873242613 发表于 2012-1-5 21:11


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-1-6 09:29 编辑

【原文标题】China campaign cuts entertainment TV by two-thirds
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    Satellite broadcasters in China have cut entertainment TV by two-thirds following a government campaign, state news agency Xinhua has reported.
      据国家新闻机构新华社报道,伴随着一场政府运动,中国的卫星电视台已经削减三分之二的娱乐电视节目。 An order by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) to curb ''excessive entertainment'' came into effect on 1 January.由广电总局出台的一项旨在抑制“过度娱乐”的命令在一月一日生效。
   The number of entertainment shows aired during prime time each week has dropped to 38 from 126, said the watchdog.据有关监督部门说,在每周黄金时间播出的娱乐节目数量由126下降到38

      The news came as the president warned of the influence of Western culture.与此同时,其主席告诫国民要警惕西方文化的影响。

      In the piece published in a Communist Party magazine, President Hu Jintao also urged efforts to boost the country's own soft power, said Xinhua.

新华社报道说,胡锦涛主席在一本党刊中发文鼓励大家努力发展本国软实力。The order, which was issued in October 2011, limits each of the country's 34 satellite channels to two entertainment programmes each week and a maximum of 90 minutes of entertainment content every day from 19:30 to 22:00.发布于2011年十月的“限娱令”,规定中国的34家卫星电视台每家每周只能有两个娱乐节目,并且在晚7:30到10:00之间播出时间不超过90分钟。

Broadcasters are also required to air at least two hours of news programming between 06:00 and midnight. They must each broadcast at least two 30-minute news programmes between 18:00 and 23:30.电视台还被要求在早六点到午夜之间至少播出两小时新闻节目,在晚6:00到晚11:30之间必须播出两个长达半小时以上的新闻节目。

      The country has the largest number of television viewers in the world - an estimated 95% of its 1.3 billion people.

中国有世界上最大规模的电视观众——大约占到其13亿总人口的95%。 'Low taste'   低级趣味

            "Satellite channels have started to broadcast programmes that promote traditional virtues and socialist core values," SARFT said in a statement.广电总局在一份申明中说:“各卫视已经开始播出弘扬传统美德和社会主义核心价值观的节目了”。

      Talent shows and reality TV are among the biggest casualties of the cuts. The list of restricted programmes also included talk shows and emotional stories that were deemed to be of "low taste", said the Xinhua news report.新华社报道说,选秀节目和真人秀节目的数量被削减的最为严重,被禁节目名单中还包括被认为是“低级趣味”的脱口秀和情感故事类节目。
      In September last year, censors told Hunan Satellite Television to take the popular talent show Super Girl off the air. They said the show, which featured women of all ages in a singing contest, was ''too long''.去年九月,审查机构要求湖南卫视停播其热播节目“超级女声”。他们认为这个以各年龄层女性为特色的歌唱比赛太长了。

      However the SARFT statement also said that popular dating shows, such as If You Are The One, and soap operas, such as Li Yuan Chun, produced by Henan Satellite TV, will still be on air during prime time on weekends.但是广电总局的这份申明也指出像“非诚勿扰”一类的广受欢迎的约会节目和像由河南卫视播出的“梨园春”一类戏曲类节目还会继续在周末的黄金时间播出。
      If You Are the One, produced by Jiangsu Satellite TV, is the most popular dating show. It broke viewership records in 2010, prompting copycat programmes by other broadcasters.由江苏卫视出品的“非诚勿扰”是最受欢迎的约会节目。它在2010年打破收视纪录,超越了其他电视台播出的同类模仿节目。

      The high ratings of such programmes and their relatively low production costs meant bigger profits for the satellite TV stations. But regulators, however, saw red over the sensationalist and ''vulgar'' content.这类节目的高支持率和相对较低的制作成本为这些电视台带来很大收益。然而监管者却对煽情的和“低俗”的节目内容勃然大怒。

lyycc 发表于 2012-1-6 09:51


873242613 发表于 2012-1-6 20:51

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iamgump 发表于 2012-1-29 12:31


沐霜 发表于 2012-1-30 12:05


大儒与大愚 发表于 2012-1-30 16:53

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查看完整版本: 【BBC0104】中国发起运动,削减三分之二娱乐电视节目