letitwere 发表于 2012-1-5 14:45


本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2012-1-5 16:14 编辑


【原文标题】Iowa caucuses: Romney and Santorum tied in Iowa
【译者】 letitwere
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】   本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。" U" |1 {1 X3 v0 I+ P3 J! J# K

Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul addressed supporters as the results came out瑞克.桑多伦,米特.罗姆尼和罗恩.保罗 公布了他们的支持者人数作为竞选结果。

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have emerged as front-runners in the first vote by US Republican party supporters on their preferred presidential candidate for November's election.米特.罗姆尼和瑞克.桑多伦在美国共和党支持者的首轮投票中崭露头角,成为支持者们心目中首选的11月大选的共和党总统候选人。

Mr Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, finished just eight votes ahead in the Midwest state of Iowa.
Ron Paul finished third, while Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann settled into a second tier of candidates.
Rick Perry indicated he was suspending his campaign after finishing fifth.罗姆尼,前马萨诸塞州州长,在中西部的爱荷华州的选举中以领先八票的优势暂时领先。
The caucus meetings were the first time voters had a say in the race to face Democratic President Barack Obama in November's presidential election.Tuesday's contest launched months of caucuses and primary elections in 50 states, Washington DC and other territories, culminating in the Republican National Convention in August where the party nominee will be formally anointed.第一次党团会议时共和党选民们提出的口号是将在11月的总统大选中直面民主党总统奥巴马。
This was a nail bitter. One US commentator suggested we need a new image, "tighter than a new tube sock on a cow" was his offering.
In the end this result has to be good for Romney.
He's achieved this in a state he hadn't bothered to fight until the last few weeks, where he didn't have much of a campaign.
But it also underscores his problem. He can't break away from the pack. 这是一件苦差事。一位美国评论员提出我们需要一个新的形象,他提倡“?”。
The BBC's Mark Mardell says that in the end, this result has to be good for Mitt Romney, achieving it in a state he hadn't bothered to fight until the last few weeks.BBC的马克.马德尔 是这样评价的:最终这个结果对罗姆尼有利。

'Game on!' In a brief speech late in the evening, Mr Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, kept his sights firmly trained on Mr Obama rather than engaging his Republican rivals or claiming victory.“竞赛开始!”晚上在一段简短的讲话中,罗姆尼,前马萨诸塞州州长表示他最坚定的目标就是锁定奥巴马,而不是共和党内的其他候选人或者宣称的胜利者。"The gap between his promises four years ago and his performance is as great as anything I've ever seen in my life," he said, before crying: "On to New Hampshire!"“他如今的表现和四年前的承诺这当中的差距是我此生中见过的最伟大的事情,” 落泪的霎那他说,“向新罕布什尔州奋进!”
Mr Santorum also stopped short of declaring victory, but declared "Game on!" He praised his faith and his family in a speech which marked his own entry to the national spotlight.桑多伦也暂停了必胜的口号,但也宣称“竞赛真正开始!”他在演讲中他赞扬了的他的信念和家庭,这意味着他准备好了完全接受全国的注目。

Mr Paul, a Texas congressman, finished third and vowed to continue onto New Hampshire, which holds a primary election next week.
"This momentum is going to continue," he told a jubilant crowd of supporters. "We will go on, we will raise the money."
“这一势头将继续”, 他告诉欢呼雀跃的支持者们。他说:“我们将继续,我们将增加资金投入。”

Negative advertising。Finishing fifth, Texas Governor Rick Perry said he was returning to his home state in order to "determine whether there is a path forward for myself in this race".负面广告。排在第五的得克萨斯州州长瑞克.佩里说,他曾回到他的本州了解情况以“确定是否有条件推动自己在这场竞选中前行”。

Continue reading the story    故事将继续上演                                                          
Percentage of the vote                                                      




Gingrich 金里奇




Source: AP                                                      

    99% of precincts reporting
Former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, who saw a brief lead evaporate under a barrage of negative advertising last month, pledged to remain in the race and challenge Mr Romney, "a Massachusetts moderate"."We are not going to go out and run nasty ads," said Mr Gingrich, who finished fourth. "But I do reserve the right to tell the truth. And if the truth seems negative that may be more of a comment on his record than it is about politics."

Mrs Bachmann, a Minnesota congresswoman who won the Iowa straw poll last summer, finished sixth, and urged voters not to let the media anoint a Republican nominee based solely on the Iowa results.巴赫曼, 曾在去年夏天的爱荷华州民意测验中获得第六名的明尼苏达州众议院女议员,呼吁选民们不要让媒体往一个单凭爱荷华州投票结果的共和党总统候选人身上贴金。

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman was on the ballot, but did not campaign in Iowa.前犹他州州长JH洪博培参加了选举,但没有参加在爱荷华州的阵营竞选。

Small-town meetings 小型城镇会议An estimated record 123,000 voters gathered at more than 1,700 fire stations, schools, public buildings and private homes. Many of the caucuses were tiny affairs held in small towns in each of Iowa's 99 counties.据估计,登记的123000名选票收集于超过1700个消防站,学校,公共建筑和私人住宅。许多内部会议是小幅度的在爱荷华州的99个县里的每个小城镇举行的。
Iowa was not expected to settle the contest - John McCain, the eventual Republican nominee in 2008, came fourth in the state's caucuses that year - but it will help shape the race for the White House.
The Iowa campaign had been a roller-coaster affair since the summer, with Mrs Bachmann, Mr Perry and Mr Gingrich each taking a brief turn at the head of the pack.爱荷华州之前并没有被期望可以影响竞赛。约翰 mc,2008年共和党最终候选人,那年在爱荷华州选中只获得了第四名排位,但是这仍然会帮助最终白宫竞赛的成型。爱荷华州的竞选阵营自夏天以来一度成为过山车般的事件。巴赫曼,佩里,以及金里奇,都会在这里打头阵后小小的改变现状。Those three - along with ex-candidate Herman Cain - were buoyed by support from conservatives unsatisfied with Mr Romney, who held steady in second place in polling. But each in turn collapsed under further scrutiny or, in Mr Gingrich's case, heavy negative advertising.这三位,除前候选人赫曼.凯恩以外,都在对票选中稳居第二的罗姆尼不满的保守党对他们支持中受到鼓舞。但是在众目睽睽之下未来仍然充满变数,例如金里奇就遭遇了铺天盖地的负面广告的影响。

After Iowa, the state of New Hampshire holds its primary election on 10 January. Mitt Romney has a big lead there, and Mr Santorum consistently polls less than 5% in the New England state.继爱荷华州之后,新罕布什尔州将在1.10日举行初选。罗姆尼在那儿有很大优势,但桑托罗姆在新英格兰州的固有选票少于5%。
Over the next six months, each US state will vote on the presidential contenders before a final nominee is selected.在接下来的六个月之后,每一个美国州市将在最终全国总统候选人确定以前选出两党各自的总统候选人。
Voters remain concerned by the slow pace of economic recovery from the recession that started during the end of the presidency of George W Bush and officially ended in 2009.选民仍然对从乔治W ·布什任职期尾声阶段到2009年正式结束期间发生的经济衰退,此后至今一直步伐缓慢的经济复苏表示持续的关切。

ykfo2 发表于 2012-1-5 15:08

本帖最后由 ykfo2 于 2012-1-5 15:09 编辑

it‘s show time

letitwere 发表于 2012-1-5 17:17

ykfo2 发表于 2012-1-5 15:08 static/image/common/back.gif
it‘s show time


fusang12 发表于 2012-1-5 18:13


银河WT 发表于 2012-1-6 11:18


paoding 发表于 2012-1-6 12:02

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