Mc大梨 发表于 2012-2-3 11:04

【路透社120203】索尼预计全年亏损29亿美元 新CEO任重道远

【原文标题】Sony sees $2.9 billion loss, new CEO warns of pain

(Reuters) - Ailing Japanese electronics giant Sony Corp warned it was heading for a bigger-than-expected $2.9 billion annual loss, presenting a daunting task for incoming CEO Kazuo Hirai, who vowed to move quickly to turn things around.

索尼预计,2011财年净亏损将达到2200亿日元(约合29亿美元),对于宣称要快速扭亏为盈的新任CEO平井一夫(Kazuo Hirai)而言,任重而道远。


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