红枣柚子茶 发表于 2012-2-15 13:35


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 16:44 编辑

【中文标题】中国与苹果公司ipad商标战升级【原文标题】 China seizes iPads as Apple trademark fight escalates            【登载媒体】纽约时报【原文作者】By Shaun Rein, CNBC.com Contributor【原文链接】 http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-china-ipad-20120214,0,6272886.storyThe confiscation of dozens of the tablet computers is the result of a complaint filed by a Chinese company that says it holds the trademark for the hot-selling device in that country. 一家中国公司向有关部门上报,称其拥有中国内地ipad的商标权,这一纸投诉使得几十台ipad被没收。
Chinese shoppers check out the iPad 2 at an Apple store in Beijing. Authorities in a northern China city have seized dozens of Apple's popular tablet computers after a Chinese company filed a complaint saying it owned the rights to the iPad name in that country.                                                (Ng Han Guan, Associated Press / February 13, 2012)这是北京的app store,顾客们正在够派ipad 2。而在中国北方的一城市,由于某家公司投诉称苹果非法使用ipad商标权,导致了该地区几十台ipad被查封。
Apple Inc.'s fight to use the iPad name in China has hit another snag after authorities seized dozens of the Apple tablet computers from store shelves in northern China.在这件事情发生后,中国与苹果公司的商标战进一步恶化。
The seizures in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province, were in response to a trademark infringement complaint filed by Chinese company Proview Technology, according to its attorney. Proview Technology, which is based in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, said it holds the trademark for the hot-selling device in China.中国唯冠公司的律师说,没收ipad的事情是发生在河北石家庄。唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司说,他们才拥有ipad在内地的商标权。
In December, a court in Shenzhen unexpectedly rejected a lawsuit in which Apple said it was the rightful owner of the iPad name.去年12月,深圳法庭拒绝了苹果公司的诉讼请求。
Since then, Proview Technology has filed complaints in 20 cities, urging authorities to prohibit the California tech giant from selling or marketing its device. The company has also filed lawsuits against Apple and retailers in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Huizhou, a city in southern Guangdong province.此后,唯冠科技公司分别在20个城市做出了投诉,督促当地官员禁止苹果公司出售ipad,同时唯冠还在上海、深圳、杭州提出了诉讼请求。
"You'll likely see more and more actions across the country," Xie Xianghui, Proview Technology's lawyer, said in a phone interview Monday. "Apple did not follow Chinese law, so we're confident the authorities will side with us."“你将国内看到更多的行动。”唯冠科技公司的谢律师在一次访问中表示,“苹果公司没有遵循中国的法律,我们有自信当局政府会站在我们这边。”
That could prove a setback for Apple, which is enjoying explosive growth in China. Last year, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook described the nation's emerging consumer market as "key" to the company's impressive earnings. So strong is demand for Apple products in China that a riot nearly erupted during the official release of the iPhone 4S in Beijing last month.这暴露了正在中国市场快速发展的苹果公司的一个相当大的缺陷。去年,苹果总裁 Tim Cook说,这个国家给公司带来的相当大的收益,它是新兴消费市场的关键所在。中国对苹果产品的需求是如此强烈,以至于上个月北京发布 iPhone 4S引起了骚乱。
The iPad seizures took place as Apple's stock broke the $500 mark for the first time, solidifying its status as the world's most valuable company with a market value of nearly $466 billion. In early 2002, Apple's stock was worth $10 per share on a split-adjusted basis. But a string of hit products — including the iPod music player, the iPhone and the iPad — has lifted the company's shares.iPad的查封发生时,苹果股票首次冲破500美元大关。股价的上涨巩固了它作为世界上最有价值公司的地位,市值将近466亿美元。
Spokespeople for Apple in China and the U.S. declined to comment on the seizures Monday.苹果的发言人拒绝就周一的封存时间做出任何评论。
Proview Technology is a subsidiary of Proview International Holdings, a Taiwanese maker of flat-screen displays whose shares trade in Hong Kong.唯冠国际控股有限公司是一家香港上市公司,由台湾人创立。深圳唯冠既是其子公司。
Proview International registered trademarks for the name IPAD in Europe, Mexico, China and other parts of Asia starting in 2000. The plan was to launch its own hand-held tablet, but that proved unsuccessful.唯冠国际控股有限公司从2000年开始便陆续在多个国家注册 IPAD这个名字,包括欧洲、墨西哥、中国和亚洲大部分国家。他们原本计划推出自己的平板产品,最终没有成功。
Proview International instead chose to sell the IPAD trademark to a company linked to Apple for $55,000 in 2006. Apple thought that included the rights to China, but that trademark was still in the hands of Proview Technology.2006年,唯冠国际没有选择以55,000美元的价格出售 IPAD商标给苹果公司。苹果公司认为交易的不仅是商标应该包括在中国使用的权力,但商标权仍然在唯冠手里。The hope was that Apple would pay a significant sum for the trademark to help dig Proview Technology out of its debt.唯冠国际希望的是,以IPAD商标权作为交换,苹果帮助他们偿还债务。Filings with Hong Kong's stock exchange in 2010 showed the company's chairman, Yang Rongshan, had filed for bankruptcy and owed creditors more than $500 million.2010年香港联交所显示,该公司董事长杨先生已申请破产并且欠债权人最少500万美元。
"Apple is not willing to talk with us anymore," said Xie, the company's attorney. "That's why we feel we have to turn to all these tactics to fight for our rights."唯冠的谢律师说,“苹果公司不再想和我们做任何沟通,这也是我们为什么决定提出上诉等手段来争取我们的权力。”
It remains to be seen whether more local Chinese authorities will side with Proview Technology. Xie said a district in western Beijing (which houses one of the two official Apple stores in the city) had initially agreed to fine Apple about $39 million. But the penalty was suspended pending Apple's appeal of the Shenzhen court's decision.中国地方当局是否将站在唯冠科技一边,这仍有待商榷。但谢律师说,北京西城区(有两家苹果官方商店)的相关部门初步同意罚款苹果约39亿美元。但是因为苹果公司向深圳法院的判决提出上诉,罚款也暂被延后。
Xie said he confirmed with officials at Shijiazhuang's Administration for Industry and Commerce that the iPad seizures were the result of his client's complaint. News of the crackdown was first reported in the Hebei Youth Daily on Monday.谢说,他已经向石家庄工商行政管理局的官员证实,多部 iPad的查扣是因为他的客户的投诉。这些被镇压的消息最早在周一由“河北青年报”报道。
An official at Shijiazhuang's Administration for Industry and Commerce declined to comment.石家庄工商行政管理局的一位官员拒绝回应此事。
At least one store owner in Shijiazhuang said he was nervous about being sued and hoped to sell his remaining dozen iPads quickly.至少有一家石家庄店的老板说,他很担心自己被起诉,希望余下的十几台IPAD能够尽快卖出去。
"Other stores have already taken them off the shelves," said a manager at Taihe Electronics City who gave only his surname, Zhang. "After we've sold all of them we won't be selling any more iPads."“其他商店已经将ipad下架了”太和电子城的张经理说,“我们出售了这些余货后,不会再出售更多ipad。”

lilyma06 发表于 2012-2-15 14:22


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