Ordo 发表于 2012-1-17 22:33


本帖最后由 就是要琉璃 于 2012-1-18 04:22 编辑

【原文标题】China welcomes second term for Taiwan's leader

【译    者】Ordo


【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】
                              Victorious Ma Ying-jeou celebrates his re-election aspresident on Saturday, a result welcomed by China and the US. 取得胜利的马英九周六庆祝其再次当选台湾地区领导人。这是一个被大陆和美国都欢迎的结果。

BEIJING: China has welcomed the re-election of Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou,saying the peaceful development of cross-strait relations overseen by him inthe past four years was the "correct road", while reiterating its positionagainst formal independence for Taiwan.北京:大陆欢迎台湾地区领导人马英九的连任。大陆认为,马英九在过去四年里维护两岸关系的和平发展是“正确的道路”,同时重申其立场,反对台湾正式独立。
"We sincerely hope that the Taiwan society could be stable and people live ahappy life," a spokesman for Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office said after MrMa's Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party, claimed victory on Saturday.北京台湾事务办公室的一名发言人在马英九周六宣布国民党获得了选举的胜利后表示,“我们真诚地希望台湾社会能够稳定,人民能过上幸福的生活。”
"We are willing to join hands withTaiwan's all walks of life on the basis of continuing to opposeTaiwan independence and sticking to the '1992 consensus',to break new ground for the peaceful development of the cross-strait relations."
“我们希望在继续反对台独,坚持“九二共识”的基础上,与台湾各界群众携手开创两岸关系和平发展的新局面。”The statement breaks Beijing's silence on the election.It had refrained from comment for fear of a voter backlash if it was seen to beinterfering. A fortnightly press briefing held by the Taiwan Affairs Office was"delayed" in the lead-up to the election.
这个声明打破了北京对选举的沉默。因为担心其评论被视为干扰而导致选民反弹,北京过去都避免对选举进行评论。之前每两周举行一次的国务院台湾事务办公室新闻发布会的推迟就是为了选举做准备。It highlights the tension that a win by the OppositionLeader, Tsai Ing-wen, could have caused. Dr Tsai, of the Democratic ProgressiveParty (DPP), has refused to recognise the so-called 1992 consensus, anunofficial agreement that there is only one China, but with a differentinterpretation as to who is the legitimate sovereign representative.这个声明突出了可能由反对党领导人蔡英文赢得选举而造成的紧张。民进党的蔡英文一直拒绝承认所谓的“九二共识”。这是一个承认只有一个中国的非官方协议。但是关于谁是中国合法的主权代表,双方还有着不同的解释。

Instead, she had pushed for a "Taiwan consensus" from which Taiwan woulddictate the terms of its relationship with China.

" would definitely have strained cross-straitpeace. The foundation of cross-strait stability has been the 1992 consensus andnot pursuing independence," the head of the Instituteof Taiwan Studies at Beijing Union University, Zhu Songling, said.北京联合大学台湾问题研究所主任朱松陵说,“如果蔡英文赢得选举肯定会造成当前两岸的和平关系变得紧张。两岸稳定的基础是“九二共识”,而不是追求独立。”"The DPP's position of not recognising the 1992 consensuswould have resulted in another political deadlock. It is a very goodresult for cross-strait relations."
“民进党不承认‘九二共识’的立场将导致另一个政治僵局。马英九赢得选举对于两岸关系是一个非常好的结果。”Mr Ma'sre-election is also likely to be welcome news in the US, whose main priority isstability in cross-strait relations.
马英九的连任对于美国也是一个好消息。美国优先考虑的是两岸关系的稳定。 "We share, with the Taiwan people, a profound interest inthe continuation of cross-strait peace and stability" aUS Department of State spokesman said in a congratulatory statement to Mr Ma,who won 51.6 per cent of the vote, compared to 45.6 per cent for Dr Tsai.
美国国务院发言人在祝贺马英九连任的声明中表示,“我们与台湾人民在两岸持续的和平与稳定中共享着深远的利益。”马英九赢得了51.6%的选票,蔡英文则为45.6%。Mr Ma, 61, declared his re-election a vote for peace andstability, and an endorsement of his management of the economy and relationswith China.
61岁的马英九认为他的连任代表了台湾民众盼望两岸和平稳定的心情以及民众对他的经济政策和与大陆关系的认可。"With this victory, Taiwan's people have given me theclearest message to continue on this path," he said. 他说:“台湾人民透过这次胜利给了我一个明确的信号,那就是我们要继续走和平稳定的这条道路。”Dr Tsai, 55, announced she would step down as leader ofthe DPP. In a short concession speech, she congratulated Mr Ma and apologisedto her supporters. "In respect tolosing the election, I will take full personal responsibility," she said. "I hereby announce I will stepdown as party chairwoman."
55岁的蔡英文宣布她将辞去民进党主席一职。在简短的败选讲话中,她祝贺了马英九的当选并且向她的支持者表达了歉意。她说:“我个人将承担全部的败选责任。”“我在此宣布,我将辞去民进党主席一职。Pre-election polling had shown Mr Ma to hold a marginallead over Dr Tsai, but most analysts believed the election was too close tocall.
选举前的调查显示马英九相对于蔡英文有很大的领先优势,但多数分析师认为,选举将是不分胜负的。The tight race contributed to a high voter turnout, withabout 80 per cent of Taiwan's 18 million eligible voters said to have casttheir ballots. A record number of Taiwanese living in China returned home tovote.
紧张的竞选活动产生了一个很高的投票率。台湾180万有资格的选民中约80%的受访者表示投了票。生活在大陆的台湾人今年回台湾投票的人数创造了历史。Taiwan's economy and its relations with China were thekey issues in an often fiery election campaign.
台湾的经济和与大陆的关系是激烈竞选中的一个关键问题。Under Mr Ma's administration, direct air, sea and postallinks with the mainland resumed in 2008 after a six-decade ban. His governmentalso signed 16 bilateral trade agreements. Trade with China rose by 10 per centlast year to a record $160 billion.在经历了60年的限制后,台湾与大陆在马英九的任期内(2008年)实现了“三通”。他的政府还签署了16个双边贸易协定。去年与大陆的贸易额增长了10%,达到了创纪录的1600亿美元。Mr Ma's opponents said his policies were too focused onChina. Dr Tsai seized on a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, claimingMr Ma's policies had only benefited the better-off, particularly those withdirect business ties with China.
马英九的竞争对手说,他的政策过于关注大陆。蔡英文抓住了贫富差距拉大的事实。她认为,马英九的政策只让富裕的人得到了实惠,特别是那些与大陆有直接业务关系的人。Mr Ma's policies on China have been blamed for a flow ofjobs and investment to the mainland, and for stoking property speculation,which has made housing much less affordable. 马英九对大陆的政策被指责为,使台湾的就业机会和投资机会向大陆流动,并煽动了房地产投机,这使得台湾民众买不起房子。

MacTavish_Tang 发表于 2012-1-17 22:37


醉花露〃 发表于 2012-1-18 03:30


a5156989 发表于 2012-1-18 09:41


Ordo 发表于 2012-1-18 09:52

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Ordo 发表于 2012-1-18 09:53

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漫卷西风 发表于 2012-1-18 10:09


xiangyundahai 发表于 2012-1-18 16:56


义和新团 发表于 2012-1-18 22:01

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