sharond185 发表于 2012-1-14 13:55

【彭博社0113】北京苹果店被鸡蛋砸场 iphone发售推迟

【中文标题】北京苹果店被鸡蛋砸场 iphone发售推迟

【原文标题】Beijing Apple Store Pelted With Eggs on IPhone Delay   






By               Bloomberg News               -                              Jan 13, 2012 10:08 AM GMT+0800                        
彭博社消息       北京时间2012年1月13日早上10:08

A man yells and gestures outside an Apple Inc. store in Beijing. Apple sold 5.6 million iPhones in China in the first nine months of last year, giving it a 10.4 percent share of the smartphone market in the third quarter. Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg

Apple Inc. (AAPL), whose skill at hypingnew products has helped make it the world’s most valuabletechnology company, became a victim of its own success with abotched introduction of its iPhone 4S in China. 苹果公司因擅于炒作新产品而成为世界上最具有价值的科技公司,而现在却因为搞砸了iphone 4S在中国的 开售而 砸了自己的脚。
Would-be customers who had endured a wait overnight astemperatures dropped to below minus 9 degrees Celsius reactedwith fury after the company’s main store in Beijing failed toopen. (昨晚)零下九度的环境里,彻夜等待的待买民众们,在北京苹果总店关门停售4S后愤怒了。
Apple had advertised that the store would open at 7 a.m. At about 7:15 a.m., people began chanting “Open the door!” and “Liars!” after a man with a bullhorn said the phone would not go on sale today, without giving an explanation. Police cordoned off the store after it was pelted with eggs from the crowd. 苹果早前已公布会在早上7点开门营业。早上7点15分的时候,人群开始骚动叫喊着“开门”“骗子”。随后一名男子拿着扩音器宣布该店今天暂停营业,并且未作任何解释。(于是)人群中有人朝着店门扔鸡蛋,警察随后封锁了现场。
Elsewhere in the capital, the introduction went more smoothly. At Apple’s store in the Xidan neighborhood, the company handed out 1,000 tickets good for the purchase of a maximum two iPhone 4S handsets. In Shanghai, a store in thePudong district opened an hour early to accommodate the waiting crowds. 在北京的其它店,4S的开售进行地顺利的多。西单苹果店的附近 ,公司为最大的两个4S机给了1000票 。在上海浦东的一家苹果店,提前一小时开店接待购买者。
Carolyn Wu, a Beijing-based Apple spokeswoman, didn’t immediately respond to telephone calls and e-mails.
At the main store in Beijing, security guards who tried to stop the egg throwing were chased away by the crowds. 苹果北京店的代言人卡洛琳•吴并没有立即对(相关)电话和邮件做出回应。在北京主店,试图阻止砸鸡蛋的保安被人群所围攻。
Apple sold 5.6 million iPhones in China in the first nine months of last year, giving it a 10.4 percent share of thesmartphone market in the third quarter, according to research company Gartner Inc. Apple’s Wu earlier declined to comment onthe outlook for iPhone 4S sales in China. 根据美国高德纳咨询公司的调研,去年一月到九月,iphone在中国地区的销量是56万台,占据了第三季度智能机市场10.4个百分比。早前,苹果的吴小姐对于4S在中国的销量前景甚少发言。
Online Sales China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd., the nation’s second-largest carrier, is the only one of the country’s three service providers offering the iPhone with a service contract. The company sent a text message to subscribers trumpeting free home delivery of the new handset through its online store. 网络销售   作为中国第二大电信商的中国联通(香港)有限公司,是国内三大服务供应商中唯一一家给iphone提供服务合同的公司。该公司向它的使用者发布消息称,他们会为通过网络购买的买家提供免费送货上门的服务。
“Buy the iPhone 4S without lining up!” China Unicom (762) said in a text sent to subscribers in Beijing. Unicom’s online shop made the device available at midnight, the text said. “不用排队就可以买4S!”这是中国联通(762)在发给北京用户的短信中说的,并且称半夜在联通网店购买也是可以的。
The site lists the 16-gigabyte model for 5,880 yuan ($930),with different levels of subsidies. The handset is free to users committing to a three-year plan for 286 yuan a month or a two-year plan costing 386 yuan a month, the website said。网站上16G版本的卖价5880人民币(930美金),给予不同层次的优惠。并且推出三年期286元零元购、两年期386元零元购(的合约)。 该贴已经同步到 sharond185的微博

路过不留下 发表于 2012-1-15 04:04


lyycc 发表于 2012-1-16 09:42


lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-16 10:36


sharond185 发表于 2012-1-16 13:47


微博评论 发表于 2012-1-16 14:18

回复@eureka幸福:彭博文章之后又改了好多,,,囧。。这句话什么意思哇 来自 Milky_D 的新浪微博
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