lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-30 13:39


【中文标题】 在朝鲜:请关掉你的手机,否则的话……

【原文标题】North Korea: Please turn off your cell phone... or else







在朝鲜请把你的手机或者个人电子产品收起来,否则的话会很麻烦的。《每日邮报》今日报道称,朝鲜前任领导人金正日死后忌日100天内在朝鲜使用手机将被判处“战争罪”,这作为新法规的一部分。当然对于政权为何对手机使用如此焦虑原因很简单。阿拉伯之春的示威抗议以及包括占领运动的其他群众活动都是通过手机在推特和脸谱活跃起来的,并通过这种媒介传播。然而更有针对性的问题是,这种打击到底有多有效?2010年Peter Beck 写到在朝鲜一共有超过30万手机用户,这些用户都是通过埃及电信奥拉斯科姆(Orascom)公司研发的网络。去年11月路透社报道针对3G网络这个数字增长了近100万人。当时分析人士认为3G网络对政权不会有太大威胁,主要原因是政府最外界信息控制很严格。除此之外,除了少数历史网站可以对部分人开放,访问任何域名上网都有严重的限制。研究所分析师阿里山大·曼斯洛夫在一个报道中称,“朝鲜移动通信产业已经孤注一掷,朝鲜政府不付出惨痛的政治代价的话是不会像过去一样了。”当然,这样不是说朝鲜人不会尽他们最大的努力来禁止这项科技。他们早在2004年的时候就这样做了,当时一辆火车发生爆炸,官员怀疑是通过手机来控制爆炸的。对于朝鲜政权来说手机的使用仍然继续扩大到黑市上,依靠建立在中国边境的中继站来跟韩国联系。
Put your phones and personal electronics away in North Korea,or risk a messy ending.The Telegraphreported this morning that cell phone users in North Korea will be deemed "war criminals," as part of the new rules being implemented for the 100 daysof mourning following former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's death.
Of course, it's easy to see why the regime is becoming soantsy about cell phone usage. The Arab Spring protestswere energized by Twitter and Facebook via cell phones, and other massmovements including the Occupy protests were spread through this medium aswell. But the more pertinent question is, how effective will this crackdownactually be?
As Peter Beck wrotein 2010, there were over 300,000 cell phone users in North Korea, all on anetwork developed by Egyptian telecommunications firm Orascom. Reuters reportedlast November that the number has since grown to nearly a millionpeople on the 3G capable network. Analysts at the time said that thenetwork posed little of a threat to the regime, mainly because officials hadcontrolled outside information so tightly.Additionally, severe limitations on theinternet restrict access to any domain except a handful of historical sites thatare accessible to a select few people.However,as the Nautilus Institute's Alexandre Mansourov said in a report, "TheDPRK mobile communications industry has crossed the Rubicon and the NorthKorean government can no longer roll it back without paying a severe politicalprice."
Of course, its not to say that the North Koreans won't trytheir hardest to ban the technology. They did it in 2004 following the explosionof a passenger train, which officials suspected was due to a bomb controlledvia a cell phone. To the regime's chagrin, cell phone usage continued to grow in the expanding North Korean black market, with relay stations set up on the Chinese border that connected North Koreans with their counterparts in the South. 该贴已经同步到 lilyma06的微博

沐霜 发表于 2012-1-30 22:37


xing8989 发表于 2012-1-31 16:35


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