小明啊 发表于 2012-1-17 14:24


本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2012-1-17 14:25 编辑

Yao takes politics to new heights in China【登载媒体】路透社【来源地址】http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/sns-rt-bkn-rockets-notebooksxa79b5a1-20120116,0,2050036.story【译者】小明啊


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If getting into politics is a tall order, then Yao Ming is the right man for the job.The ex-NBA great is now a member of an advisory body to Shanghai's legislature, meaning he can create ideas for new laws in the powerful nation.Yao only retired from the NBA's Houston Rockets in July, but he's already busy in having bought and taken over the Chinese basketball team the Shanghai Sharks. He's also pursuing a degree in business management and started a wine making business.The 7'6 former force in the paint plans to make fans in his new profession with a hard-working and patient approach."Raising proposals is very serious business and I do not want to be hasty," Yao said.The eight-time NBA All-Star averaged 19 points and 9.2 rebounds per game.如果进入政坛需要高人一等,那么姚明真的是太适合这份工作了。这位前NBA球星现在是上海政协的一名常委,这意味这他可以在这个集权国家提出对法律设定的相关意见。姚明七月份刚刚从休斯顿火箭队退役,但是他仍旧忙碌着,购买并接受中国的一支叫做上海大鲨鱼的篮球队,他还要取得一个企业管理的学位,并且开展红酒业务。这个两米多的前球星现在在用他的勤奋和耐心开展自己新的事业。姚明说:“提案是一个很严肃的问题。我会认真思考、深入了解后再提。”这位曾参加过8季NBA全明星,平均分19分,每场9.2个篮板球。

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xiangyundahai 发表于 2012-1-17 19:49

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查看完整版本: 【路透社120117】姚明将中国政治推向新“高”