq km. (Singapore has a land area of around 700 sq km.) The Audi Q3 itself has somewhat more humble dimensions, being 4.385m long (slightly larger than a mid-sized hatchback). It's due to arrive here by the middle of next year.

      A massive country and one of Audi's smallest cars make a seemingly odd pairing, but its compact dimensions paid big dividends when negotiating the white-knuckle terror that is Beijing during the morning rush hour with cars, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians all seemingly wanting to occupy the exact same stretch of road at exactly the same time.

      Against the Q3, China's mega engineering projects seem all the larger. There's Shanghai's 101-storey World Financial Centre, one of the tallest buildings in the world, and the 42km-long Qingdao-Haiwan bridge, much of it built over the sea. There's also the 200m-long LCD screen forming a canopy under which the Tour kicked off in Beijing.

      And in a country that large, its landscape too, is hugely diverse. While we didn't traverse the desiccated Gobi Desert or the balmy tropical climes of Hainan, we did see the ultra-modernity of Beijing and the city of Qingdao (where the beer comes from) with its 19th century colonial German architecture.

      Which segues quite well with the Q3, actually. It fulfils the compact SUV promise of being nippy like a regular car and with the practical convenience of an SUV. A large loading aperture allows awkward items to fit easily in its boot, all wrapped up in Audi's usual granite build quality.

      And did we mention it's quite quick? It gets 211bhp from a turbocharged 2.0-litre engine and its 0-100kmh time is a hot hatchback-esque 6.9 seconds. And with peak torque of 300Nm from just 1,800rpm, the Q3 makes easy work of summoning enough acceleration to squirt past slower traffic.

      Outside of the city, the Q3's lack of size perhaps wasn't the best thing in a motoring landscape where the only applicable laws are those of the jungle. (You just don't argue with 18-wheeled trucks about lane propriety, you know?)

      There were no flags to be stuck in China, even after being nearly put to the mortal peril all great explorers endure, but what they offered us when we arrived in Shanghai was a nice, cold beer and a spectacular view of the skyline.

      We gladly accepted, and suspect Amundsen would have approved.

lyycc 发表于 2011-12-26 08:59



彩虹族 发表于 2011-12-26 09:43

lyycc 发表于 2011-12-26 08:59 static/image/common/back.gif


你可以上网搜索 奥迪穿越中国之旅 。与我没有一毛钱的关系,汽车发烧友会喜欢吧

莫说 发表于 2011-12-26 10:13


南瓜大仙 发表于 2011-12-26 15:53


为了深水区而来 发表于 2011-12-26 15:55

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查看完整版本: 【今日在线12.23】我们乘奥迪Q3从北京走到上海