codewei 发表于 2011-12-29 09:44


Kwanhyun公园,韩国移民的18岁儿子花了四年的时间在弗利山庄高中得到了考试最高的分数,他以为他肯定能到加州大学圣迭戈分校的录取通知,但这些分数不够。离太平洋半英里的抢手学校,录取少了1460名的加州当地居民而接受了高学费的外国留学生,这些学生大多来自中国。Lure of Chinese Tuition Squeezes Out Asian-Americans
Kwanhyun Park, the 18-year-old son of Korean immigrants, spent four years at Beverly Hills High School earning the straight As and high test scores he thought would get him into the University of California, San Diego. They weren’t enough.
The sought-after school, half a mile from the Pacific Ocean, admitted 1,460 fewer California residents this year to accept higher-paying students from out-of-state, many from China.
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