李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2012-1-18 16:10


Spring festival travelers in China frustrated by new online ticketing system
Beijing (CNN) -- After more than a week of visiting the train station to wait in line for tickets and leaving empty-handed, Qin Yun has given up.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
He and his wife, both migrant workers in Beijing, hoped to buy tickets that would take them more than 2,000 km (1,242 miles) home to the southwestern province of Sichuan to spend the annual Spring Festival with their parents and teenage kids.
On Monday, Qin managed to buy a train ticket for himself -- a standing-only ticket on a cramped train for more than 40 hours. It's been a year since the two of them have gone home.
"Standing is better than nothing," said Qin. "My wife isn't strong enough to stand for so long, so she'll stay behind and spend the holiday alone."
As hundreds of millions of Chinese travel home for the annual holiday as part of the world's biggest migration, it's also a struggle to buy train tickets home.
To ease people's woes, the central government this year launched a new online ticketing system to curb long lines at stations and prevent scalpers from selling them in the black market.
To incentivize online buyers, the railway ministry increased the number of train seats available through the Internet and ticket hotlines.
But the new system has caused more grief than relief.
Not only does the site crash on a regular basis, but most elderly and migrant workers -- those who often struggle to buy tickets to begin with -- find the system discriminatory, according to travelers at the Beijing station.
"It's not really fair. Most migrant workers don't know how to go online and the ticket hotline is always busy. So all we can do is come here and wait in line," said Qin, who works as a laborer in Beijing. "Maybe the railway ministry can find an easier way or a solution for migrant workers to get tickets during during the New Year."
Fueled by anger from low wages, inadequate labor conditions, a lack of access to education, health care and basic resources, migrant workers have become increasingly vocal about an ever-widening rural-urban wealth gap.
Some have even written letters to complain.
Huang Qinghong, a Wenzhou-based driver in eastern China's Zhejiang province, was rewarded by the railway ministry for his anger.
After writing an open letter to complain that the online system gave the poor less of a chance to buy tickets because they were Internet-illiterate and didn't have access to computers, Huang was given free airline tickets for his Spring festival journey to his hometown of Chonqging.
Others like Qin, who only holds a primary school education, haven't been so lucky.
"Sometimes, wealthier people have connections who can buy them tickets or computers at home, so they can go online," said Qin. "We could always buy plane tickets, but it's a financial sacrifice for migrant workers and not so realistic."
China's rail system is expected to handle 5.9 million trips a day through February 16. It's a mighty crowd that will only grow as the country's urban population is expected to reach nearly 70% over the next 20 years.
Although it is still far from perfect, China's railway officials have pledged to revamp its train ticketing system to meet the country's growing needs. In an effort to reduce the daily volume, travelers are only allowed to purchase tickets 12 days before their travel date.
But still, the online ticketing system hit 1.66 million in daily transactions during its peak period in January, surging well above its designed capacity of 1 million, the official Xinhua news agency reported last week.
A total of more than 3 billion trips are expected to be made during the 40-day Spring Festival travel period, with about 5.9 million trips expected to be made daily by rail through February 16.
For some, traveling -- even if it means standing 40 hours straight and being with family members during the most important holiday of the year -- is priceless.
"As migrant workers, we are always away from our children, so it's as if we are strangers when we go home," said Qin. "In person, we don't even converse that much because they have nothing to say to us so I wish I can spend more time with them."
                      评论:————————————————————————————1、zoosphere :I hope the situation for that large numbers of the migrant workers in China will be improved. Maybe, the city structures in China need to be changed, maybe?? 我希望在中国社会中占很大比例的外来务工人员的生存境况能够得到改善。也许,中国的城市结构需要改变了,也许吧??————————————————————————————原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
2、lnterfriend :Hope they all have a happy holiday, but the CCP, well thats another story. They've been around for too long now, it's time for a new China, a free China without the CCP! 祝福他们都能过上一个愉快的春节,但是中国GCD,嗯哼,那就另当别论了,他们已经存在太长时间,是时候迎来一个全新的中国了,一个自由的中国,一个没有GCD的中国!————————————————————————————3、biodoor So many people migrate in 10 days Spring Festival. The number reachs to more than 3 billions. It is a challenge to any goverment of the world. I sympathy with my fellows especially the migrant workers. I hipe we can change our idea to gather together at Spring Festival. We can spend the holidays in other towns.在10来天的春节里如此多的人要出行,总数超过30亿。这对世界上任何一个政府来说都是一个巨大的挑战。我很同情这些伙计们,特别是农民工兄弟。我希望我们能改变一下春节必须团聚的想法,我们可以在其他城镇度过假期。————————————————————————————4、PreppyPep:That's common in populous countries like in India or China during holiday sessions. However, I feel India is a step ahead in terms of online booking systems. In fact, IT giant TCS developed Indian railway booking system in 1988. 这种情况在人口众多的国家比如印度或中国的节假日期间是很普遍的。但是,我感觉印度在网络订票系统方面领先一步。实际上,IT巨头TCS在1988年就开发了印度的铁路订票系统。————————————————————————————5、AnthonyKovic :Two months ago I took the new Beijing-Shanghai high speed bullettrain. Bought the tickets at the ultramodernBeijing South station one hour prior to departure for approx USD 75. The train cruised at over 300 kmh and we got to Shanghai in under five hours. China can be such a land of contrasts. 两个月以前,我乘坐了京沪高铁。出发前的一小时,花费大约75美元在现代感十足的北京南站买了一张票,列车速度高达300多公里/时,不用5小时我们就抵达了上海。中国就是这么一个对比鲜明的国度。————————————————————————————6、GeeGee56 :Its very S.T.U.P.I.D thing to do by the Chinese government since migrant workers do not know how to use neither have access to the internet. Stupidity doesn't go far enough... 外来务工人员既不会用电脑,也没有电脑,所以,中国政府所做的一切蠢透了。愚蠢的政府走不远……————————————————————————————7、KaiEr69 :WOW!!!!!!!CNN has really become China's lapdog!The amount of censorship going on in this comment section is amazing.
gooner4life :Maybe CNN wants enlightened discussion amongst people rather than just trolls who have a sick obsession for deriding the Chinese people and issues relating to China. 也许CNN想要的是人们比较开明理智的讨论,而不愿意让那些对嘲笑中国人民以及中国事物有着近乎病态的迷恋的人们主导评论风气。————————————————————————————8、Guest :the chinese lunar new year is just no joy, only painful mess ( including the business there, as all have to shut down for almost 2 weeks) and doom chilly days. they should not blame on the government, it is caused by their own outdated culture, it really need "CHANGE". 中国农历新年没有任何乐趣,只有痛苦的混乱(包括工商业在内,全部必须关门两周)和灾难性的寒冷天气。他们不应该归咎于政府,这一切都是他们过时的文化造成的,这确实需要“变革”。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处

gooner4life :What does culture have to do with transportation difficulties? Is celebrating a national holiday considered an outdated practice? If so why celebrate Christmas or Easter or New year's? Btw, what 'CHANGE' do you propose? 交通困难与文化有什么关系?它们八竿子打不到一块。庆祝一个全国性的节日是过时做法?如果是,那我们为什么要庆祝圣诞节、复活节或者新年呢?顺便问一句,你到底期待什么样的“变革”?————————————————————————————9、jackfruit5 :As a tourist I once experienced traveling during the spring festival. It was a big mistake I will never repeat. So many people queing, pushing and shoving. The trains were full standing only and the restroomsspilled over at the stations. You hold your breath and get wearied and sick. It dawned on me this is what it means for a country that has a billion people作为一名游客,我曾经冒冒失失在春运期间出行过。那是一个天大的错误,我永远不会再重复一次。数不清的人挤在一起,推推搡搡。列车爆满无立锥之地,火车站的休息室里同样人满为患,你会喘不过气来,接着精疲力竭,最后虚弱得生病。就在那次,我醍醐灌顶,大彻大悟,我终于真正意识到一个拥有上亿人口的国家到底意味着什么。————————————————————————————10、22ndCentury :Google is going back to China I heard, just hand over the online ticket system and let them run.我听说谷歌要重返中国市场,那就把网络售票系统交给他们运作吧……————————————————————————————11、Dynamo05 :It's a dilemma because the capacity of the transportation is designed for normal situation for profit. I think there is no company can move 0.3 billion people in one month. Building more railways is a waste in other 11 months and only gain maintaining cost, so China is focus on the speed of the trains other than extending its railway map. 这是一个两难困境,因为铁路运输能力是以盈利为目的为正常情况设计的。我想,目前还没有公司能在1个月内运输3亿人次。如果为了这一个月的运输量建设更多的铁路,那么在其余11个月里这些线路纯属浪费,基本上只能获得一点日常维护费用,所以中国集中精力研究如何提高列车速度,而不是扩展延伸它的铁路地图。————————————————————————————12、Maxed2DT:And we complain about American transportation? 我们抱怨过美国的交通系统吗?
BottledWater :Most of us Americans are spoiled any want nothing short of instant gratification.To read such an article really opens ones eyes to the stuggles around the world. 大部分美国人都被宠坏了,任何想要的东西都能得到即时满足。读这样的文章,确实能让一个人睁开眼睛看看这个世界上其他人民为生活而奋力挣扎的状况。————————————————————————————13、cobb781:Why does LionOfNarnia keep making racist comments towards all Chinese people? I really would like to know why you hate them so much. I hope that none of the Chinese people think that you represent American values or beliefs. I equally hope that you don't think you are doing anything other than persuading people to hate Americans because of your words. It is a fact that China is a growing power in the world. It is also a fact that China is slowly changing for the better. They even allow some forms of democracy on a small scale. Why is it that you only want to see the bad? Have they offended you? Has a single Chinese person ever hurt you personally? Was some crime committed against you by the Chinese government that you are unable to forgive? I really wish you would say something positive about anything. My wife is Taiwanese and my daughter is half Taiwanese (That is historically the same thing as being Chinese), so every comment that you make personally offends me, my wife and our lovely 18 month old daughter. Could you please stop spamming your racist comments here? I know that you won't, but I thought that I should tryLion Of Narnia,你为什么不断发表对全体中国人民的种族主义言论?我真的想知道你为什么这么恨他们。我希望,不要有中国人认为你这种人代表着全体美国人民的价值观或信念。同样,我也希望,你不要觉得自己做了什么了不起的事,因为你的那些话只会让别人记恨美国人。中国在世界上越来越举足轻重,这是一个事实。中国正在慢慢朝好的方面发展,这也是一个事实。他们甚至允许一些小规模的民主形式。为什么你只想看到坏的一面?他们得罪你了吗?还是有一个中国人曾经伤害过你?又或者是中国政府对你的一些做法让你无法原谅?我真的希望你说一点积极的东西,不管它是关于什么的。
crimsonbama :Let me first say this, lion and shadow snw and his cronies are NOT american.They pretend to be american and troll on anyone they dislike, in particular the Chinese because they feel inferior and threaten by them.As American, we see the chinese struggle as I do lots and regular business and travel to different parts of China regularly.As a southern gentlemen, as I would like to call myself, some of us see China as a threat, some see it as an opportunity, some see it as a reminder of our own struggles.So don't worry about trolls like them, that's not how most educated Americans view China.Can't say for Fox news viewers but they're just not the norms.Think of it this way, they more we pay attention to you, they more important you are to us.首先让我申明一点,lion和shadow以及他的亲信都不是美国人。他们假装自己是美国人,然后攻击任何他们不喜欢的人,特别是中国人,因为他们在中国人面前感到自卑,并觉得中国人是他们的威胁。作为美国人,我们看到了中国社会的困境与挣扎,因为我经常性地到中国出差,也经常到中国不同地方旅游。作为一名南方绅士,我喜欢这样称呼自己,请别见笑,我感觉美国人当中,有些人认为中国是一个威胁,有些人认为它是一个机遇,有些人认为它是对美国本身艰难处境的一个提醒。所以,不要把像他们一样的疯子放在心上,这不能代表有教养的美国人是如何看待中国的。并不是说福克斯新闻的观众都疯癫了,但他们只是不具代表性。可以换个角度这样想,我们越是关注你,意味着你对我们而言变得越来越重要。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处

Afewwords:cobb781, the only thing I see China is slowly improving is that the people are getting smarter and smarter, they don't buy the CCP bulls..t anymore. Any other so called improvements of China you see are only for the very few, not 1.4 billion majority. Believe me, go there and live for a month, see if you can survive without being sick
cobb781:I didn't say that China is a great country! I said that they are improving. I thought this was a touching story and there wasn't need to be racist. And if you google what I said you will see the small case that I was talking about. 我没有说中国是一个伟大的国家!我只是说他们在进步。我认为这是一个感动人心的故事,不需要种族歧视掺和进来。如果你谷歌一下我所说的话,你会看到我之前谈论的那个小例子。
Afewwords:cobb781, where do you get the idea of China is slowly changing for the better? Have you lived and worked in China like 1.4 billion Chinese do? What form of democracy have you seen in China? I guess you don't know the real truth of China. Let 1.4 billion people tell you if China is getting better. The CCP is still killing innocent Chinese people everyday. Did you know they just beat somebody to dead a few weeks ago because he was representing the small village to talk to the government?
Reddfrog:Sorry, Taiwanese are not Chinese, the native Taiwanese at least, not those old people who immigrated. That said, welcome to being a rising power, where people will start hating you for whatever reason. 抱歉,台湾人不是中国人,至少台籍不是,那些移民的老人暂且不论。至于你提到的问题,那说明,作为一个正在崛起的力量,人们总是会开始恨你,不管是出于什么原因。
Maxed2DT: Don't let this bother you, there are some people in America that hate everybody. Most people ignore them and consider them as mentally challanged. 别让这个困扰你,美国总是有一些无聊的家伙讨厌每一个人。大部分人都忽视他们,并把他们归类于精神不正常。————————————————————————————14、ledda16 :I'm pretty sure you can only buy tickets 10 days in advance. I have tried ,any times standing in long lines only to be told i have to come back the next day becauseim a a too early 我非常肯定你只能提前10天购票,我尝试过,好几次排着长队一点点往前挪,却被告知“请明天再来”,因为我来得太早了。————————————————————————————15、KaiEr69 I find it strange that people complain more about the ticketing than they do the actual trip.I've found the irritation of the ticket lines (as HORRIBLE as it is) is far less worse than the trip itself.What they are not going to be writing a lot about, are the overbooked trains (both general trains and the fast trains).And do NOT let people tell you that they never overbook or sell 'no seat' tickets for fast trains... they do it all the time.(They just include the whole floor as one big "Seat".)我发现奇怪的是,人们抱怨买票难远多于实际旅途……我发现排队买票的苦恼(很可怕),远比不上乘车旅途更让人糟心。他们不会花费大量笔墨描写形容的事情就是:超载的列车(普快和特快都一样)。别对我说有人告诉你,他们从来不超载或者从不卖快车的“无座票”……因为他们一直这样干。(他们只是把整个列车地板当作一个“座位”)————————————————————————————16、knightrises:I prefer Japanese. 我更喜欢日本人。
canchi034 :raw or deep fried? 生吃还是油炸?————————————————————————————17、san21 :watch..."Last Train Home" aboutthe migration of chinese peasants during the spring festival...Its amazing documentary.....I was reminded again by this pic from the documentary 看……“最后一班回家的列车”,春节期间中国农民的大迁徙……这是令人惊叹的纪录片……我再次被这部纪录片中的一张照片提醒了……————————————————————————————原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
18、politixsuck :FML 40 hours of standing on a train. 额滴个神啊,在火车上站40个小时。————————————————————————————19、anandyadav But isn't this a problem in every country? It looks bigger because China has the largest population. Even if you go to small country like Bhutan or Nepal, you will see people struggling for transportation tickets during major festivals. And basically there is no solution other than adding extra line... 但是,这在每个国家都是一个问题吧?因为中国是世界上人口最多的国家所以看起来更严峻。即使是不丹或者尼泊尔这样的小国家,你也能看到重大节假日里人们为了出门的车票伤脑筋。基本上没有什么好的解决方案,除非增加额外的线路。

sdying213 发表于 2012-1-18 21:06

Lion Of Narnia,你为什么不断发表对全体中国人民的种族主义言论?我真的想知道你为什么这么恨他们。我希望,不要有中国人认为你这种人代表着全体美国人民的价值观或信念。同样,我也希望,你不要觉得自己做了什么了不起的事,因为你的那些话只会让别人记恨美国人。


这人看起来挺有修养和见解的。但可惜他可能只是白人中的1%吧 而且还可能被当成傻瓜和异类 绝大多数白人还是跟白痴一样自我优越 说着风凉话

义和新团 发表于 2012-1-18 21:58


yingyu0502 发表于 2012-1-19 01:41


拜月教二当家 发表于 2012-1-19 06:21

sdying213 发表于 2012-1-18 21:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Lion Of Narnia,你为什么不断发表对全体中国人民的种族主义言论?我真的想知道你为什么这么恨他们。我希望 ...


倾杯乐 发表于 2012-1-19 10:07


倾杯乐 发表于 2012-1-19 10:08

但可惜他可能只是白人中的1%吧 而且还可能被当成傻瓜和异类 绝大多数白人还是跟白痴一样自我优越 说着风凉话

海岸 发表于 2012-1-19 10:18


516265258 发表于 2012-1-19 10:42


U19 发表于 2012-1-19 10:44


银河WT 发表于 2012-1-19 10:56

铁道部脑子有病!为什么不用114?114现成的设备他不用 弄得总占线

沐霜 发表于 2012-1-19 11:51


qrjio 发表于 2012-1-19 12:52


导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-1-19 15:28

沐霜 发表于 2012-1-19 11:51 static/image/common/back.gif
当西方还在几万人面对面厮杀的时候中国已经在进行数十万甚至是上百万人的大战役了不知道西方人是如何评 ...


沐霜 发表于 2012-1-19 16:39

导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-1-19 15:28 static/image/common/back.gif


悠哉 发表于 2012-1-19 16:53


导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-1-19 18:17

沐霜 发表于 2012-1-19 16:39 static/image/common/back.gif


XGYIYI 发表于 2012-1-19 18:27


沐霜 发表于 2012-1-19 21:21

导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-1-19 18:17 static/image/common/back.gif


rainne 发表于 2012-1-20 01:58

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查看完整版本: 美国网民惊叹中国春运30亿次的超大规模人口迁徙是人间奇迹