花落无声 发表于 2012-1-9 17:09


【中文标题】 新年决心目的地前十名

【原文标题】Travel Picks: Top 10 New Year's resolution vacations

【登载媒体】Reuters 路透社




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Good intentions. They come around every year and are practically synonymous with champagne toasts on December 31.


Wavering already? Not to worry, online travel adviser Cheapflights (www.cheapflights.com) has come up with a top 10 list of destinations to help keep those New Year's resolutions on track. Reuters has not endorsed this list:

已经动摇了?不用担心,在线旅游顾问Cheapflights (www.cheapflights.com) 已经列出了一个旅游目的地前十名清单,来帮助大家完成新年决心达到的目标:

1. Resolution: Stress less
Destination: St. Lucia, Caribbean
Blissful white sand beaches, lush green palm trees that provide welcome shade, and a seemingly endless sea - the recipe for pure relaxation. Add to that the incredible lightness of being and the warmth of the Caribbean locals and you're practically in heaven. The Body Holiday LeSport resort on St. Lucia is an ideal destination to offload stress, humming the mantra, "give us your body for a week and we'll give you back your mind." The resort has a wellness center for dealing with all the bells and whistles, lots of activities, culinary ecstasies and - simply nothing that resembles stress.

1.        决心:减少压力
充满喜悦的白色沙滩、带来美妙阴凉的茂盛棕榈树、一片看起来无边无际的海——这是纯粹放松的秘方。再加上不可思议的生命之轻以及加勒比当地人的温暖,你几乎身处天堂。如果你想卸下压力、哼哼真言、“把你的身体交给我们一周,我们就把你的心灵还给你”的话,圣卢西亚的Body Holiday LeSport度假胜地是理想的目的地。这个度假胜地有一个健康中心来处理所有花哨的修饰、大量的活动、烹饪的狂喜——和压力不沾边的东西。

2. Resolution: Spend more time with family
Destination: Quebec City, Canada
Even on a well-planned family vacation, it's not often you get to spend much time together. The kids jump around the pool all day while the parents sit on the beach and read. While relaxing for the parents and fun for the kids, it's not very sociable. For fun the whole family can enjoy, visit Quebec City in the end of January and beginning of February and catch the Quebec Winter Carnival. The biggest winter carnival in the world is like a kid-friendly Mardi Gras, boasting snow sculptures, dog sled rides, ice skating and other outdoor activities worth bundling up for.

2. 决心:和家人共度更多时光

3. Resolution: Exercise more
Destination: Dolomites, Italy
Italy is a place normally associated with pizza, pasta, gelato and wine - all fairly unhealthy indulgences. Nevertheless, it is also the perfect destination for fitness, especially when it comes to the country's majestic Dolomites, mountains in northeastern Italy which offer a picturesque backdrop for every season and a great excuse to get some fresh air. Travel fitness provider Fitscape can help you get fit and stay fit. Try out the popular range of ski courses in the morning, stretching with yoga and fitness classes in the afternoon, and winding down in the sauna and Jacuzzi in the evening.

3. 决心:更多锻炼

4. Resolution: Allot more time for yourself
Destination: Maldives
Give in to absolute luxury and have a little time to yourself - and where better to do this than the Maldives? The luxurious One & Only Reethi Rah resort is like a journey for the soul. Individual villas, endless idyllic coves, and white sand and turquoise sea all offer uninterrupted privacy. Should the children not be able to stay with the grandparents, there is a separate area for them at the resort with numerous activities throughout the day, so parents can relax and revel in the luxury of complete seclusion offered by the resort.

4.        决心:给自己更多时间
屈服于绝对的奢华,给自己一点时间——什么地方比马尔代夫更适合做这些事?luxurious One & Only Reethi Rah度假胜地就像给灵魂的一场旅行。单独的别墅、无尽的田园诗般的峡谷、白色的沙子和蓝绿色的海,都提供了不间断的隐私空间。如果孩子们不能和祖父母呆在一起,这个度假胜地有一个给他们的单独区域,白天里面有数不清的各种活动,这样父母可以放松并纵情享受度假胜地提供的彻底隔离的奢侈。

5. Resolution: Eat better
Destination: Tokyo, Japan
Fresh, unprocessed foods, optimal servings and enjoyable, sociable eating - this is known as the Japanese Kitchen and belongs to one of the healthiest culinary nations. A typical diet comprises lots of rice, fish and spices, most of which contain little to no fat and oil in preparation. The diversity of the healthy-yet-delicious food available on a vacation in Japan makes avoiding temptation and cleansing your system relatively easy. Tourism has not yet fully recovered in Japan, so now is the best time to visit the fascinating metropolis of Tokyo and experience its unparalleled pulse without the crowds. Aside from the city's breathtaking hotels, visitors can also enjoy a trip to a traditional Ryokan (Japanese hotel) connected to an Onsen (hot springs) on the program.

5. 决心:吃得更好
未被加工的新鲜食品、理想的服务、令人愉快而适合社交的进食——这是Japanese Kitchen(日本厨房),属于饮食最健康的国家之一。一顿典型的膳食包括米饭、鱼和调味料,大部分在准备中都只包含少量的或不包含脂肪和油。在日本的假期里可享受到的多种健康但美味的食物使远离诱惑、清洁系统变得相对来说较容易。日本的旅游业还未全面复苏,所以现在是游览东京迷人都市、体验它没有人群的无比脉搏的最佳时机。在这个项目里,除了这个城市令人激动的酒店,游客们还可以享受连接了温泉的传统日式旅馆。

6. Resolution: Lose weight
Destination: Razines, France or Devon, UK
Diets are impossible to endure when all around you are temptations and unhealthy treats. A weight loss retreat is the perfect solution to kick start a healthier lifestyle. Being among like-minded people and getting advice from professional medical staff as well as fitness trainers will help create long-lasting effects and life changing approaches to food and exercise. The Nubeginings retreat has locations in Devon, UK, and Razines, France, and provides the perfect blend of a boot camp and a relaxing spa break. On average, guests who stay are said to lose around 5-8 pounds.

6. 决心:减肥

7. Resolution: Save money
Destination: Bucharest, Romania
Budgets have been tight for a while now, but in an increasingly dire economy, next year we really don't quite know what to expect financially. Those wanting to save on vacations should naturally look for bargain deals and compare the costs of cheaper alternatives to popular tourist hotspots. Romania is one of those well-kept secret destinations that's still relatively cheap with plenty to do and see. Its capital, Bucharest, offers plenty of decent hotels, which are priced around 40 euros per night. A beer costs about 1 euro and food is cheap - and delicious. On a tour of the various natural phenomena such as the Romanian mud volcanoes, glacial lakes, the Black Sea or the legendary Transylvania, you can discover a pristine part of the planet that is both inexpensive and lovely.

7. 决心:省钱

8. Resolution: Watch less TV
Destination: Cape Otway, Australia
On average, people spent almost one-fifth of the past year in front of the TV. This New Year, why not try to spend less time in front of the television and other gadgets such as computers, smartphones and iPads? Anyone wishing to leave the world of electronic gadgetry - that means emails, too - should head for Australia's Great Ocean Ecolodge. Located in the middle of the huge Cape Otway Conservation Area, it's surrounded by pure wilderness with company in the form of kangaroos, koalas and the beautiful nature of South Australia, about four hours from Melbourne. During the day people work with the team of researchers affiliated with Cape Otway Center for Conservation Ecology through the forest and help with the various conservation projects. In the evening, there's an excellent meal served in the company of vacationers from around the world and a good book by the fireplace.

8. 决心:少看电视
人们平均在电视前度过了去年的五分之一。这个新年,为什么不试试少在电视和其他小玩意比如电脑、智能型手机和iPad前花点时间?任何想离开电子小玩意——电子邮件也算上——的世界的人应该前往澳大利亚的Great Ocean Ecolodge(大洋生态旅游村)。它坐落在巨大的奥特韦角保护区中间,被纯粹的荒地包围,只有袋鼠、考拉和南澳大利亚的美丽自然相伴,离墨尔本大约四小时路程。白天人们在森林里和隶属于奥特韦角保育生态学中心的研究小队一起工作,在不同的保育项目中帮忙。晚上和来自世界各地的度假者一起享用美食,在壁炉旁读一本好书。

9. Resolution: Live a healthier life
Destination: Samson Mountains, Turkey
Drink less alcohol, eat healthier foods and rid the body of excesses to combat disease. Whether you'd like to maintain a certain level of health or do something about existing problems, the Natur-Med Hot Springs Resort in Turkey has just the ticket. There are anti-aging treatments for chronic diseases, fitness programs, pain treatments and much more. Situated on the Aegean Coast in the Samson Mountains, the resort offers the perfect setting for a thoroughly relaxing vacation and a professional team that will ensure your body is completely renewed and rejuvenated.

9. 决心:过更健康的生活

10. Resolution: Stop smoking
Destination: Alicante, Spain
This good intention is particularly difficult, especially when the stress of everyday life starts again after January 1, leaving you with a craving for a cigarette. The first few days of "withdrawal" are easier to survive when you're far away from the usual triggers. Therefore, many resorts now offer special programs for smoking cessation. You can stop smoking at the SHA Wellness Clinic in Alicante, Spain. Here you get to enjoy a super-luxurious wellness program with flotation tanks, massage, fitness classes, acupuncture, therapeutic sessions, nutritionists, psychological counseling and more. With so much attention you should forget the agony of your first few days without smoke and be well equipped to deal with the time ahead.

10. 决心:戒烟

lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-9 17:38

New Year's resolution 是新年愿望哦,可不是新年决心。是固定说法的

花落无声 发表于 2012-1-9 18:42

lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-9 17:38 static/image/common/back.gif
New Year's resolution 是新年愿望哦,可不是新年决心。是固定说法的


花落无声 发表于 2012-1-9 18:44

lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-9 17:38 static/image/common/back.gif
New Year's resolution 是新年愿望哦,可不是新年决心。是固定说法的

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