黑白精灵 发表于 2012-1-7 00:42


本帖最后由 黑白精灵 于 2012-1-7 00:42 编辑

【原文标题】Thirty ideas from people under 30-- The Artisans
【译者】 黑白精灵

The Monitor interviewed young artisans, politicians, educators, entrepreneurs and faith leaders. And they have trenchant suggestions on how to improve the world. We'll serve this smorgasbord in bite-size servings of 3 to 7 profiles per day. Today's lineup of artists, includes a world-class jazz cellist, a novelist, and a chef. Dig in!

Esperanza Spalding: Jazz superstar When jazz phenom Esperanza Spalding first took up the violin at age 4, her family didn't have the money to support her passion. So her mother called around to find programs that had free instruments and offered scholarships to low-income students.
"People gave my family shelter and food when we didn't have enough," says Ms. Spalding, who later switched to the bass. "Teachers took extra time with me, and mentors worked with me on the weekends."“在我们生活窘迫的时候,人们给我家提供住所和食物。”,斯帕尔丁说,她后来转变成了一位贝斯手,“老师们在我身上花额外的时间,导师也在周末与我一起工作。”
Spalding hasn't forgotten the lessons of her youth. Today the jazz bassist, who has become one of the hottest young musicians in the United States, believes that living simply and giving generously is a credo that could leave an imprint on the world.斯帕尔丁没有忘记她年轻时的课程。今天的爵士乐贝斯手,已经成为了美国最炙手可热的年轻音乐家,相信简单地生活并且慷慨的给予是能给世界留下印记的信条。
The 27-year-old musician with a prodigious list of accomplishments – 2011 Grammy for best new artist, four chart-topping albums, performances at the White House and Nobel Peace Prize ceremony – writes down the names of all the people who have helped her. Then she starts a tally.这位27岁的音乐家拥有一份庞大的成就清单:2011格莱美最佳新人、四部位于排行榜榜首的专辑、在白宫和诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼上演出。她写下了所有曾帮助过她的人的名字。然后她开始了对人数的统计。
"When I count the people who gave their time and energy without asking for anything in return, I realize everything I have is due to the energy of someone else," says Spalding, who grew up in a single-parent home and dealt with a lengthy illness as a child. "I feel like service rendered is service owed...."“当我数到这些曾奉献他们的时间和精力却不要任何回报的人们,我才意识到我所拥有的一切是得益于别人的力量。”,斯帕尔丁说。她成长于单亲家庭而且在儿童时期就与漫长的疾病做斗争。她还说,“我感觉被提供的服务是亏欠别人的……”
"Volunteering is almost an obligation," she adds. "It's a simple concept that can lead to big impact."“志愿者活动几乎是一种义务,”,她补充道,“它是一个能导致巨大影响的简单的概念。”
Spalding began volunteering with the United Way when she was 12 years old. Today she gives her time to music education programs, working with kids. "It's incredibly fulfilling to offer what we have to another person," she says. 当她12岁的时候,斯帕尔丁开始了在联合劝募的志愿者活动。今天她将时间用于音乐教育项目,和孩子们工作。“这样履行我们为他人提供所需是令人难以置信的。”
Her advice to the world: "When you have something extra, give it away."    她对全世界倡议:“当你拥有一些多余的东西,请将它捐赠出来。”

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