cofy 发表于 2012-1-28 15:17


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 16:55 编辑

【中文标题】孟山都将不能在欧洲的项级种植者(法国)卖玉米种子了【原文标题】Monsanto won't sell GM corn in Europe's top grower【登载媒体】英国农业财经网站
【译者】    Cofy

Monsanto won't sell GM corn in Europe's top grower孟山都将不能在欧洲的项级种植者(法国)卖玉米种子了
Monsanto will not, for a fifth season, sell genetically modified corn seed in Europe's biggest grower of the grain, despite a ban on the product being ruled illegal, and support from some farmers itching for payback against protesters.5个理由,孟山都将不能出售转基因玉米种子给这个欧洲最大的的粮食种植。尽管这个产品禁令是被非法地管制着的,还有一些支持转基因的农场主想要抗议者赔偿。
The seed giant said on Tuesday that it will maintain a stop on sales in France, imposed since 2008, of its MON180 corn variety, one of only two biotech crops cleared for planting in the European Union.这个种子巨头在周三表示他们将在法国保持从2008年的MON180(仅有的二种欧盟特许种植的生物技术植物之一))的停售。
The decision follows protests anti-GM campaigners at Monsanto sites in France this week, and a government pledge to maintain ban MON180, even though this position has been ruled illegal by Paris and European courts.这个决定响应了抗议者本周在法国孟山都总部的反转基因活动。政府承诺保持对MON180的禁止,尽管这个决定之前被巴黎和欧洲法庭认为是非法的。
"I continue to oppose cultivation of Monsanto 810 on French soil," Bruno Le Maire, the French agriculture minister, said last week.“我继续反对在法国信封上种植孟山都的810品种”,法国农业部长布鲁诺乐马林上周表示。
A Monsanto spokesman told that the company has "many farmers who support this technology over the border in Spain", where more than 80,000 hectares was sown last year.一个孟山都发言人告诉Agrimoney.com的记者,公司已经“在西班牙边境的许多农民都支持这项技术,”超过80,000公顷在去年播种。
But if the environment was not receptive to the seed, Monsanto would not "try to chase that market". There were other countries where use of the technology was growing fast.但是如果环境不接受的这个种子,孟山都不会“试图追逐这个市场”。还有其他应用这项技术的国家在越来越多。
Farmers vs protesters农民与示威者
The decision prevents Monsanto from exploiting its monopoly, as the seller of the only biotech corn approved for growing in the EU, in the region's top grower of the grain. 这个决定防止了孟山都,作为唯一为欧盟批准种植的唯一生物技术玉米的卖方,在该地区最大的粮食种植者身上开发他的垄断专利。
French farmers typically produce nearly one-quarter of the EU corn crop, and achieved a harvest of 15.6m tonnes, out of a regional total of 64.3m tonnes, last year, on US Department of Agriculture estimates.法国农民生产几乎生产欧盟玉米产量的四分之一,去年收成15.6百万吨,而欧盟收成了64.3百万吨。这是美国农业部的估计结果。
And many had been hoping to renew seedings of MON180, of which they sowed more than 22,000 hectares in 2007, before the government ban, near four time the area a year before, if a small portion of total sowings of nearly 1.5m hectares.在政府下禁令之前,MON180已经种植在2007年种植了22,000英亩,许多人一直希望延种。这大约是一年前的四倍,这只是1百50万英亩总种植面积的很小的部分。
USDA staff stationed in Paris said in a report on Friday that, in France, it was "now possible that some biotech cotton will be planted in 2012, and its cultivation is currently legal since the lift of the ban in November and until any other ban is imposed.美国农业部驻扎在巴黎的工作人员在上周五的报告中指出,在法国,“现在可以在2012年种植一些生物技术棉花,其种植目前算人十一月禁令解除后是合法的,除非再有其它禁令。
"A number of individual farmers increasingly and publicly express their willingness to grow this product again.“很多个体农民逐渐公开表示愿意继续种植这一产品。“
"They are not only willing to take this opportunity to increase their competitiveness and the quality of their crop, but also as a symbolic action towards the groups of activists who destroyed a number of their corn… fields in the past."“他们不仅愿意借这个机会,增加他们的竞争力和作物的质量,并且作为一个象征性的行动,这些示威者破坏了他们很多的种子---以前播种的。”
Industry retreat 工业的撤退
Some French scientists have also fought the corner of GM technology, achieving coverage in leading newspapers such as Los Echos and Le Figaro.一些法国科学家也为转基因技术而努力,例如一些主要报纸如洛杉矶回声报和费加罗报的报道。
However, fears for, as yet unquantified, environmental damage from biotech crops runs high in many European countries.尽管如此,由于一些无法估算的恐惧,转基因作物的环境破坏在许多欧洲国家被高估了。
Last week, German-based BASF - the group behind the Amflora starch potato, the other GM crop cleared for production in the EU – pulled out of biotech development in Europe, relocating this business to the US.上周,德国的BASF – 一个Amflora土豆组,另一个欧盟特许的转基因作物,在欧盟撤出其转基因研究,搬迁到了美国。

cofy 发表于 2012-1-28 15:55

Monsanto Says Won't Sell GMO Maize in France in 2012U.S. biotech firm Monsanto said on Tuesday it does not plan to sell its genetically modified maize MON810 in France this year, nor after, even though the country's highest court overturned a 3-year ban in November.(孟山都表示,将不会在2012年在法国销售田转基因玉米种子美国生物技术公司孟山都周二表示,今年将不计划在法国出售转基因玉米MON810,尽管该国的最高法庭在11年推翻了3年的禁令) PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. biotech firm Monsanto said on Tuesday it does not plan to sell its genetically modified maize MON810 in France this year, nor after, even though the country's highest court overturned a 3-year ban in November.
"Monsanto considers that favorable conditions for the sale of the MON810 in France in 2012 and beyond are not in place," the company said in a statement, adding that it had told the French authorities about its intentions.
The French government said earlier this month it would uphold its ban on the insect-resistant strain of maize, despite the court's decision to annul the ban after finding that it had not produced enough evidence that Monsanto's MON810 posed a significant risk to health or the environment.
The farm ministry said France would reintroduce its moratorium on MON810 maize (corn) before spring sowings start.
Monsanto's statement follows an action by anti-GMO activists in one of its plants in southwestern France on Tuesday. They said Monsanto was about to sell MON810 to French farmers ahead of sowings whereas the U.S. firm said GMO seeds stored at some of its French plants were aimed at export markets.
Genetically modified organism (GMO) crops are widely used in countries such as the United States and Brazil but consumers in France, the EU's largest grain producer, are among the staunchest biotech skeptics.
Monsanto, which stressed that it had not sold nor tested MON810 in France since 2008, said that as long as the political climate remained unfavorable it would limit its offer to non-GMO seeds.
(Reporting by Sybille de La Hamaide; editing by Keiron Henderson)

cofy 发表于 2012-1-28 16:03

本帖最后由 cofy 于 2012-1-28 03:25 编辑





cofy 发表于 2012-1-28 16:13

GMOs stir controversy among consumers and farmers,,15513569,00.html

Monsanto has a controversial history 孟山都的历史有争议

寒铁 发表于 2012-1-28 19:19


义和新团 发表于 2012-1-28 21:25


继续战斗 发表于 2012-1-28 22:56


a5156989 发表于 2012-1-29 08:31


某程 发表于 2012-1-29 08:52


二月二 发表于 2012-1-29 09:35


火眼金睛 发表于 2012-1-29 09:42


lyycc 发表于 2012-1-29 10:48

二月二 发表于 2012-1-29 09:35 static/image/common/back.gif


二月二 发表于 2012-1-29 10:50

本帖最后由 二月二 于 2012-1-29 10:51 编辑

lyycc 发表于 2012-1-29 10:48

算了吧 修改一下吧 乱说话容易被跨省啊!

lyycc 发表于 2012-1-29 11:04

二月二 发表于 2012-1-29 10:50 static/image/common/back.gif
算了吧 修改一下吧 乱说话容易被跨省啊!




sugell 发表于 2012-1-29 12:43


戒一 发表于 2012-1-29 13:48


xjq63 发表于 2012-1-29 18:20


xjq63 发表于 2012-1-29 18:20


xieyt115 发表于 2012-1-29 21:43


cofy 发表于 2012-1-29 22:23

本帖最后由 cofy 于 2012-1-29 09:25 编辑


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