红枣柚子茶 发表于 2012-2-8 18:32


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 17:12 编辑


【原文标题】China Needs to Change Mideast Foreign Policy: James M. Dorsey


【原文作者】James M. Dorsey   

【译      者】红枣柚子茶


China’s decision to veto a condemnation of Syria’s regime at the United Nations Security Council is just the latest signal that illustrates the need for a fundamental change in Chinese foreign policy.近期,中国在联合国安理会上否决了叙利亚决议。这是个信号,表明了中国需根本性转变对中东的外交政策。
The question is no longer whether officials in Beijing will abandon the principle of non-interference in other countries’ affairs to protect their expanding interests around the globe. The question is when.问题不再仅仅是北京的官员是否放弃他们不干涉别国事务的原则来保障他们在全球正在扩张中的利益这么简单了,要看这个问题处在什么状况。
China joined Russia in vetoing last weekend’s resolution partly for fear that backing the UN’s rebuke of a government’s brutal suppression of its people may come back to haunt China itself, given its treatment of Tibetans and of Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang autonomous region.上周末,中国联合俄罗斯否决了决议,因为担心支持联合国残酷的镇压一个国家会给本国人民带来困扰,就如在处理西藏自治区和维吾尔族的穆斯林的结果一样。
Yet China’s economic growth and associated need to secure resources increasingly have been at odds with this long-standing policy of being aloof. That’s especially true in the resource-rich region that stretches from the Atlantic coast of Africa to Central Asia and the subcontinent, much of which is now in revolt.然而,中国的经济成长和相关的需求需要更多的资源,这与长远发展的政策是不相符的。尤其是在资源丰富的地区,从非洲的大西洋海岸延伸到了中亚和次大陆,其中大部分地区在起义。
Over the past year, a series of incidents in the region have tested China’s non-interference policy, but without serious damage to the country’s image. With China’s veto of the UN resolution on Syria, Chinese determination to cling to a principle rooted in 19th-century diplomacy seems set to backfire.在过去的一年里,一系列那些地区的事件都是在考验中国的不干预政策,幸好并没国家形象产生不好的影响。随着中国对叙利亚决议的否决,中国所坚持的源于19世纪的外交原则似乎适得其反。
Painted Into Corner困难的处境
Rather than portray China as a global power that seeks good relations with all and -- unlike the U.S. -- doesn’t meddle in other countries’ affairs, last weekend’s veto of a relatively toothless condemnation of the regime in Damascus has painted China into a corner. The nation now appears to support an international pariah that brutally suppresses its people, a stance that risks roiling ties with some of China’s most important energy suppliers in the Arab League, which sponsored the defeated UN resolution.中国曾想在全世界寻求良好关系和力量,并且和美国不同,他们不干预他国的事务,但是上周对大马士革政体的否决票,让中国进入了困境。这个国家似乎以一个残酷镇压贱人民的国际贱民的立场,此番举动与中国的最重要能源供应商-阿拉伯国家联盟有着关联,而阿拉伯国国家联盟则是支持击败联合国决议的。
In Libya, China initially avoided its policy dilemma. There, the Chinese abstained from voting on a UN resolution that effectively authorized international military intervention in Libya on humanitarian grounds. Chinese diplomats then went a step further. They supported a Security Council resolution that imposed an arms embargo and other sanctions on the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, and endorsed referral of the regime’s crackdown to the International Criminal Court in the Hague.对利比亚,中国最初想要避免政策上的两难处境。现在,中国放弃了投给联合国基于人道主义层面上给予利比亚的国际军事援助的决议。中国外交的下一步是支持安理会对利比亚领导人卡扎菲政权实施武器禁令和其他制裁,赞同将对海牙地区的镇压交给国际刑事法院处理。
China cultivated relations with both Qaddafi’s embattled regime and the Benghazi-based rebels. Yet that evenhanded approach didn’t prevent the rebels from threatening a commercial boycott, particularly after they found documents purporting to show that Chinese defense companies had discussed the supply of arms with Qaddafi operatives. A Chinese Ministry of Commerce delegation visited Libya this week in a bid to recover at least some of the losses that China, Libya’s biggest foreign contractor, suffered with the evacuation last year of 35,000 workers who were servicing $18.8 billion worth of contracts.中国在和卡扎菲岌岌可危的政权培养关系的同时也和班加西的叛军建立关系。然而这看似公平的做法并不能阻止叛军对商业合作的抵制,特别是当他们发现了中国的防务公司曾与卡扎菲谈论过出口武器的事宜。这周,中国商务部的代表团访问利比亚,试图挽回中国受到的损失,哪怕比起总体来微不足道。利比亚最大的海外承包人去年遣散了35,000名工人,那些工人的背后是一张价值188亿的合同。
The Arab revolt is certain to force not only a revision of China’s policy of non-interference but also of the employment practices of Chinese companies. With new and long-standing governments in the region desperate to reduce unemployment -- a key driver of the revolts -- authorities in Libya and elsewhere are likely to demand that Chinese construction companies employ local, rather than imported, labor.阿拉伯人的反叛不仅仅是为了强迫中国改掉不干涉内政的原则,更是对中国企业的就业造成了压力。该地区政府长期以来都想尽办法解决事业问题,而此次起义的动力既是在于,利比亚当局和其他地方可能会要求中国建筑公司雇用当地劳工,而不是外来的。
Social Media Criticism社会媒体的批评
Moreover, Chinese authorities have twice in recent days come under criticism in the country’s social media for the government’s inability to protect workers abroad after 29 Chinese nationals were kidnapped by rebels in Sudan’s volatile South Kordofan province, and an additional 25 were abducted by restive Bedouin tribesmen in Egypt’s Sinai Desert. The critics charged that as a superpower, China needed to project its economic, as well as its military, muscle to stand up for those who put their lives at risk for the national good -- much like the U.S. sent Navy Seals to rescue two hostages in Somalia.此外,苏丹的29名中国工人被绑架以及25名工人在埃及被扣留事件发生后,中国政府两次受到媒体的批评被指责无能。指责的隐含意义是希望中国变得更强大,无论是经济还是军事方面,都能够站起来保护在海外为国家利益承受风险的国人,就像美国派出海军拯救了被扣留在索马里的两名人质。
Censors were quick to remove the critical messages from social media because they touched a raw nerve. A policy of winning friends economically rather than make enemies by flexing military muscle is increasingly inconsistent with China’s dislike of appearing weak and vulnerable. National pride was at stake. The dilemma sparked public debate, with official media saying China needs time to build the necessary military capability to intervene when its nationals are in jeopardy, while others argue that China’s inaction may encourage further attacks.审核人员会快速的清理掉来自媒体的批评,因为他们碰触到了一条敏感脆弱的地方。中国采用经济手段而非军事影响的方式,与其想表现出的强势想法不一致。国际声誉就是其中一条赌注。这样尴尬的处境让争论声越来越大,官方媒体认为中国需要时间来建立必要的军事系统,关键时刻实施拯救,而另一部分人则认为中国迟钝的反应会引来更多的抨击。
The need for a revised approach to the Middle East and North Africa, as well as countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan, will become increasingly clear as China boosts its investment in Central and South Asian nations before the scheduled 2014 withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, where China has secured oil and copper rights.2014年美国撤回对阿富汗的武装前,中国持续加大在中亚和南亚国家的投资,也因此,修正对中东、北美、巴基斯坦和阿富汗的外交政策也显得越发必要,并且在那时中国应确保获得了石油和铜矿的权力。
Reports that China is considering establishing military bases in Pakistan’s insurgency-plagued northwestern tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan, and a naval base in the Balochistan port city of Gwadar, could create further pressure for change. China holds the Pakistan-basedEast Turkestan Islamic Movement responsible for attacks last year in Xinjiang’s city of Kashgar. Defeating the movement is key to Chinese plans to keep regional trade and energy flowing, and the bases in Pakistan may tempt China to take on a role as local policeman.有报道称,中国已经在考虑在巴基斯坦西北部的暴动地区,靠近阿富汗的边境,建立一个军事基地,以及在俾路支省的瓜达尔港口城市建立海军基地。这样的言论也迫使中国作出改变。中国应对去年新疆以及边境地区发生的“东突伊斯兰运动”负责。击败这个运动但是也必须保持区域贸易和能量运动,而此时,中国设在巴基斯坦的基地也许不得不扮演当地警察的角色。
If it takes an event to drive a change of China’s foreign policy, Yemen may prove to be the spark. With $355 billion worth of trade with Europe and a quarter of China’s exports traveling through Bab el Mandeb -- the strait that separates Yemen from Somalia and Djibouti -- China cannot afford a collapse of law and order in Yemen. The crisis-ridden country is countering multiple threats, including an al-Qaeda insurgency after mass protests and intercommunal fighting that forced the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and paved the way for elections later this month.如果有样东西是引发中国改变外交政策的主要因素,那便是也门了。总额达到3550亿的中国四分之一的出口和欧洲的贸易往来都必需经过Bab el Mandeb,而这个地方则是将也门分成了索马里和吉布提。也门的法律和秩序如果崩溃了,中国承受不了这样的损失。也门正处于岌岌可危中,面对多重的危险,包括“基地”组织的大规模抗活动和两族间的战斗,这迫使总统阿卜杜拉辞职也为一个月后的选举铺平了道路。
Policy Breached Before违反政策前
China has breached its non-interference policy to respond to these pressures in the recent past. Its deployment of naval vessels off the coast of Somalia to counter piracy, for example, constituted the first Chinese venture of its kind.为了回应那些压力,中国违反了它的不干预政策,例如,在索马里海岸部署海军舰艇打击海盗,这是中国首次作出干涉。
But China’s status as an emerging economic superpower demands that it become a more muscular global actor to pursue its interests. Ultimately that will mean taking positions on domestic disputes and conflicts around the world that have a bearing on China’s global national-security interests, the very opposite of the stance it adopted on Syria. Similarly, China will need to maintain military bases in key regions that serve to secure Chinese demand for natural resources, and to satisfy domestic calls to ensure the safety of its nationals abroad.但是中国作为一个经济大国,使得它被要求变成更强壮,这样才能追求自己的利益。........。同样地,中国需要保持关键地区的军事基地的实力,这样才能更好的获取资源,满足国内人民的要求,保证国外侨胞的安全。
In short, China will have to use virtually the same tools employed by the U.S., shouldering the risks of a foreign policy that is interest-driven and therefore, at times, contradictory.总之,利益驱动下,中国将和美国使用几乎同样的外交工具,虽然这承当了一定的风险。
(James M. Dorsey is a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and the author of the blog, The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer.)

红枣柚子茶 发表于 2012-2-8 18:34


崎岖 发表于 2012-2-9 00:35

红枣柚子茶 发表于 2012-2-8 18:34 static/image/common/back.gif


潜水很久 发表于 2012-2-9 09:11





潜水很久 发表于 2012-2-9 09:13





潜水很久 发表于 2012-2-9 09:14





红枣柚子茶 发表于 2012-2-9 10:28

潜水很久 发表于 2012-2-9 09:14 static/image/common/back.gif
最恨外媒总是一副趾高气扬的嘴脸,带着傲慢写文章,好好说话会死啊!他以为他们现在还有什么拿得出手 ...

==刚才看到的微博新闻...~~ 啧啧~~~

沐霜 发表于 2012-2-9 12:04

外媒整天都只会说瞎话   否决联合国提议就是干涉他国内政   这什么狗屁逻辑

zhubin777 发表于 2012-2-9 18:34


bbsty21 发表于 2012-2-9 19:24

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