sharond185 发表于 2012-1-10 17:23



【原文标题】Will China's rise shape Malaysian Chinese community?







Khoo Boo Hong says overseas Chinese are no longer seen as the rich ones
邱武鸿说海外华人已不再被认为是有钱人了。In Malaysia's northern state of Penang, a distinct shift is being felt in the immigrant Chinese community, as it rides the wave of China's economic rise.The Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi, one of the richest clan associations, used to send money back to their ancestral home in Fujian province, China.在马来西亚槟城的北部各州,乘着中国经济发展的浪潮,移民华人社区感觉到了明显的转变       龙山堂邱氏宗祠,华人中最有钱的家族之一,曾经资金援助过他们位于中国福建的祖籍老家。        But that is changing as places like Sin Aun, a fishing village that the clan members' families hail from, are now bustling and have no need for money sent from overseas."In the past, overseas Chinese were seen as more wealthy but now the Chinese from China are even richer than us," says the clan association's Khoo Boo Hong.但是这种局面正在改变,就如新垵保,这个家族成员所出生的小渔村,现在日渐繁荣并且已不再需要海外的资助。家族的邱武鸿说,“在过去,海外华人总是被看作很有钱的人,但是现在,在中国的同胞却比我们还有钱”。
      Indeed, Chinese money is becoming more visible in Penang. A bridge that is currently under construction is being partly financed by a cheap loan from the Chinese government. The 4.5bn Malaysian ringgit (US$1.4bn) project is set to be the longest bridge in South East Asia, stretching 24km (15 miles).      的确,人民币在滨城已越来越不可忽视。目前正在修建的一座大桥的部分资金就是来源于中国政府的低息贷款。45亿马币(14亿美元)的工程将会建成东南亚最长的大桥,全长24千米(15英里)。

The Chinese community in Malaysia acts as a bridge for business opportunities in China.马来西亚华人扮演着两国商机的桥梁作用。 In 2010, Malaysia was one of China's biggest trading partners from South East Asia. Two-way trade hit 147bn Malaysian ringgit (US$46.3bn) last year, with a push to more than double that amount by 2015.
'Special relationship'            Much of the trade has been established by the Chinese Malaysian community, says Oh Ei Sun, the former political secretary on Chinese affairs to Prime Minister Najib Razak.2010年,马来西亚是中国在东南亚地区最大的贸易伙伴之一。去年双边贸易创收1470亿马币,而到2015,这个数字将会不止翻一番。“特殊关系”,在华交会上胡逸山对中国事务的前政治秘书总理纳吉布说两国的大部分贸易都是由马来西亚的华商会建立的。
      Malaysia was the first South East Asian country to form diplomatic ties with China in 1974.马来西亚是第一个于1974年与中国建立外交关系的东南亚国家。

                As a result the two countries have a special relationship, and the Chinese in Malaysia have tried to exploit this kinship by developing business ties with China, says Mr Oh.   由于两国拥有这种特殊关系,在马华人正努力通过与华建立商业联系来开拓这种亲族关系。The Chinese began arriving on Malaysian shores in the early 15th Century. Today, they make up 24% of a population of 28 million, and have always been more prosperous than other ethnic communities. According to a 2011 Forbes magazine list, eight out of the top 10 richest Malaysians are ethnic Chinese. 在马华人是在15世纪早期开始到达马来西亚海岸的。现在,他们以2800万的人口占马来西亚总人口的24%,并且一直都比其他种族人口兴旺。根据2011福布斯排行榜,排名前十的富豪中有8个都是华裔人士。
   This wealth imbalance has fuelled long-standing resentment among the Malay majority. It erupted into deadly race riots in 1969 - violence that two years later led the government to implement an affirmative action plan called the New Economic Policy.这种财富不均造成了马来多名族中长期存在着怨恨,由此在1969爆发了严重的种族暴动,两年后马来政府实施了名为新经济政策的平权行动计划。
      This gave ethnic Malays and indigenous groups privileges over the Chinese and Indians, such as cheaper housing, priority in university scholarships and civil service jobs. The policy officially ended in 1990 but it has been succeeded by similar plans.         这项政策给了马来人和原住民优于华人和印度人的很多特权,比如廉价房,大学奖学金的优先获得权,公务员职位。这项政策于1990年正式结束,但又被相似的政策所取代. Lim Cheah Chooi hires Malaysian or Singaporean Chinese managers for his factories in China林嘉水都是雇马来西亚华人或新加坡华人作为他在华工厂的管理者。 "The quota system is still in place on so many levels," says Teo Nie Ching, a lawmaker from the opposition Democratic Action Party. This limits job prospects for Malaysian Chinese in certain businesses, including listed companies, she says.反对派民主行动党的立法者张念群表示“配额制度依然是不同程度的存在”。这就限制了马来西亚华人在某些行业的就业前景,包括一些上市公司。
      "After so many generations still feel that we are second class citizens," Ms Teo says.张念群还说,“过了这么多年,华人依然觉得他们在马来西亚只是二等公民”。
      Analysts say this sense of alienation has made many Malaysian Chinese look for opportunities elsewhere, including China.分析家表示这种疏离感使很多马来华人开始在其他地方寻求发展机会,比如中国。
Speaking the language            As the Chinese economy opens up, Malaysian Chinese act as a bridge because many are educated in the United States or Britain but they can also understand the Chinese language and culture, says Lim Cheah Chooi.关于语言林嘉水说,随着中国经济开放,因为马来华人大多在美国和英国接受教育,但同时又懂得中文和中国文化的关系,他们扮演着两国桥梁的角色。
      His engineering firm, Unimech Group Berhad, has production factories in China, but he employs Malaysian or Singaporean Chinese at the middle management level.林嘉水的工程公司, Unimech Group Berhad,生产工厂在中国,但是他都请马来华人或新加坡华人作为中阶管理层。      
      This is something you see even among local Chinese companies who export to the West, says Mr Lim.甚至是在一些做出口到西方的中国本地企业里也能看到这种现象。
      "How many people can say they speak Mandarin, multiple Chinese dialects, Malay and English? Most Malaysian Chinese can," he says.“有多少人敢说他们会说普通话,中国地方方言,马来语和英语。马来西亚华人就可以”。
      This advantage is maintained because of Malaysia's multilingual education system. Ethnic Chinese and Indians can choose to study at the primary level in their mother tongue. 这个优势能保持住得益于马来西亚的多语言教育体制,华裔人士和印度人士可以选择在母语教学的小学上学
      With the rise of China, more and more people, including non-Chinese, want to learn Mandarin, says Yong Yeow Khoon, CEO of the Chinese-language newspaper Guang Ming Daily in Penang, who is also a board director at an independent Chinese school. 容耀群,槟城光明日报中文版的CEO,同时也是一所独立中文学校的董事长,表示,随着中国的增强,越来越多的人,包括一些非中国人都想学国语。
      The number of non-Chinese in Chinese vernacular schools is estimated to have grown to over 60,000 over the last three decades.
      Even the Malay prime minister has sent his son to learn Mandarin at the Beijing Foreign Studies University. 中国本土学校的国外学生在近期这30多年来已经增长至超过6万人了。甚至连马来总理都将自己的儿子送到北京外国语大学学中文。
      Optimists point to this as a sign of increasing acceptance of Chinese culture by the Malay community. But some say this is wishful thinking.
Attitude change?            Although the government has been pushing for national unity through the 1Malaysia slogan, analysts interviewed by the BBC do not believe that there is a fundamental change in attitude towards the Malaysian Chinese.乐观主义者觉得这是中国文化逐渐被马来接受的一个迹象,但另一派则认为这是一厢情愿的想法。态度转变?接受BBC 采访的分析家们表示即使政府在奋力争取国家统一,高喊一个马来西亚的口号,他们仍然不会相信在对马来西亚华人的态度上会有一个根本的转变
      Economist Cheong Kee Cheok, who used to work for the World Bank, says some Malays do not distinguish between the Chinese from China and the ones from Malaysia.
      "Malaysia in some ways is hostage to its own politics," says Mr Cheong.
      He also says that Malaysia needs to be more aggressive in accessing the Chinese market. It may have had a head start in China, but "unfortunately...never used this advantage".
      He believes much more can be done to facilitate relations between the two countries. At the moment most businesses who get into China are through the individual efforts of Malaysian Chinese businessmen, he says.
      He says Malaysian leaders are not serious about China's rise.曾任职于世界银行的经济学家张凯杰说一些马来人是不会区分来自中国大陆的中国人和来自马来西亚的华人的。“马来西亚在某些方面是受制于其自己的政治”。他还说,马来西亚需要更积极地进入中国市场,他们本可以有很好的优势在中国,“但很可惜他们从来没用过”。他相信有很多的方法可以用来促进两国的关系,而现在大部分进军中国的企业都是通过马来西亚华人商人个人的努力。他说马来西亚领导人并不重视中国的崛起。
      The latest visit from Chinese premier Wen Jiabao in April could lend credence to this theory.从最近中国温家宝总理的4月马来西亚之行就可以看出来。
      Malaysian blogs were filled with complaints about the grammatical mistakes on the welcome banner put up for Mr Wen in Chinese, suspected to be roughly translated from Malay.在马来西亚一些博客上,人们对欢迎温总理旗帜上出现的语法错误表示不满,而这些都是从马来语大致翻译过来的。
      Interpretations vary but the Chinese banner read: "Official welcoming ceremony, with him together his Excellency Wen Jiabao official interview Malaysia."翻译版本各种各样,但是中文写的是“官方欢迎仪式,温家宝阁下正式访问马来西亚。”
      Many comments on forum said that was shameful, given that ethnic Chinese people form the second-largest population in this multi-racial country.
      "What do you expect? No Chinese working in government," wrote automan5891.Lowyat网站论坛的许多评论表示,这真给排名马来西亚人口第二位的华人丢脸。“你看到了什么?就是政府无华人。”网名奥特曼5891留言到。

拓跋焘 发表于 2012-1-11 23:15


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