yusuf1124 发表于 2011-12-30 17:47

【路透社 20111230】中国欲加强网络安全以应对黑客攻击

本帖最后由 yusuf1124 于 2011-12-30 17:49 编辑

【原文标题】China urges tighter Internet security after hacking attacks
【来源地址】http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/30/us-china-internet-idUSTRE7BT07M20111230【译    者】yusuf1124
【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。【译文】:中国政府正同百度搜狐等国内搜索引擎和金融机构协作以防止无戒备的中国网络用户遭受钓鱼式攻击。公安部于周五称将同10家中国搜索引擎合作来保护金融机构的网站排名,以尽量减少用户被钓鱼网站欺骗。钓鱼攻击通过同原网站类似的假网页来骗取用户民和密码。公安部于周五在网上发布通知称:通过合作,当用户搜索相关关键词后,几家中国银行(如中国农业银行和中国建设银行)的官网将在搜索引擎中处于首位。此举在周三中国敦促网络安全后进行。数次个人数据的泄漏事件向网络社区发出了警钟并促使对可获取网络信息的人员采取更严厉监视的呼吁。政府媒体上月报道中国拥有世界最多的网络用户,约4亿8500万。尽管网络面临大范围的审查和监视,很多用户对报道的数据泄漏及其带来的影响深感恼火。通过援引发现泄漏问题的一家杀毒软件供应商,新华社于上周报道称:CSDN中国软件开发网络(程序设计员网站)超过600万注册用户名、密码和邮件地址遭受泄漏。著名的社交网站天涯同病相怜。全球时报于周五报道称中国网络安全现状非常危险,此泄漏事件已敲响了中国社会的警钟。中国工业和信息化部在周三称将调查此黑客事件。工信部在声明中称:“我们相信最近发生的用户信息泄漏事件严重侵犯了网络用户的权利并威胁了网络安全。我们严厉谴责此类行为。”中国被广泛地怀疑是国外政府和商业网站黑客袭击的起源,但官员已多次重申驳回袭击幕后存在官方或军方背景的报告。中国屏蔽了许多海外网站,其中包括脸谱、推特和YouTube和一些国外媒体,害怕未经审查的图片和信息分享将导致社会动荡并危害国家安全。
(Reuters) - The Chinese government is working with domestic Internet search engines like Baidu Inc and Sohu.com, and financial institutions to prevent phishing attacks on unsuspecting Chinese web users.
The Ministry of Public Security said on Friday it would work with 10 Chinese search engines to protect the website rankings of financial institutions to lessen the chances that Internet users will be duped by phishing websites.
A phishing attack occurs when the user is persuaded to part with his or her username and password via a fake webpage that closely resembles the original.
Through the collaboration, the official websites of several Chinese banks, such as Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank will be ranked first in the search engine when a user searches for the related keywords, the Ministry said in an online circular on Friday.The move comes as China urged tighter Internet security on Wednesday, after a spate of personal data leaks that alarmed the online community and prompted calls for tougher scrutiny of who has access to online information.
China claims the most Internet users in the world at 485 million, state media reported last month, and despite widespread censorship and monitoring online, many users have been up in arms about the reported data leaks and their implications.
The user IDs, passwords and e-mail addresses of more than 6 million accounts registered on CSDN -- a site for programmers -- were leaked, Xinhua New Agency reported last week, citing an anti-virus software provider which discovered the problem. The popular social-networking site Tianya was also hit.The Global Times newspaper on Friday described the state of Internet security in China as "very dangerous," saying the leaks had "struck Chinese society's alarm bells."
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Wednesday that it would investigate the hacking incidents.
"The department believes the recent leak of user information is a serious infringement of the rights of Internet users and threatens Internet safety. The department strongly condemns such behavior," the ministry said in the statement.
China is widely suspected of being the origin of many hacking attacks on government and commercial websites abroad, but officials have repeatedly dismissed reports that the government or military could be behind such attacks.China bans numerous overseas websites, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and some foreign media outlets, fearing the uncensored sharing of images and information could cause social instability and harm national security.

lilyma06 发表于 2011-12-31 09:11


落非寒 发表于 2012-1-4 09:46

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