lyhkkk 发表于 2012-1-7 17:35


本帖最后由 lyhkkk 于 2012-1-7 17:38 编辑


【原文标题】China Heavy-Lift Chopper Receives Certification

【来源媒体】The Associated Press 美联社


【译 者】lyhkkk


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【正 文】
BEIJING January 5, 2012, 06:45 am ET北京,2012年1月5日,东部标准时间06:45am
BEIJING (AP) — China's civil aviation authority on Thursday cleared the country's biggest-ever helicopter for domestic use, its state-owned manufacturer said.美联社驻北京报导——中国民用航空局在星期四批准了这个国家有史以来最大的直升飞机在国内服役,它的国营制造商如是说。
The 13.8-ton AC313 is the latest advance for China's ambitious aerospace industry that spans military jets, commercial airliners, and even a manned space flight program.重达13.8吨的AC313是中国雄心勃勃的跨越军方喷气式飞机,商用客机,甚至载人宇宙飞行项目的航空工业的最新成果。 The aircraft from Aviation Industry Corporation of China made its first test flight in March 2010 and certification means companies can immediately take delivery and start commercial flights. Its first customer is northeast China-based China Flying Dragon Aviation, which flies cargo and passenger charter flights and does utility work such as forest fire fighting. It plans to lease the first five AC313s produced.这架由中国航空工业集团公司制造的飞行器在2010年3月进行了首次试验飞行,得到批准意味着该公司可以立即交付使用并开始商用飞行。它的第一位客户是总部位于中国北方的中国飞龙专业航空公司,这家公司从事货运与客运的特许经营以及其他的工作,例如森林防火。它计划租赁最先下线的5架AC313。 AVIC has said it also plans to apply for U.S. and European certification to allow foreign sales, but hasn't said when it will do so.中国航空工业集团公司说他们正计划向美国和欧洲申请外国商品销售许可,但并未提及申请的具体时间。 The AC313 is also the latest example of China's adaptation of foreign technology that has facilitated numerous breakthroughs in its aviation industry.AC313也是中国吸收外来技术的最新典范,它促成了航空制造业的大批技术突破。 The aircraft is a larger and heavily modified version of the 7-ton Zhi-8 medium transport helicopter that is a close copy of the French SA 321 Super Frelon. China bought 13 of the French helicopters in the 1970s and at least one was reportedly disassembled for study and reverse-engineering.该飞行器相比于7吨重的直-8改进型中型运输直升机(仿制法国SA321大黄蜂)要更大更重。中国在20世纪70年代买了13架法国直升机,其中至少有一架据传闻是拆卸后用于研究和逆向工程。
It is powered by Pratt & Whitney PT6B-67A engines from Canada, underscoring China's weakness in that key technology.它采用了从加拿大进口的普惠PT6B-67A引擎,突出了中国在这项关键技术领域的薄弱。
AVIC says the aircraft is suitable for missions ranging from search and rescue to sightseeing and can operate in harsh conditions at a maximum range of 560 miles (900 kilometers) and at altitudes of almost 28,000 feet (8,500 meters). It can carry up to 5 tons of cargo in a sling along with 27 passengers or 15 injured on stretchers.中国航空工业集团公司称这架飞行器适用于涉及搜寻和救援的飞行任务,并能在恶劣的条件下最多在560英里(90万米)的航程和约28000英尺(8500米)高空内操纵。它能承受吊载5吨重的货物以及27位乘客或者15名躺在担架上的伤者。 AVIC has been the linchpin in China's aviation push, building latest-generation fighter jets and midrange commercial airliners, and is now working on a larger plane that would compete with Airbus and Boeing.中国航空工业集团公司已经成为了推动中国航空制造业的关键,它研发了最新一代的喷气式战斗机和中程商用客机,而现在又在进行大型飞机的研制,以求能与空中客车和波音竞争。
At 56 tons, the Russian Mi-26 is far and away the world's largest helicopter, twice as heavy as the American CH-47 Chinook.俄罗斯可载重56吨的米-26无疑是世界上最大的直升机,它是美国CH-47“支奴干”大小的两倍。

海无宁波 发表于 2012-1-7 20:03


fishstone 发表于 2012-1-8 01:41


longlong1102 发表于 2012-1-8 11:22


墨子的咸菜 发表于 2012-1-8 12:03


陌生路人 发表于 2012-1-8 12:31


两怀 发表于 2012-1-8 16:53


yqh 发表于 2012-1-8 17:50

两怀 发表于 2012-1-8 16:53 static/image/common/back.gif
朝廷在汶川地震时发现,没有自己的重型直升飞机,后来才抓制造的,天朝像无头的苍蝇一样搞来料加工血汗工厂 ...

直八F即AC313,它 的立项研究设计制造远早于汶川地震。只不过汶川大地震让国人对10吨级以上直升机有了更直观的迫切需求。

yqh 发表于 2012-1-8 17:52

本帖最后由 yqh 于 2012-1-8 17:53 编辑

海无宁波 发表于 2012-1-7 20:03
好消息总要从国外获得,而且来得太晚,这样的装备应该20年前就有了才对。 ...


拜月教二当家 发表于 2012-1-8 21:48


梅德韦杰夫 发表于 2012-1-9 11:03

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