Mc大梨 发表于 2012-2-15 09:37

【CNN120215】苹果下“决心” 改善工厂环境

【原文标题】Apple 'determined' to improve conditions at plants in China

San Francisco (CNN) -- Apple CEO Tim Cook on Tuesday said that the world's most valuable tech company is doing everything it can to address growing concerns over working conditions at its Chinese manufacturing plants.

苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)周二为该公司海外供货商的工作环境做出辩护,并称苹果“关心每一位工人”。


永远的股民 发表于 2012-2-15 10:16


xmc24133 发表于 2012-2-15 14:48

是要改善 赚了中国那麽多人的钱 我就不知道哪里好哎 国人啊

gaihuan168 发表于 2012-2-20 09:59

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