qishima 发表于 2012-1-20 02:30

【雅虎新闻 2012/01/19】 八个选区选票丢失:桑托罗姆可能赢得了爱荷华州;罗姆尼称‘平局

本帖最后由 qishima 于 2012-1-20 02:40 编辑

【原文标题】Santorum may have won Iowa; Romney calls results 'a virtual tie'

【译者】 qishima
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Rick Santorum may have won the Iowa caucuses afterall—but we'll apparently never know.
里克. 桑托罗姆可能赢得爱荷华州预选,但显然,我们将永远不会知道。
Certified results released Thursday morning, firstreported by the Des Moines Register, show the final count ofvotes from Jan. 3's Republican presidential caucus ended with Santorum awhopping 34 votes ahead of Mitt Romney—with 29,839 votes compared to Romney's29,805.
But Republican officials told the paper that votes fromeight precincts are missing and will never certified so the party is expectedto render a "split decision." The Iowa Republican Party is expectedto make the official announcement later this morning.
Romney is already spinning the news.
In a statement emailed to reporters just after 6 a.m. ET,the former Massachusetts governor emphasized the split decision. "Theresults from Iowa caucus night revealed a virtual tie," Romney said in thestatement. "I would like to thank the Iowa Republican Party for theircareful attention to the caucus process, and we once again recognize RickSantorum for his strong performance in the state. The Iowa caucuses, withrecord turnout, were a great start to defeating President Obama in Iowa andelsewhere in the general election."
这位前马萨诸塞州州长中东部早上6点刚过,就向记者们发送电子邮件,强调平局的决定。 “来自爱荷华州初选的结果显示一个很接近的平局,”罗姆尼在声明中说。 “对于爱荷华共和党仔细关注党内选举过程,我表示感谢,我们再次认识到里克. 桑托罗姆在该州的强劲表现。爱荷华州预选,创纪录的投票率,对于在爱荷华州和其他地区的换届选举中击败奥巴马总统而言,是一个伟大的开始。“
Iowa GOP officials declined to hold a vote recountdespite the narrow gap of Romney's victory. Questions about the vote tally,however, were raised the morning after the caucuses. Edward L. True, anofficial vote counter for the Washington Wells precinct in Appanoose County,claimed the party had misreported his accounting of the votes, which would havestripped 20 votes from Romney and handed the victory to Santorum. True filed asworn affidavit two days after the caucuses affirming his count of the votes.
之前尽管罗姆尼获得了微弱的胜利,爱荷华州共和党官员拒绝举行一个重新计票。然而,关于票数的问题,预选后的第二个早晨被提了出来。爱德华L.真,Appanoose县华盛顿选区的官方计票员,声称共和党误报了他统计的选票,这将有20票从罗姆尼的手中转给胜利者桑托罗姆。真正提交的一份证词两天后肯定他的统计的选票。While addressing supporters in Laurens, S.C. onWednesday, Santorum voiced confidence in the notion that he may have won in thestate. In 2011, Santorum spent more time than any candidate in Iowa, holdingmore than 380 townhall meetings.星期三面对在劳伦斯的支持者,桑托罗姆表示了他会在该州赢的信心。在2011年,桑托罗姆在爱荷华州花了比任何候选人更多的时间,举行了超过380个市政厅会议。"We're feeling very optimistic that this idea ofinevitability of Mitt Romney as a candidate wasn't so inevitable,"Santorum said. "So much for two and 0 heading into South Carolina."
“我们感到非常乐观,候选人罗姆尼必胜的想法是不那么的必然,” 桑托罗姆说。 “这么多2比0(罗姆尼之前号称赢得了最初两个州的预选)传递到了南卡罗来纳州。”On Thursday, Santorum spokesperson Hogan Gidley told YahooNews in a statement: "We've had two early state contests with two winners- and the narrative that Governor Romney and the media have been touting of'inevitability' has been destroyed... This latest defeat of Governor Romney inIowa is just the beginning, and Rick Santorum is committed to continuing thefight as the clear, consistent conservative voice in this race."
周四,桑托罗姆发言人Hogan Gidley在一份声明中告诉雅虎新闻:“最先的两个周的竞赛产生了两位赢家--和州长罗姆尼和媒体一直吹捧的‘必胜’的故事已被摧毁... ...最近州长罗姆尼的失败只是一个开始,里克. 桑托罗姆将继续用明确的,一贯保守的声音在这场比赛中的战斗。”

·NM Reality•2 hrs 21 mins ago Report Abuse And we criticize Russia and try and tell the worldhow run their elections. What a joke.15 Replies
·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif282Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!3James S•Norfolk, Virginia•2 hrs 37 mins agoReport Abuse That's a very good question. In this day andage....how do the votes of 8 precincts just go missing??? I think a little moredigging into the problem is warranted....25 Replies这是个好问题。在现在这个年代,八个选区的选票怎么会不翼而飞?我想应该挖挖背后的黑幕了。
·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.jpg416Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!11Michael•Lima, Peru•2 hrs 47 mins ago Report Abuse Talk about a double standard! An 8-vote lead forRomney is a "big win" but a 34-point lead for Santorum is a"tie"? And weren't there votes missing from the first count?20 Replies 这就是双重标准!罗姆尼八票领先是‘巨大的胜利’,Santorum34票领先就是‘平局’。更别说第一次计票时丢失的选票了!·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.gif100Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!1Not•Dekalb, Illinois•2 hrs 30 mins ago Report Abuse Where oh where did the votes go. Where oh wherecould they be.An investigation should be started and if any wrong doing thenstart sending these guys to jail.Lost precincts,what a joke.This is a big slapto the face to the people of Iowa.2 Replies 选票去哪里了。。。选票可能跑哪去了?应该立即展开调查,如果发现有人舞弊就应该立刻把他们送进监狱。丢失选票,真搞笑。这是打爱荷华人的耳光啊。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image006.jpg354Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!9CDoyle•2 hrs 45 mins ago Report Abuse This whole process is a scam... Missing votes?This is 2012 not 1900! What a crock of bull these jokers try and put on theAmerican people... Worst of all? We let them... AGAIN!13 Replies 整个进程都是个骗局。。。选票丢了? 这是2012,不是1900年了。这些人还在胡说八道玩弄美国老百姓。最坏的情况了吗? 我们又让他们当选了!·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image007.jpg223Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!5Chris•2 hrs 44 mins ago Report Abuse As an Iowan, I am embarrassed by this result! Thisgives every impression of, at worst, something improper and at best, a completelack of disorganization. Missing precincts? Seriously!15 Replies 作为一个爱荷华人,我表示羞耻。往好了说,可能只是一些错误,往坏了说,完全在瞎搞。丢了选票?真的!·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image009.gif340Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!9Peter•2 hrs 42 mins ago Report Abuse "It's not the votes that count,
it's who counts the votes."
-- Josef Stalin13 Replies 不是选票说了算!是统计选票的人说了算!---斯大林·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.gif214Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!5.•2 hrs 16 mins ago Report Abuse We're becoming the laughing stock of the world.18 Replies 我们成了全世界的笑柄。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image009.gif264Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!7sergio•2 hrs 43 mins ago Report Abuse it's very obvious who "the powers thatbe" in this country want to win15 Replies 很明显这个国家所谓的‘掌权者’想要赢。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image011.gif81Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!1slim blue•2 hrs 23 mins ago Report Abuse America needs honest people who can count, andtell the truth.6 Replies
美国需要诚实的人统计选票,说明真相。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image005.gif176Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!5.•2 hrs 24 mins ago Report Abuse This shows how easy it is to rig a election inthis country.5 Replies 这说明在这个国家操纵选举是件很容易的事情。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image013.gif34Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!0Michele•1 hr 51 mins ago Report Abuse I think the whole thing is a sham. Why should onlya few states get to make the decision on what candidate should represent theirparty? What would be wrong about a "Super Tuesday" in which all 50states vote on the same day and have an equal voice in who their party choosesto run for office? I'm... More4 Replies 我想整个事情就是个骗局。为什么只有少数几个州就能决定哪个候选人代表他们的党?如果50州都能在‘超级星期二’同一天选举,且有同样的声音去决定谁能提名,这会有什么错呢?我。。。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image011.gif184Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!7Andre M•Annapolis, Illinois•2 hrs 45 minsago Report Abuse We've become a nation of liars.13 Replies 我们成为骗子国了。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image009.gif94Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!3K•Charlotte, North Carolina•2 hrs 2mins ago Report Abuse This is a joke! We Americans are always on ourhigh horse lecturing to the rest of the world about one man, one vote, fairnessand morality. Then we turn around and commit the same egregious acts. No wondera lot of the world gives us the side eye...embarassing.3 Replies 真是个笑话!我们经常居高临下的教育全世界人民:一人一票,公平道德。然后我们自己犯这个大错。难怪全世界都给我们白眼。。。丢人啊。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image015.gif93Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!3tonym•2 hrs 20 mins ago Report Abuse "I would like to thank the Iowa RepublicanParty for their careful attention to the caucus process..." Hilariouscomment from Romney. Results from EIGHT precincts are MISSING! Incredible.Apparently the process is too complicated for Iowa.4 Replies ‘对于爱荷华共和党仔细关注党内选举过程,我表示感谢’罗姆尼的评论太欢乐了。结果八个选区的选票不见了。难以置信!显然选举这事对爱荷华来说太复杂了!·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image017.jpg305Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!19RV•Macon, Georgia•2 hrs 56 mins ago Report Abuse 8 ahead you win! 34 behind you tie.

Romney you are good at spinning!领先8票你赢了,落后34票你平了。
罗姆尼你太能扯了。9 Replies ·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image019.gif309Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!20Lori•Woolstock, Iowa•2 hrs 49 mins ago Report Abuse I think the whole thing in Iowa was shady. It ispretty obvious the powers that be here wanted Romney to win.18 Replies 我想爱荷华发生的一切都是可疑的。很显然这里的掌权者希望罗姆尼能赢。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image011.gif191Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!12Likvidator•Sunnyvale, California•2 hrs 42 minsago Report Abuse If Rick Santorum got 34 more votes, he won Iowaand there is no any split decision6 Replies 如果里克. 桑托罗姆多得了34票,他就赢得了爱荷华,不应该有任何平局的决定。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image020.jpg176Please sign in torate!Please sign in torate!11Rod S•2 hrs 30 mins ago Report Abuse Right after the caucus when he apparently won by 8votes, he declared himself the winner. Now losing by 34 he says he tied? Comeon! I'm a republican. If he has to lie about this, he is not the man I want torepresent me.11 Replies 党内预选刚完那会他赢了8票,他宣称自己是胜利者。现在他输了34票,他说是平局?come on, 我是共和党人。如果这也要扯谎,他就不是那个能代表我的人。·file:///C:/Users/yuanyuan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image022.gif246Please sign in torate!Please sign in to rate!19Chris Harris•Boston, Massachusetts•2 hrs 45 minsago Report Abuse Sounds like Bush /Gore
What the people vote for is not relevant only what the power wants is whatgoes.
THIS IS NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY人民投票给谁,跟掌权者想谁上台没有任何关系。这再不是民主了!

Jigong 发表于 2012-1-20 02:36


昨天晚上我死了 发表于 2012-1-20 09:55


davidhuyi 发表于 2012-1-22 02:34

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