codewei 发表于 2011-12-29 09:15


2011之最好照片:在前线的动物们——牺牲品动物们发现在过去12个月里,从日本的海啸和曼谷的洪水,到利比亚的战争和非洲的干旱它们都处于危险和大新闻的核心处。虽然有些动物被送到了危险区,但它们中的绝大部分根本就是在错误的时间和错误的地点受到摆布,在大自然的愤怒或人类的暴力斗争成为受害者。The Best Photos of 2011: Animals on the Front Lines
Animals have found themselves in the path of peril and at the heart the some of the biggest news stories over the past twelve months, from the Japanese tsunami and Bangkok floods to the war in Libya and the droughts in Africa. While some animals have been sent into the danger zone, the majority of these creatures have simply had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, victims of circumstance, and at the mercy of nature’s wrath or man’s violent feuds.
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