无聊人的意志 发表于 2011-12-28 11:04

【纽约每日新闻12.25】回顾2011:本拉登之死名列第一 【原文标题】2011 in Revie

本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-12-28 14:51 编辑

【中文标题】【纽约每日新闻12.25】回顾2011:本拉登之死名列第一 【原文标题】2011 in Review: Osama Bin Laden's death ranksas top international news story【登载媒体】纽约每日新闻 【来源地址】http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011-review-osama-bin-laden-death-ranks-top-international-news-story-article-1.995949#ixzz1hcME6yIe
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【译文】The biggestinternational news for New Yorkers this year was both incredibly obvious anddeeply personal: The slaying of 9/11 terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden.对于纽约人来说二零一一年最重要的国际新闻莫属于九一一时间的主谋----本拉登之死
      The U.S.SEALs team takedown of the bearded mass murderer inside his Pakistan hideawaywas the overwhelming choice of Daily News readers as the top global story of2011.美军海豹突击队在本拉登位于巴基斯坦的隐蔽处干掉了这个留着胡子的杀人犯.这则新闻被纽约每日新闻的读者们以压倒性的优势选为2011您的年度新闻.
      Strangershigh-fived on city streets as New York marked the execution of the world’s mostwanted terrorist, the man behind the World Trade Center attack that left 2,753dead in lower Manhattan.陌生市民相互击掌示意以表达对于恐怖匪首之死的喜悦。在本拉登指示下的九一一袭击在下曼哈顿区造成了两千七百五十三人的死亡。
      “ROT INHELL,” roared the Daily News front page.“在地狱中腐烂”每日新闻的头条这样写道
      The fastand furtive SEAL Team 6 strike against the Al Qaeda boss easily outdistancedthe No. 2 story in the poll: The Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disasterthat left nearly 20,000 people dead or missing.迅捷而神秘的海豹6队打击基地组织头目的故事的吸引力 大大超过了 杀死了两万多人的日本海啸—核事件。
      Theestimated total cost of the March carnage in Japan: $218 billion.在日本的大灾难导致了两千一百八十亿美元的经济损失。
      Thekilling of Moammar Khadafy after a brutal 42-year reign was ranked third byreaders.卡扎菲之死和他长达42年政权的灭亡排名第三
      Theiron-fisted Libyan leader was captured cowering inside a sewer pipe in hishometown of Sirte, where his half-naked body was later rolled down the samestreets where he was once hailed.利比亚的这位铁腕领袖被发现畏缩在家乡锡尔特的一条下水管道里。他半裸的尸体不久就横在了它当年收到欢呼的那条街上。
      One of hiscitizen captors, halfway around the world from the Bronx, sported a Yankeescap.他的追捕者中有一位带着一顶洋基队帽子从地球另一端的布朗克斯(纽约市最北端的一区)而来。
      Thefourth-biggest story of the year was among the year’s first stunners: TheJanuary shooting of three-term Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords by a lone gunmanoutside a Tuscon supermarket.2011年一月发生的亚利桑那州议员加布里埃尔. 吉福德被枪击一案.
      Six peoplewere killed in the barrage, but Giffords miraculously survived a point-blankbullet to the head.在枪击事件中六人被杀,但是吉福德在头部中弹后奇迹般地生还.
      Roundingout the top five was the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who succumbed tocancer in October after a long fight against the disease. The genius behind theendlessly popular series of iGadgets passed away at age 56.第五大新闻史苹果公司创始人乔布斯之死:史蒂夫.乔布斯在同病魔斗争了很长一段时间后在十月死于癌症。在56年的人生中,他的天才工作为苹果系列产品的流行注入了活力。
      The restof the Top Ten:十大新闻中剩下的新闻:
      No. 6: TheEuropean debt crisis. Arrivederci, Italian Premier Silvio Burlusconi, done inby the endless financial upheaval. Greece, on the other hand, said hello toriots, strikes and demonstrations sparked by the lousy economy.第六:欧债危机,意大利总理贝卢斯科尼辞职。在希腊,欧债危机触发了一系列暴乱,罢工和示威行走。
      No. 7: TheU.S. credit downgrade. Standard & Poor’s stripped the government of itsprized AAA credit rating — a first. The country’s AAA rating dated back to1941, and the downgrade came in a year of endlessly contentious partisansquabbling over finances.第七:美国主权信用评级被降。标准普尔剥夺了美国的主权信用评级最高的AAA级别(始于1941年)
      No. 8: TheArab Spring. The massive changes began in January, when Tunisian leader Zineal-Abidine Ben Ali was forced to flee his country. Regime change followed inEgypt and Libya, with the Assad government challenged in Syria.第八大:阿拉伯之春,从一月的突尼斯的本阿里被迫离境开始,埃及,利比亚相继发生了政权更迭。现在叙利亚阿萨帝政府也面临挑战。
      No. 9: ThePenn State scandal. Where have you gone, Joe Paterno? Forced intoretirement after his once-trusted assistant Jerry Sandusky was accused as aserial child molester. The school and its football program were rocked by thecharges — and a possible cover-up.九:宾夕法尼亚丑闻:乔.帕特诺在被其助手杰瑞.桑德斯基指控娈童后默默退役。
      No. 10:Casey Anthony. The accused killer of her 2-year-old daughter beat a murder rapin July and walked out of a Florida jail days later.第十:凯西安东尼,被控杀害自己两岁女儿的嫌疑人被判无罪,并从佛罗里达监狱被释放。

Jigong 发表于 2011-12-28 11:18

2011年还有四天 ;P

lyycc 发表于 2011-12-28 12:26



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