满仓 发表于 2012-1-11 09:08

【商业周刊 12/01/05】如何取悦你的中国老板

本帖最后由 满仓 于 2012-1-11 09:11 编辑

【原文标题】How to Impress Your Chinese Boss
【原文作者】Eric Spitznagel




主动向你的老板伸出手。一家全球营销咨询公司Artisan商业集团的CEO Brian Su说:“公司里高职位的人永远永远不会主动伸出手。”轻轻地握一下可以表示你的谦恭的尊敬。礼仪专家Lyudmila Bloch说:“大部分中国人依然认为握手是比较过分的身体接触。”她建议微微地鞠躬,但是没有必要跪下磕头。


还记得名片吗?中国人还在用这东西。《洞察中国》创办人Peter Hemming说:“一定要保证名片的职业性,否则会给你带来大麻烦。”当你从对方手中接过名片时,一定要表现出久仰的神态。双方互相介绍之后,要把对方的名片放在面前的桌子上,好让自己可以继续欣赏它。


上海的一位商业顾问Maria Gu说,不要送钟表,“送钟”的中文发音也可以理解为“出席亲属的葬礼”。手表就好多了,但是不要太花哨,过多的装饰会令人觉得轻浮、尴尬。Bloch说:“中国人喜欢带有西方品牌的礼物,比如米老鼠手表。”真的吗?“是的,迪斯尼出品的手表很受欢迎。”


中国文化咨询社的总监Tao Yue说:“数字分吉利和不吉利两种。”例如,4在中文与“死”同音。如果你的办公室在4楼,就不要指望你的老板会经常出现。6和3属于相对随机出现的数字。最令人垂涎的数字是8,它的发音与“发财”贴近。






如果你想让老板器重你,试着召唤出你内心的Don Draper吧(译者注:美剧《广告狂人》中男主角,有招牌式的吸烟动作)。Su说:“吸烟依然是中国商场上打破僵局的工具。”人们像交换名片一样交换香烟。还有酒,Su笑着说:“如果你说由于健康原因不能饮用酒精饮料,而且你看起来非常健康,那么他们就非逼你喝酒不可了。他们会说:‘先喝了再谈生意。’”




If you plan to do business on the mainland, learn the rules

You may be working for the Chinese sooner than you imagine. Not only is the U.S. severely indebted to the People’s Republic, some projections say Chinese investment in U.S. companies could reach $2 trillion in the coming decade. To help you prepare, we assembled a panel of experts to explain the cultural differences and Confucian principles that coud get an uninformed American office worker into trouble.


Reach for your boss’s hand first. “A high-ranking person in the company should never, ever initiate a handshake,” says Brian Su, CEO of Artisan Business Group, a global market consulting firm. A limp grip connotes humility and respect. “Most Chinese think of handshakes as excessive touching,” says etiquette expert Lyudmila Bloch. She suggests a light bow, but there’s no need to kowtow.

Business Cards

Remember business cards? The Chinese still use them. “Make sure it is professionally done. Otherwise, it will be a disaster,” says Peter Hemming, the founder of China Insight. When receiving a card from a Chinese businessperson, make sure to be impressed by it. Once you’ve finished introductions, place the card on the table in front of you, where you can continue to admire it.


No clocks, says Maria Gu, a business coach from Shanghai. The pronunciation of sòngzhōng (“to give clocks”) could also mean “to attend on a dying relative.” A watch is much better, unless it’s fancy. Too much bling is considered garish and embarrassing. “The Chinese enjoy gifts with Western-branded names,” says Bloch. “Like a Mickey Mouse watch.” Seriously? “Yes, a watch from Walt Disney would be very appreciated.”


“Numbers can be auspicious or inauspicious,” says Tao Yue, managing director of China Cultural Consultancy. The number four, say, is a homonym for “death” in Chinese. If you’re on a building’s fourth floor, don’t expect many pop-ins from your boss. Numbers like six and three are much more fortuitous. By far the most coveted number is eight, which sounds like the word for “wealth.”


Be ready to eat your weight in offal. Su recalls a recent business meal in China that consisted of raw pig groin and “kinda chewy” donkey’s penis. But don’t scarf down whatever’s placed in front of you. Fish heads should be reserved for the most important person at the table; the Chinese word for “head” also means “leader.”

Hand Gestures

Watch your fingers. “Pointing with one finger, the ‘hey you, come here’ finger, that is very, very rude,” says Bloch. To get somebody’s attention in the office, she suggests gesturing at them with your entire hand. Like a martial arts chop? “Well, no, not exactly like that,” she clarifies. “It’s more of a graceful gesture.” Like you’re an orchestra conductor? “If that helps, sure.” You may be working for the Chinese sooner than you imagine. Not only is the U.S. severely indebted to the People’s Republic, some projections say Chinese investment in U.S. companies could reach $2 trillion in the coming decade. To help you prepare, we assembled a panel of experts to explain the cultural differences and Confucian principles that could get an uninformed American office worker into trouble.

Smoking and Drinking

If you want your boss to respect you, channel your inner Don Draper. “Smoking is still a big icebreaker for Chinese businessmen,” says Su; cigarettes are exchanged like business cards (see above). And then there’s the liquor. “If you say you can’t drink alcohol because of health reasons, and yet you … look perfectly healthy, they’ll force you to drink anyway,” laughs Su. “They’ll say, ‘Drink so we can talk business!’”

Feng Shui

The age-old system of geomancy has “become a big deal over the last 10 or 15 years,” says Shanghai native Tao. Does that mean you should follow the lead of the Repulse Bay apartment complex in Hong Kong, which features a large hole to accommodate the dragon that supposedly lives in a nearby mountain? “I would totally forget a dragon hole in an American building,” advises Hemming. “Not many dragons in the United States.”

stephenwg 发表于 2012-1-11 09:23


渔音谦谦 发表于 2012-1-11 10:51



allplacnn 发表于 2012-1-11 11:51


paoding 发表于 2012-1-11 11:55

本帖最后由 paoding 于 2012-1-11 11:55 编辑



酥仔 发表于 2012-1-11 15:52

真照着这么做感觉会被打= =

五星利中华 发表于 2012-1-11 18:26


银河WT 发表于 2012-1-11 18:59


银河WT 发表于 2012-1-11 19:00

龙有五根手指 不知道老外知道不

银河WT 发表于 2012-1-11 19:06

stephenwg 发表于 2012-1-11 09:23 static/image/common/back.gif


拜月教二当家 发表于 2012-1-11 20:59

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