无聊人的意志 发表于 2012-1-22 18:26


【原文作者】   Peter Ford, Staff writer 【原文链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3298326&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dtypeid%26typeid%3D259%26typeid%3D259 There were few signs that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner had any success during his visit to Beijing this month to persuade China to help pressure Tehran over its nuclear program by buying less Iranian oil.有迹象表明美国财政部长盖特纳的访华之旅成功地劝说了中国以减少进口伊朗原油的方式阻止其核计划。
                                                                                                             "China's regular demand for energy has nothing to do with the nuclear issue and it should not be affected," Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said Jan. 11, after Mr. Geithner met with top Chinese leaders.“中国对于能源的常规需求不会也不应该受到核问题的影响“外交部发言人刘为民在一月十一日,也就是盖特纳财长会见中国高层之后如是说。
China is Iran's largest oil and gas client, and Beijing has consistently played down economic sanctions as an effective way to influence Tehran, or any other government.中国式伊朗石油和天然气的最大客户,而且作为对伊制裁的抵制者持续地对德黑兰施加影响。
How much do you know about China? Take our quiz.我们的问题:你对中国了解多少?
"Few issues can be solved by sanctions," says Tao Wenzhao, a foreign-affairs analyst at the government-sponsored China Academy of Social Sciences. "We think that the correct way to resolve international issues is through negotiations."陶文昭,官办中国社会科学院的国际问题专家说“很少有问题能够通过制裁手段解决。我们认为解决国际争端的最好方式是谈判。”
But while Beijing's reluctance to go along with United States sanctions came as little surprise, at the same time there seemed equally little chance that China would increase its Iranian oil intake to help Tehran if other countries cut back their purchases.不过尽管中国只是勉强同意了联合国对伊制裁,但是它会在其他国际对伊石油禁运期间加大进口以帮助伊朗的可能性微乎其微。
The European Union has agreed in principle to an oil embargo, and US allies such as South Korea and Japan, two other major importers of Iranian oil, could also join America in pressuring Tehran.欧盟已经就对伊石油禁运达成了一致。美国及其盟友韩国,日本作为伊朗石油的主要客户也都已经加入了对伊朗施压的行列。
"China will not go all the way" to support Iran, says Willem van Kemenade, a Beijing-based expert on Sino-Iranian relations. "They are not going to confront the US in a decisive way."中国问题专家柯伟亮“中国不会不惜一切代价支持伊朗,也不会同美国争锋相对。”
Oil traders here say Beijing, which last year bought 11 percent of its oil imports from Iran, cut back on purchases this month. But this appears to be a result of a dispute over price and credit terms, as China seeks to profit from Iran's straitened circumstances by bargaining for a better deal.中国去年百分之11的石油进口来自伊朗。本月中国已经决定减少进口。当然这可能只是一种处于商业目的的考虑。中国可以借此来向伊朗提出对自己更有利的协定。
The temporary cutback, for which Beijing has compensated with emergency purchases from Vietnam, Russia, the Middle East, and Africa, does not mean that China has any sympathy for planned US sanctions, analysts here say.在暂时的减少进口后,中国的石油供应缺口以由从越南,俄国,中东,非洲的进口所填补。同时。分析家说中国对美国的制裁表示遗憾。
On New Year's Eve, President Obama signed a bill that would ban foreign financial institutions that deal with Iran's Central Bank from operating in US financial markets. That would effectively make it impossible for refiners in China to pay Iran for the oil they buy.在新年前夜。奥巴马签署了禁止与伊朗有关的今日机构在美国运营的法令。这使得中国无法在与伊朗的石油贸易中进行正常结算。
Chinese officials have repeatedly criticized the effort to make other nations follow America's lead. "To place one country's law above international law and force others to obey is not reasonable," Mr. Liu said Jan. 11.中国已经一再批评了美国试图迫使其他国家服从的手段。“将美国一国的法律强行置于其他国家是不可理喻的。”
"China is not a US ally, and it is not obliged to abide by US law," adds Dr. Tao. "This is hegemonic behavior."“中国不是美国盟友。而且没有服从美国法律的义务。”陶教授如是说。他称单品制裁为“霸权主义行为。
Chinese leaders may expect that Mr. Obama will exempt Beijing from the effects of the new bill, as he is empowered to do, on national security grounds. They may also be counting on resistance to the congressional bill from US allies such as Japan and South Korea, both of which have expressed reservations about its impact on world oil prices.中国领导层希望奥巴马因国家安全的考虑将中国看作是新法案的例外。中国同时也期待着美国盟友。日本,韩国对这项将会影响国际油价的制裁行动的阻力。
Previous congressionally mandated international sanctions have failed, Tao recalls. A 1996 bill introduced by Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R) of New York, punishing foreign companies that made energy deals with Iran, sparked such an international outcry that then-President Clinton issued a waiver to European countries.陶指出,从前通过国内立法实行国际制裁的尝试是失败的。1996年纽约州参议员德阿玛托提出的以惩罚与对伊石油贸易有关的外国公司的方案引起了国际上的强烈抗议。因而以克林顿允许欧洲国家置身事外而告终。
"I doubt very much that the stipulations of the new law can really be implemented," says Tao. "It will cause widespread opposition around the world, not just from China and Russia but from US allies, too."陶说“我非常怀疑这项新方案的有效实施。这将会引起广泛的反对。这些反对将不仅来自中国和俄国,同样来自美国的盟友。”

wzs123 发表于 2012-1-26 19:58

Gevy 发表于 2012-1-25 19:00 static/image/common/back.gif
在利比亚的外交已经让中国损失巨大,温家宝,你在位一日,中华民族损失无数一日.当然,估计李克强比你更甚 ...


原装国产 发表于 2012-1-26 22:27


猫屎一号 发表于 2012-1-26 23:11


驴驹 发表于 2012-1-28 21:26

Gevy 发表于 2012-1-25 18:51 static/image/common/back.gif
美国就是想断伊朗石油出口逼其封锁海峡使其成为众矢之敌然后动之.中国高层如非卖国就应加大进口伊朗石油.现 ...


驴驹 发表于 2012-1-28 21:29

本帖最后由 驴驹 于 2012-1-28 21:29 编辑

Gevy 发表于 2012-1-25 19:00 static/image/common/back.gif
在利比亚的外交已经让中国损失巨大,温家宝,你在位一日,中华民族损失无数一日.当然,估计李克强比你更甚 ...

驴驹 发表于 2012-1-29 14:54

Gevy 发表于 2012-1-29 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
我在这里骂,九常委都听得到.我就是要对温家宝说,你这水货,无能比无耻更令人愤怒.至于性命,动我他们死得更 ...


驴驹 发表于 2012-1-29 14:55

Gevy 发表于 2012-1-29 11:42 static/image/common/back.gif


stephenwg 发表于 2012-1-29 20:43

驴驹 发表于 2012-1-29 14:54 static/image/common/back.gif
你有何种能力?除了谩骂别人!?我说现实中你性命堪忧,只是说我遇见你可能舍命相搏。除了谩骂,希望你提 ...




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