满仓 发表于 2012-1-21 09:33

【外交政策 12/01/13】我看到朝鲜的宣传片了,所以你不用看了。

【原文标题】I Watched North Korea's Propaganda Film So You Don't Have To














New footage from North Korean state TV offers a rare glimpse at the (not necessarily real) life of Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un is ready for his close-up. Hidden away from both the North Korean people and the world for the better part of a decade, he is now the star of his very own propaganda TV special, an all-you-can-eat buffet of images glorifying the newest star of the Kim dynasty.

The documentary, broadcast last week on North Korean state TV, returns obsessively to themes presumably familiar to its North Korean viewers: Kim Jong Un's ties to the mythical origins of the North Korean revolution, his physical similarity to his avuncular grandfather, and most strikingly, the military prowess of the world's youngest leader. The North Korean government is seeking to assure its own people and the world that Kim Jong Il's death does not mark a breaking point for the regime, but rather its smooth continuation from strength to strength.

Above, Kim Jong Un flaunts his equestrian bona fides. North Korea is flooded with oil paintings of his father's and grandfather's Napoleonic horse-riding exploits, reminding the people that the first family is ready and able to resume guerrilla warfare should the hated Americans or Japanese invade again.

The average age of the leadership seems to hover in the 70s -- as do the number of medals the generals wear. Here Kim Jong Un hobnobs with Gen. Kim Yong Chun (born 1936), left, his counterpart as vice chair of the National Defense Commission, and almost 50 years his senior.

Taking a page out of his father's book, Kim Jong Un apparently stays up all night studying the works of his grandfather Kim Il Sung, the country's founder and eternal president. North Koreans can rest assured, knowing that the leader keeps the lights burning in the headquarters of the revolution.

The documentary is littered with references to Kim Il Sung, sometimes shown as a fresh-faced leader before the Korean War, at other times as a friend to the army in the 1970s and 1980s. Later in the film, Kim Jong Un strikes the same pose as his grandfather (above), jovially inspecting weapons.

For North Koreans, this image symbolizes Kim Jong Un's desire for military approval and his fealty to his family's "military-first" policy, though outside observers might wonder whether the North Koreans have manufactured any tanks since the presidency of Richard Nixon.

The philosopher-king listens to music, a subject on which his father and grandfather claimed expertise. This is very important for a country that portrays itself as having the greatest socialist culture in the region. Take note, vulgar China!

Kim Jong Un manipulates a computer mouse, single-handedly surpassing both of his predecessors. His ascent has been accompanied by reams of new songs heralding North Korea's entry into the age of digital technology.

Is this the 7-year old Kim Jong Un putting a kerchief on his father? Is Kim Jong Un's successor already waiting in the wings?

This is the money shot of the entire film: Kim Jong Un wielding a sniper rifle in front of Vice Marshal Ri Yong Ho, his ostensible mentor in military affairs. The party controls the gun -- Kim is undoubtedly the dominant figure.

wang_xin2075 发表于 2012-1-21 10:11


davidhuyi 发表于 2012-1-21 10:31

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