codewei 发表于 2011-12-26 09:59


那位曾今推行与朝鲜接触政策(现在已经被抛弃)韩国前总统金大中,他的遗孀周一穿过两国设防的陆地边界,向已故的金正日进行悼慰。Former South Korean first lady heads North for condolences
(Reuters) - The widow of former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, the author of a now-jettisoned engagement policy with North Korea, crossed the fortified land border between the two sides on Monday to pay her respects to deceased dictator Kim Jong-il.

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查看完整版本: 【路透社111226】韩国前第一夫人带头慰问朝鲜