满仓 发表于 2012-1-16 09:21

【华盛顿邮报 12/01/11】中国谴责“香港人”身份认同的趋势

【原文标题】China denounces ‘Hong Konger’ trend
【原文作者】Andrew Higgins
















政府运作的大陆报纸《中国日报》嘲弄这项调查是“荒唐的”,“意在混淆香港人的视听”。香港其它党控媒体说钟被外国利益集团操纵,其中包括英国间谍。据说他和香港一位前殖民官员David Ford有联系,这个人与英国情报部门有关。

钟说:“我不认识David Ford,从未见过这个人。”










Recent survey found that fewer and fewer Hong Kong residents view themselves primarily as Chinese.

HONG KONG — Fifteen years after taking back Hong Kong amid a blaze of fireworks and patriotic fervor, China is battling what it sees as a subversive challenge: an academic survey showing that many in this former British colony identify little with China.

The survey, conducted last month by the University of Hong Kong, found that the number of respondents who view themselves as Hong Kongers is more than double the number who see themselves as Chinese and that bonds of shared identity with the mainland have grown weaker since Britain relinquished control in 1997.

Infuriated by the results, Chinese officials have orchestrated a campaign of denunciation — the latest blast in a barrage of verbal and written broadsides against alleged disloyalty in Hong Kong.

As a “special administrative region” within China, Hong Kong largely runs its own affairs under the “one country, two systems” formula enunciated by Deng Xiaoping, China’s late paramount leader. It has its own legal system and currency, issues its own travel documents and allows free speech and other liberties unknown in the rest of China.

In recent months, however, Chinese officials and pro-Beijing media in the former colony have gone on the offensive against a host of public figures whose views they dislike, including pro-democracy politicians, an elderly Catholic priest, an anti-communist media tycoon and the U.S. consul general. Now, they have turned their fire on Robert Chung, the director of Hong Kong University’s Public Opinion Program.

Chung has been surveying Hong Kong identity since the territory’s return to China, and the results of his latest poll merely confirmed anecdotal evidence of a significant trend among residents: growing resentment toward — and a sense of separateness from — mainland Chinese.

On Sunday, hundreds of Hong Kongers protested outside luxury retailer Dolce & Gabbana after complaints that the store discriminated against locals in favor of mainlanders. An influx of shoppers from across the border has delighted Hong Kong retailers but stirred disquiet among ordinary people fearful that their city is being swamped by often-brash newcomers. Hong Kong has a population of about 7 million; the rest of China has more than 1.3 billion people.

A music video made in Hong Kong and posted last year on the Internet sneered at mainlanders as “locusts” who “shout in restaurants, hotels and stores” and show scant regard for the city’s more orderly ways.

Hong Kong news media, meanwhile, have been filled in recent weeks with reports of pregnant mainland women crossing the border to take advantage of Hong Kong’s superior medical system and a rule that babies born in the city have the right of abode here. Politicians of all stripes have demanded action to halt the flow amid warnings that Hong Kong’s health-care system can’t take the strain. The number of mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong emergency wards nearly tripled last year.

China’s sharp reaction

Although evidence of Hong Kongers’ fading sense of kinship with China has been mounting for some time, Beijing reacted with startling anger to Chung’s findings.

Hao Tiechuan, a senior official at the Chinese government’s liaison office here, called in selected local reporters and lambasted the study as “unscientific” and “illogical,” saying that because Hong Kong is now part of China, it is wrong to ask residents whether they consider themselves Chinese. Media controlled by the Communist Party then directed a torrent of abuse at Chung and his work.

“Chung’s survey has evil political aims,” the Wen Wei Po newspaper opined. The Hong Kong-based paper reviled Chung as a “slave of black political funding” and accused him of seeking to “divide Hong Kong people from their compatriots.”

Chung dismissed the allegations as a “Cultural Revolution-style smear campaign.”

The China Daily, a state-run mainland newspaper, ridiculed the survey as “preposterous” and “intent on messing up Hong Kong.” Other party-controlled media in Hong Kong suggested that Chung was being manipulated by foreign interests, including British spies, alleging contacts with David Ford, a former colonial official in Hong Kong with supposed ties to British intelligence.

“I do not know David Ford, and I have never met him,” Chung said.

China’s sharp reaction has sparked wary speculation here about its motives. One theory is that officials merely want to display tough nationalist credentials ahead of a leadership transition in Beijing this year. Others note the role of local politics: Hong Kong will get a new chief executive this year — chosen by a 1,200-member committee — and will then start preparations for a real election, with universal suffrage, scheduled for 2017.

Beijing, analysts say, wants to ensure that the expansion of democracy in Hong Kong doesn’t empower “hostile forces” or encourage discussion of what it views as taboo issues, one of the most sensitive of which is identity.

A distinct identity

Determined to uproot separatist sentiment in Tibet, Xinjiang and other regions with large non-Han Chinese populations, Beijing has long insisted that all citizens view themselves only as “Chinese.” Hong Kong is almost entirely Chinese in its ethnic and cultural makeup, but after being separated from China during 156 years of British rule, it has a distinct identity.

Surveys conducted by Chung’s unit at Hong Kong University show that identification with China increased somewhat after the 1997 handover but began to decline after peaking in 2008 when Beijing hosted the Olympic Games. Just 34 percent of those surveyed last month identified themselves as primarily Chinese, and 63 percent emphasized their Hong Kong identity.

Chung declined to speculate on why Hong Kong’s residents appear to identify less with China but said he stands by his findings.

“I am not a politician,” he said. “I will let history tell the true value of my work.”

Independent media have rallied to Chung’s defense and voiced alarm at China’s reaction. Instead of attacking Chung, the Ming Pao newspaper said, Beijing officials should ask why Hong Kong’s people “are growing cool towards China.”

人民的法学家 发表于 2012-1-16 10:33


砍柴翁 发表于 2012-1-16 10:50


倾杯乐 发表于 2012-1-16 11:34


fusang12 发表于 2012-1-16 11:49


沐霜 发表于 2012-1-16 12:01

这些香港人要不认同自己是中国人 那行啊 那请离开香港这块中国人的土地

再有既然这些香港人不认同自己是中国人   那请这些香港人出门在外被人欺负的时候   别大言不惭的说自己是中国人


莫说 发表于 2012-1-16 12:13

沐霜 发表于 2012-1-16 12:01 static/image/common/back.gif
这些香港人要不认同自己是中国人 那行啊 那请离开香港这块中国人的土地

再有既然这些香港人不认同自己是 ...


滔滔1949 发表于 2012-1-16 12:51

fusang12 发表于 2012-1-16 11:49 static/image/common/back.gif
回头应该调查一下夏威夷居民的身份认同问题,同时咱也要调查一下北爱尔兰人民的身份认同问题。。 ...


墨子的咸菜 发表于 2012-1-16 13:25


酥仔 发表于 2012-1-16 15:43

本帖最后由 酥仔 于 2012-1-16 15:44 编辑


细腰何在 发表于 2012-1-16 15:58


pupw 发表于 2012-1-16 16:11


导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-1-16 16:17


拜月教二当家 发表于 2012-1-16 16:18


coldwarj 发表于 2012-1-16 16:47


tigerff2009 发表于 2012-1-16 16:47


xjq63 发表于 2012-1-16 19:07


XLZ 发表于 2012-1-16 19:12


列宁在十月 发表于 2012-1-16 19:45

砍柴翁 发表于 2012-1-16 10:50 static/image/common/back.gif
夸大的言论!由于工作关系我认识的香港朋友不少!在我的耳内么听到过不认同自己是中国人的(虽然他们会有香 ...


edi102 发表于 2012-1-16 19:59

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