银河WT 发表于 2012-1-29 01:30

【纽约时报0105】美国要求中国对朝鲜施压 避免在过渡期激化

SEOUL, South Korea — A senior Americandiplomat on Thursday called on China to help restrain the new leadership inNorth Korea from military provocations during the transition of powerthere.      

The diplomat, Assistant Secretary of StateKurt M. Campbell, is the highest American official to visit Northeast Asiasince the death of Kim Jong-il, the longtime North Korean leader, in December.He spoke to reporters in Seoul on Thursday after meeting with the South Koreanforeign minister, Kim Sung-hwan.
这名外交官,助理国务卿Kurt M. Campbell 是自金正日、朝鲜长期的统治者12月去世以来到访东北亚的级别最高的官员,他周四在与南韩外长金宋焕会晤后回答了记者的提问。
Mr.Campbell said that when he met with China’s vice foreign minister, Cui Tiankai,and other senior officials in Beijing on Wednesday, he asked them to “consultclosely” with Washington concerning developments in North Korea.
Mr. Campbell说当他上周三会见中国外交部副部长崔天凯 及其他高级官员时他要求他们与华盛顿就朝鲜问题“密切磋商”。
“Wealso urge China to make clear the importance of restraint by the new NorthKorean leadership,” Mr. Campbell said Thursday.   
“我们还敦促中国明白要朝鲜新领导人克制的重要性” Mr. Campbell说

Although the extent of Beijing’s ability to influence North Korea isunclear, China is the North’s last major ally and trading partner.International sanctions over the North’s nuclear program and long-range missiletests have deepened North Korea’s economic dependence on China in recent years,magnifying the role China might be able to play in stabilizing the KoreanPeninsula if the power transition in the North goes awry. China was the firstcountry to endorse the new North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, the third son ofKim Jong-il.
虽然北京能影响朝鲜的程度尚不清楚,但中国是朝鲜最后的主要盟友和贸易伙伴,近年来国际上制裁朝鲜的核计划、远程导弹试验加深了朝鲜经济对中国的依赖,一旦朝鲜的权力发生偏差 放大中国的角色可以稳定朝鲜半岛,中国是第一个支持金正恩的国家

Oneof the biggest concerns in the region is that Kim Jong-un — or whoever isengineering his rapid rise to top leadership of the North’s military and otherimportant agencies of power — might initiate military provocations againstSouth Korea to help consolidate internal unity.
Mr.Kim is believed to be in his late 20s. Whether he will be able to achieve thekind of grip on power that his father had — or how the power elites mightbehave if he fails to do so — remain topics of intense speculation withpotentially grave implications for the stability of the region.
金正恩被认为在他的20多岁 他是否能够获得他的父亲的那种紧握的权利 — —或者他未能表现的如同一个政治精英一般— —仍可能是对该地区的稳定造成严重影响的主题。   
“Weunderscore the strongest possible commitment of the United States to theenduring partnership between the United States and the Republic of Korea andthe determination to be tightly aligned as we together face the new leadershiptransition in North Korea,” Mr. Campbell said, using the formal name for SouthKorea.
Heis scheduled to meet Japanese officials in Tokyo on Friday
North Korea has stepped up its harsh wordsagainst South Korea in the past week, vowing to punish the government ofPresident Lee Myung-bak for not expressing condolences over Kim Jong-il’s deathand threatening to turn South Korea’s presidential offices into a “sea offire.” Mr. Lee and the South Korean military both warned of a strong responseto any military provocation from the North.
Analysts say that the North’s military isconsiderably larger than the South’s and could do heavy damage if full-scalefighting broke out, but that it is hobbled by the country’s economic straits,making do with outdated equipment and short supplies of fuel. The South and theUnited States together would probably be able to defeat the North in afull-scale war, many experts say. The United States has 28,500 troops stationedin the South, which are seen as crucial to its defense.
分析师表示,朝鲜军队比南方的大很多,如果全面战斗爆发会起到沉重的破坏,但它由于经济困境也只是跛着脚走路,勉强能用的过时的设备和短缺的燃料供应。韩国和美国一起是可以击败朝鲜的,因此许多专家说。美国有 28,500 部队驻扎在南方对其防御是至关重要的。
Evenso, conservatives in the South call for strengthening the country’s forces.They say that the North’s longstanding intention to reunify the peninsula byforce remains unchanged, and that Seoul must make it clear to the North that amilitary provocation would be met with a strong counterattack — a turn ofevents that would worry both Washington and Beijing.
即便如此,在南方,保守派呼吁加强该国的部队。他们说朝鲜的长期打算以武力统一朝鲜半岛的意图余火未尽,首尔必须使北方明白军事挑衅将会遇到强烈反击— —形式的变化也会引起北京和华盛顿担心。
State-run media in the North have beendepicting Kim Jong-un as faithful to his father’s policy of giving the militarypriority in all aspects of society, including first claim on the country’slimited resources. In his first public action as the country’s top leader, Mr.Kim inspected the Ryu Kyong-su tank division on New Year’s Day. The unit wasthe first to enter Seoul after North Korea invaded the South in 1950, and Mr.Kim’s father often watched war games in which the unit’s tanks practiced“liberating” Seoul and other cities.
Bothin Beijing on Wednesday and in Seoul on Thursday, Mr. Campbell said the UnitedStates was committed to the preservation of peace and stability on the KoreanPeninsula.
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