小明啊 发表于 2012-1-6 10:23


本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2012-1-6 13:53 编辑



July 12, 2011People gather at a gourmet festival to experience Taiwanese food in Beijing. Gross domestic product in the world's second-largest economy grew 9.5 percent year-on-year in the second quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics said.北京,人们在一个台湾美食节体验美食。国内生产总值排名世界第二,今年第二季度经济同比增长达9.5%,/ AFP/Getty Images
Aug. 5, 2011An affluent Chinese couple pose for their wedding photos outside the Wangfujing Church in Beijing.一对富裕的夫妇在北京王府井教堂外拍摄婚纱Mark Ralston/ AFP/Getty Images

June 25, 2011Chinese women parade in their swimsuits during a matchmaking event for wealthy men.在一场为富人举办的相亲活动中,姑娘们在展示他们被泳装包裹的身材。/ AFP/Getty Images Aug. 9, 2011Two women walk past a luxury jewelry store on the Wangfujing shopping street in Beijing.两位女士路过王府井商业街的一家奢华珠宝店Mark Ralston/ AFP/Getty Images
June 1, 2011People walk past advertising for luxury brands in Hong Kong. Some of the world's top luxury brands are set to list on the Hong Kong bourse to tap China’s deep capital markets — and draw more customers — as demand for premium goods soars in China.人们路过香港街头的奢侈品广告招牌,很多世界顶级奢侈品在香港通过这种方式吸引更多的消费者,中国的奢侈品需求在急速增长

June 22, 2011A woman walks past a Prada shop on a rainy afternoon in Hong Kong. China's wealthiest are getting richer, with the minimum amount needed to make the top 400 rising to $425 million (U.S.) from $300 million in 2010.香港一个下着雨的午后,一位女士路过普拉达专卖店。中国的富人越来越有钱,想挤进富豪榜前400强已经由2010年的3亿美元涨到4,25亿美元。Mike Clarke/ AFP/Getty Images
July 28, 2011Zhang Yan, 30, and Yu Yanrui, 27, love pricey designer handbags. But Zhang said she doesn’t go crazy about it. She doesn’t buy Hermes — "too expensive for me," she says.张燕(音译),30岁,于艳蕊(音译),27岁,她们都很喜爱昂贵的手袋。但是张说她并不为此痴迷,而且她不买爱马仕——“这对我来说太贵了” 她说。Keith B. Richburg/ The Washington Post
Aug. 11, 2011People shop for gold at Beijing Caibai precious metals and jewelry store.人们在北京菜百珠宝黄金商店购买黄金Stefen Chow/ Bloomberg

May 30, 2011A Chinese woman looks at items on display at a Louis Vuitton exhibition in Beijing. French labels are the most sought-after luxury products for Chinese shoppers, a survey showed, as a booming economy creates a growing legion of newly affluent consumers.一位中国姑娘在看路易威登的展览,据民意调查显示,在中国这个因经济繁荣创造了迅速增加的一群新富消费者的市场,法国名牌是最炙手可热的奢侈品。/ AFP/Getty Images
May 26, 2011A Christie’s staff member sits near an advertisement for Chateau Latour fine wines for auction in Hong Kong. Chinese buyers spent $106 million on vintage bottles of Chateau Latour and modern paintings at the start of a week-long Hong Kong auction.佳士得的工作人员在香港红酒拍卖会的广告前,在香港为其一周的拍卖会上,中国买手花了1.06亿美元在买拉图酒庄的老酒和当代油画。/ Bloomberg via Getty Images

May 20, 2011As China increases in wealth, more people are turning to luxuries such as cosmetic surgery. In the photo, Li Yujie inspects a patient after performing an operation to enlarge her nose at Shenzhen Humanity Hospital.
随着中国财富的增加,更多的人倾向奢侈消费,如整容手术。照片中,在深圳人民医院,李玉洁(音译)在审视病人经过隆鼻手术后的鼻子。/ Bloomberg via Getty Images

March 31, 2011A gold-plated Infiniti on a test drive in Nanjing. China is predicted to become the world's largest luxury goods market by 2020, accounting for 44 percent of worldwide sales and bigger than the entire global market is now.南京,英菲尼迪的一款镀金跑车在试驾。预计,到2020年,中国将成为世界上最大的奢侈品市场,占目前世界消费市场的44%/ AFP/Getty Images

A cyclist rides by a Ferrari on a street in Beijing, a sign of China's stunning economic transformation and a ticking time bomb at the heart of the Communist Party's plan to revamp the economy.
在北京街道上,一辆保时捷和一个骑着自行车的人。这是中国惊人经济转型的一个标志,对于中国共产党要进行经济整顿,则是一颗关键的定时炸弹。Peter Parks/ AFP/Getty Images

Dec. 17, 2010Children take ballet class at an exclusive kindergarten in Beijing.北京的一家幼儿园,孩子们在学习芭蕾舞。/ AFP/Getty Images
Dec. 16, 2010After 30 years of rapid economic growth in China, a growing number of people can afford high-end products and services. In this photo, children get golf lessons at an exclusive kindergarten in Beijing.经过30多年的经济快速增长,越来越多的人能买得起高档的产品并享受高档服务。在这张照片里,孩子们在幼儿园也能学高尔夫课程。/ AFP/Getty Images
April 15, 2011People pass a development of luxury housing in the southern Chinese city of Qionghai.中国的南方城市琼海,人们经过一座高档住宅Ed Jones/ AFP/Getty Images

倾杯乐 发表于 2012-1-6 14:55


拜月教二当家 发表于 2012-1-6 15:23


路过不留下 发表于 2012-1-6 17:20

有几个包包 买点黄金就叫富人了 那老子太有钱了

Salome 发表于 2012-1-6 17:56


落非寒 发表于 2012-1-7 16:47


foxees 发表于 2012-1-7 16:55

本帖最后由 foxees 于 2012-1-7 16:55 编辑


小草两头倒 发表于 2012-1-8 00:33

foxees 发表于 2012-1-7 16:55 static/image/common/back.gif



QQ图腾 发表于 2012-1-8 07:48


别叫我生气 发表于 2012-1-8 14:01

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