codewei 发表于 2011-12-28 09:20


自从朝鲜宣布金正日死讯开始,哭泣就没有间断过。从电视上宣布敬爱领袖已经从地球上陨落的黑衣女子,到每天聚集在一起呻吟、哀嚎,因为悲伤痛苦而捶胸顿足的人群,已经表明他们公众的悲痛要比其他人更好。The Crying Game: Why North Koreans Are Weeping over Kim Jong Il's DeathEver since North Korea announced the death of Kim Jong Il, the wailing has come nonstop. From the woman in black on television, who announced that the Dear Leader had slipped these surly bonds of earth, to those who have gathered daily since then to moan and wail and beat their chests in agonized sadness, the North Koreans have shown that they do public grief better than anyone else.,8599,2103158,00.html
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查看完整版本: 【时代111228】哭泣的博弈游戏:为啥朝鲜人为金正日之死痛哭流涕