小明啊 发表于 2012-1-12 15:56


China Lives the Life, Buys the Company【登载媒体】华尔街日报


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China’s newly rich are not content with living the millionaire lifestyle. Now they want to own it too.中国的新富们不满足于普通的百万富翁生活,现在他们想拥有它。This week’s announcement that Italy’s Ferretti Yachts will soon be under Chinese ownership is the latest example. China’s state-owned Shandong Heavy Industry Group Co. said it will buy a 75% stake in the yachtmaker in a deal worth EUR374 million.这周宣布意大利法拉第游艇被中国人重金收入囊中,中国的国有企业山东重工说他们将购买其75%的股份,价值3.74亿美元。China’s elites are rabid consumers of the good life and luxury fashion labels have been cashing in. In addition to watches and handbags, China’s rich are spending on leisure pursuits too. High-end hotel chains in Asia in particular report a rapid increase in the number of Chinese tourists – as much as a twenty-fold surge at one resort in the Maldives since 2008.中国的精英们是优渥生活和奢侈时尚的狂热消费者,因为他们发财了。除了手表和手袋,中国新富也在消遣娱乐上花了大笔的钱。亚洲的高端连锁酒店报告称,在马尔代夫,中国游客人数从2008年开始快速增长了20倍。China’s state-owned businesses have spotted the trend. For instance, China’s HNA Group is expected to beat out competition from LVMH among others to acquire high-end boutique hotel chain, Aman Resorts, in a deal worth as much as $450 million.中国的国有企业发现这一趋势,中国海航集团击败了路易威登,成功收购高端精品酒店连锁安缦居。这一交易高达4,5亿美元。

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sharond185 发表于 2012-1-12 22:32


银河WT 发表于 2012-1-12 23:02

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