妇科主任 发表于 2012-2-19 20:46



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:穆应名+Michael 转载请注明出处
A top US intelligence official on Wednesdaysaid that the Indian Army is strengthening itself for a "limitedconflict" with China.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:穆应名+Michael 转载请注明出处
WASHINGTON: Noting that India isincreasingly getting concerned about China's posture on its border, a top USintelligence official on Wednesday said that the Indian Army is strengtheningitself for a "limited conflict" with China.
"Despite public statements intended todownplay tensions between India and China, we judge that India is increasinglyconcerned about China's posture along their disputed border and Beijing'sperceived aggressive posture in the Indian Ocean and Asia-Pacific region,"director of national intelligence James Clapper said in his prepared testimonybefore the Senate Select Committee on intelligence.
"The Indian Army believes a majorSino-Indian conflict is not imminent, but the Indian military is strengtheningits forces in preparation to fight a limited conflict along the disputedborder, and is working to balance Chinese power projection in the IndianOcean," he said.
India, Clapper said, has expressed supportfor a strong US military posture in East Asia and US engagement in Asia. Hesaid China in 2011 appeared to temper the assertive behavior that characterisedits foreign policy the year before, but the internal and external drivers ofthat behavior persist.
"Moreover, although Chinese leadershave affirmed their commitment to a peaceful and pragmatic foreign policy - andespecially to stable relations with China's neighbours and the rest of theworld - Beijing may take actions contrary to that goal if it perceives thatChina's sovereignty or national security is being seriously challenged,"he said.
Many of Beijing's military capability goalshave now been realised, resulting in impressive military might.
Other goals remain longer term, but theChinese army is receiving the funding and political support to transform itinto a fully modern force, capable of sustained operations in Asia and beyond,he said.

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Dev (Australia)
13 mins ago (04:52 PM)
" India preparing for major cityimprovements..rubbish on street, rising population, slums, choking traffic etcto become thing of past ! " ..I wish I could read such headlines on TOItoo .
我在TOI《印度时报》的头条上希望能看到:印度正准备对 城市垃圾、人口爆炸、贫民窟、交通阻塞等问题加以改进。
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Ajay (chennai)
20 mins ago (04:45 PM)
Best thing that can happen to US is a India china war. And the best thing india and china can do ignore US warning and continue theconquer the world not by war but by ecnomic growth .
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BVIJAY (mumbai)
24 mins ago (04:41 PM)
China is most unpredicatable and brute force in theworld. We can see how they occupied Tibet and the attcked India for reason.China is ruthless but our Leaders are hopless and Cowards. We have Rahul,Sonia, Lallo, Mulayams who are more involved in Minority appeasement and do nothave nationla interest in mind. Powerr is everythig for these greedys. Thepeople need to throw tham out of the political relevance
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action india (delhi) replies to BVIJAY
6 mins ago (04:59 PM)
your aka, the greatest BJP warriors handed overterrorists on platter to pakistanis. why do u feel shame to name them? whoappeased whom?

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VK (Gurgaon)
24 mins ago (04:41 PM)
What does this article convey to fellow indians....??
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LD Bhatia (Delhi)
26 mins ago (04:39 PM)
India and China have become te biggest tradingpartners but the advantage lies with China as it exports more goods to Indiathan impors from it. But almost all the defence experts agree that China wouldnot leave India in peace as far as economic progress is concer- ned. Chinawould never, never solve the border dispute with India so that India may haveto spend money on its defence preparedness. China is encircling India more andmore. So we have to remain on our guard all the time. One should keep one'spowder dry is an old adage In the world of today, limited conflicts escapteinto unlimited ones in no time. The best strategy for India would be to fosterclosest possible relations with Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam and other neighbouring countriesof China. China's hegemony is not being relished much less liked by thesecountries. This is the only way India can safeguard its borders and interests.
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Nalin Tikoo (New Delhi, India)
27 mins ago (04:38 PM)
If we start today also we will take minimum 4 yearsto match them as of now, imagine where they will be.....the guards and soldiersfrom Chinese side laugh on the soldiers India side on infrastructure India hason border. our politicians just interested in looting India.
ravi (gou) replies to Nalin Tikoo
20 mins ago (04:45 PM)
Then its our responsible to save our country

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dada Bhalo (Kolkata)
33 mins ago (04:32 PM)
Any conflict with China will be bluder for india. Forhis investment and development. And China will defeat India.. so don't betrapped with USA master plan. India has to rely on his own plan.
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Vilas (Indi) replies to dada Bhalo
12 mins ago (04:53 PM)
A communist will always take China side like Islamistwill be always hating India
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Radha (BNG)
37 mins ago (04:28 PM)
Did India ever make any comment about US borderssituation?. Why US can't give up this ugly attitude of peeping into otherscountry and their matters.
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Peacelover (Peacefulworld)
38 mins ago (04:27 PM)
Aa chal ke tujhe mein leke chalun...ik aise gagan ketale..jahan gum bhi na ho, aansoo bhi na ho...bus pyar hi pyar pale...may peaceprevail everywhere...Amen!!
Rajesh Khanna (Chennai(Madras), India)
38 mins ago (04:27 PM)
US intel chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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42 mins ago (04:23 PM)
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mental (breakdown)
43 mins ago (04:22 PM)
lets become anti plastic and anti chinese imports andthen anti US imports and then anti fake gandhini, War mongerism is USA game.Eat grapes grown in India now!
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skk46 (Canada)
44 mins ago (04:21 PM)
India is more likely to be destroyed by corruptionand its own political paralysis by the feuding polical parties working fortheir own economic benefits than the country. India need not be attacked byChina or Pakistan, as it is on its own self-destruction path.
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M Bakre (Bangalore)
45 mins ago (04:20 PM)
We may be putting too much faith in the US intelassessment of India's preparedness (or even lack of it). In a prelude for war,each side makes assumptions on the intentions and capabilities as well asconsequences of a war on both the economies and peoples. Both China and Indiaare home to billions, no longer millions, of peoples. They need to think ofgive and take in boundary questions aching their heads, and keep working forlessening the miseries of suffering sections in their countries even whilemaking economic progress with fuller employment. Compred to India, China isregimented, nay strict, and it has become a habit for India's pseudo-thinkers,aping their Western counterparts, to cite it as reason for China's highlyaccelerated progress. Chinese progress derives from the Chinese' pride in theirhistory and culture, and unity and sense of nation above individual. Again,compared to India, China is less given to corruption especially the rulers, anddefence of it. This is not to despise India, which amounts to self-contempt,but certainly centuries of disunity resulting in our subjugation by foreignershas not been unlearnt by us even after Independence. All that still does notmaintain that military strength is to be neglected. Military is a great avenuefor employment and testing field for the valour in valorous among us. In moderntimes, economic progress for large countries is easier when our own militaryresearch and technology and production are nurtured duly. Question is, are wedoing that ? We must succumb to the temptation to reduce this comprehensiveissue to mere imports of aircraft involving bids and evaluations, preceding.............. and purchase deals.
Mohan Bhalla (Bglr.) replies to M Bakre
32 mins ago (04:33 PM)
"certainly centuries of disunity resulting inour subjugation by foreigners has not been unlearnt by us even afterIndependence. " TRUTH IS, MULTIPART DEMOCRACY CANNOT WORK FOR A HUMONGOUSPOPULATION LIKE OURS, AND IT HAS ON THE CONTRARY MULTIPLIED OUR DISUNITYHUNDREDFOLD.Pls. ponder with due earnestness.
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Mohan (Pune)
48 mins ago (04:17 PM)
With democratic aspirations growing inside China, theCommunist party has to divert attention of people. In addition fundamentalistMuslims in certain provinces are indulging in a covert war with theestablishment. So it is imperative for the aspiring super power to flex itsmuscles. Indian foreign policy and defence strategy are in disarray due to anon performing Congress Govt. It is always busy fighting the war of corruptioninside and outside the cabinet. Incase of a war with well equipped and trainedChinese, what will be our fate?
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Ravi (mumbai)
51 mins ago (04:14 PM)
India will loose a war like the 1962 war - we arefull of kafan chors
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Prakash (Bhopal)
51 mins ago (04:14 PM)
China must remember one thing that Nehru is not nowPM to talk and walk absured. Much water has flown under the bridge. China mustlibrate Tibate to improve reletions with Neighbor

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bhupen_rec (Belgium) replies to Prakash
24 mins ago (04:41 PM)
chintaa kahe bhaiyaa .... Soniya aur Manmohan ji hainaa .. he dont even talk .. ...

Ed H (PA)
2 hrs ago (05:36 AM)
The Dalai Lama spoke with TOI today on other matters, but it reminds me of the fact that China is very busy digesting Tibet. Ethnic Han are encouraged to migrate to Tibet, and development of resources is a high priority. For instance, we all love computers and phones, but the lithium in the batteries is mainly found in the mountains of Tibet and Afghanistan. So whenever the Dalai Lama comes to the US the Chinese government makes noises. I am certain they have observers watching his house in India no less! Any comments regarding Tibet are taken as seriously as those about Taiwan. If the people in Tibet were to demand more autonomy, what would people in India say or do? Then of course the Chinese are also somewhat discontent with their northern border as well. The 1916 treaty that established the present Russian frontier were done at a time when China had a very weak government. I've seen Chinese commentaries over the years that the treaty was coercive and therefore should be challenged. Who would India support in such a debate? Then of course there is the small matter of water and global climate change. I sincerely hope there will be enough water coming from Tibetan snowpack for everyone, but there has been a long drought in China. They have a very expensive canal taking water from the south to the dry north. Does anyone think India and Pakistan might find common cause in an argument with China over decreasing Himilayan water? Thinking carefully about answers to hypothetical questions like these is a good way to plan ahead so future responses are reasonable not reactionary.

Sachin (Pune)
3 hrs ago (04:06 AM)
and how are the preparing for the conflict ? may be army have their running shoes on, so that they can run faster.. that's what is preparedness for india in case we get into a conflict with china !! we stand no chance
Kumar (Malaysia)
8 hrs ago (11:05 PM)
This is really scary. I just learned that the Indian masses are the easiest people to be shaped and influenced by the mass media.
RN (Switzerland)
10 hrs ago (09:26 PM)
While appreciating the high discipline, professionalism and morale of the Indian armed forces and regreting the lapses of many Indian politicians, it is good for India, its armed forces and government that the defence forces are under civilian authority. The negative alternative is to find across the western border of India - the failed state of Pakistan where the army took the upper hand and as a result of which Pakistan has become a nuisance and pain in the neck for both for the Pakistanis and the people of the world.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:穆应名+Michael 转载请注明出处
Jacob (India)
10 hrs ago (09:09 PM)
The Chinese are deceptive and cunning, they say one thing but do another, China has land/sea border disputes with all its neighbors, including Mongolia parts of which they have annexed, Russia they settled as they cannot confront the Russians, they have disputes with Japan, Vietnam, Phillipines, not to mention India with Arunachal Pradesh, and last but not least forced annexation of Tibet. Its about time all Asian nations came together to confront China on its predatory nature.
Mostafa (Dhaka) replies to Khurram Shehzad
39 mins ago (06:59 AM)
Dear all, After reading all of your correspondence,it reminds me,we are living in pre sixties,when Internet was not there. Let's not fight on word but to improve South Asia by hard working. Let's chose competent leader who has vision and can build a strong south Asia. Here India has a big role to play. Mr Barua is right. Indian north east part are very neglected. Let's start feel they are your brother and we south Asian can be your partner including Pakistan. You can change all of your eminities but not neighbor. The modern nation state theory is not very old,not even 100 years so you never know what will be the boarder of future state! May be planet would be the only country in future. Our common enemy is poverty,ignorance and arrogance. So let's all work for this planet and it's mankind not for a particular state. Regards to all
各位好,在看了你们的帖子后,我想 就当我们生活在上世纪60年代,还没有因特网,我们不必在这里舌战,我们应当为建设富强的南亚努力工作,我们应当选举有进取心的领导,他能带领我们走向富强,印度在南亚发展中占有主导地位。印度的东北部确实被忽视了,我们要给那里的人们更多的关爱,使他们感到民族大家庭的温暖,我们也要与巴基斯坦搞好关系,你能改变很多事但不能改变邻居,现代国家理论格局建立并不太久,不过100年。因此不知道将来的国家边界是什么样。也许一个行星就是一个国家,我们的共同敌人是贫穷,愚昧与傲慢。因此让我们都为了我们的地球而战,为全为类而战,而不是某个国家,拜托了!
john johnson (Dubai)
14 hrs ago (04:47 PM)
After the Indian independence- china staged one sided war with India & captured thousands of sq km of Indian territory is called Tibet. The Chinese force frequently shifting the boarder fencing in arunachel predesh. Chinees hidden agenda /think tank planning to split India in to the different parts. Created terrorist group called mavaoist and destroyed communal harmony of India and fighting against Indian elected Govt and people of India. Chaineese planned to attack India therefore they constructed naval port in Srilanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. They developed there navy and deploying in to Indian Ocean. They claiming for Himachel predesh, Sikkim, Assam and part of Kashmir are there territory. They deployed military and constructing bunkers and building in Pakistan occupied Kashmir for military installations. Several thousand missiles deployed in the boarder with India. They producing Indian made duplicate medicine and distributing to Africa and Asia. Pakistan is producing Indian currency blessing of china and distributing. All they want see disabled India. Therefore our fighting and defending capacity to be increased to counter this challenges form the neighboring countries. The above is real threat to our nation. War with china is not advisable in this situation diplomatic dealing and discussion to resolve the issue is sutable for both nation.
印度刚独立,中国就发动一场战争把从属于印度的西藏夺走了。中国军队在arunachel predesh 经常移动界碑。中国的智库积极策划分裂印度,支持恐怖主义组织mavaoist ,破坏印度的和谐,与印度民选政府及印度人民为敌。为了进攻印度,中国在斯里兰卡,巴基斯坦,缅甸及孟加拉国建立了军港。中国向印度洋派出军舰。中国对印度领土Himachel predesh, Sikkim, Assam及部分克什米尔主张领土主权。他们在巴控克什米尔部署军队,建设燃料库和建筑物等军事设施。在边界部署几千枚导弹。他们仿造印度标志的药品销售到非洲与亚洲。巴基斯坦制造印度假币讨好中国。他们就是要看到印度的灾祸。因此我们要加强军事力量以反击这样的邻国。他们的所作所为确实对我国造成威胁。当然不一定要打仗,外交与谈判是最佳选择。
RN (Switzerland) replies to john johnson
9 hrs ago (10:12 PM)
John: well done! The only aim of China-Pakistan axis is to subvert India. They do not want India to succeed as a secular, pluralistic democracy. India's success would be a defeat for the totalitarian China and the radical islamic republic of Pakistan.
说得好,john ,中巴轴心本质是就是要搞垮印度,他们不希望印度成为一个民主国家,印度的成功对极权的中国和激进的巴基斯坦来说是一种失败。
sarathi (bangalore)
19 hrs ago (12:20 PM)
Chinese people are hardworking . i have great repect for my chinese brothers. India should follow china when it comes to development. China would have always supported India . I will blame congress for making McMohan line along with britishers without consulting china . Also congress have avoided china and was always going behind west . Let us not forget that china gave back all POW and equipments to India after war . China even had man power to reach delhi but they never done it . Congress govt in india is reason for all the confusion. Tomorrow if any major earth quake happen in india or china..first help will be recived from each other . Let us make sure peopel who like war dont distroy the peace and cultural relationship we carry . China and India are both ancinet civilization which believed in mutual repect of people.When you talk about Tibet ..Tibet have almost most advanced road in most difficult mountain terrain . Do you think we indians or Tibetians can ever built such roads . China also have never stopped or forced people to change from budhism. Indian media should stop creating tension between both countries. Since both countries are Nucleor Powered we should not think about war. we should fight together against western powers who always want to see the asians live poor so that they can sell their goods here. We indians make fun of chian saying they make duplicates but we does not even have technology to make duplicates . We are all slaves of western power. i will blame nehru and congress for this.
longlake (Beijing) replies to sarathi
11 hrs ago (08:07 PM)
This is most sincere and honest post I have ever seen here, if India have this attitude then China and India will have peace and start doing bussiness in the south Asia and make it the most developed place on earth, the potential bussiness oppertunities are unimaginable, this will benefit both of China and India for many generations.
Tyagi (Chandigarh) replies to longlake
4 hrs ago (03:05 AM)
Hello, I welcome you here, Chinese friend. All I'd say right now is I see no Indian here in India who wants war with China or thinks China wants to attack India. If such a scenario happens, China and India would be in some other age and the West would be laughing. China and India need trade, people to people interactions. What state in China are you from? I keep reading about it every now n then n hope to visit sometime to see diversity, culture and a large variety of topography. Regards
Amartya Sinha (Kolkata) replies to sarathi
16 hrs ago (02:55 PM)
It seems that you are a full fledged traitor. Communist terrorists like you should be thrown under the wheels of a bus. America's military might is well known to the whole world. America can blow up 20 Chinas as of 2012 with her unimaginable military might. India will always be a permanent friend of America. We are democracies after all. We are not uncivilised psychopath wild communists like you or your Chinese step-brothers. So mind your language. Go and live in Beijing or Pyongyang. Double faced traitors and betrayers like you don't deserve to live in a civilised nation like India. Go to China asap. Or tomorrow if some sensible govt comes to power in New Delhi, you will be forcibly extradited to China/North Korea. Go and find some mental rehab (to live) in Shanghai. Jai Hind
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:穆应名+Michael 转载请注明出处
Murtaza Rangwalla (Mumbai) replies to Amartya Sinha
11 hrs ago (08:15 PM)
How is America all of a sudden permanant friend of china, where as the indian Armed Forces are armed by Russian weapons which is also a communist nation, America cannot fight the Iraqis or the Afghni Talibans & are now planning to sneak away secretly after being defeated, America is afraid to blow up North korea how can it blow up China & stop talking about democracy both America & india are democratic for the rich & powerful not the poors & weak, Russian can be trusted but Never Americans the day their work is over they will leave India to fend for itself, we have seen so many countries America has ditched Vietnam, Lebanon, Panama, Iraq & now Afghanistan, so beware of these Yankees.
Tyagi (Chandigarh) replies to Murtaza Rangwalla
4 hrs ago (02:57 AM)
Fully agreed on all points. Precise and pretty much sums it all. Just one correction please: Russia is not communist, Soviet Union was and so was the Russian S.S.R. within Soviet Union. Regards
Desh Bhakt (India) replies to Murtaza Rangwalla
7 hrs ago (12:30 AM)
Is it your terorist religion speaking? Do not forget the same Afgans(Taliban) also diched Russians in 1980. For India the biggest enemy is our own double faced citizens, who work for the vested interest of other countries. Jai Hind
Tyagi (Chandigarh) replies to Desh Bhakt
4 hrs ago (02:52 AM)
Let me tell you something, Mr Know it all. I am a Brahmin but I follow no religion. Having said that, I'd say that you have behaved in the most vile manner with a PATRIOT. You have no knowledge about anything at all. You do remember the names of a few nations though. You're the first idiot I have seen who says Taliban ditched Russians in 1980. Taliban were not created by then, Mujahideen created by CIA n ISI fought against who? Russians in 1980? No! There was no independent nation called RUSSIA in 1980. It was the Soviet Union also known as U.S.S.R. What does the word "ditched" mean? Can I say that if you were never friends with a person, you ditched him or vice versa? You severely lack in: 1). Historical Knowledge 2).Common English words 3).Belief in peaceful living 4).Respect for other Indians. If such kinds are Desh Bhakt, who needs Desh Drohis? Hind Zindabad
看来我得教你点什么了,我是婆罗门,不信教。告诉你这些后我还要对你说,你以一种邪恶的方式表达你的爱国情调。Murtaza 关心印度事务,你不懂任何事,你连国家的名字也搞不清,你是我见到的第一个傻瓜说塔利班在1980年背离俄罗斯,实际上那时还没有塔利班。圣战者是由中情局资助的,用来在1980年抗击俄罗斯?不对吧,那时还没有俄罗斯这个国家。入侵阿富汗的是前苏联。你知道这个词“ditched”是什么意思吗?如果你从来就没有朋友,是否我可以说你丢弃了你的朋友或者反过来?你在这些方面有欠缺:
历史知识。2,普通英语词汇。3,对和平生活的向往。4,对同胞的尊重。如果desh bhakt 就是这样的素质,谁还跟他们打交道。
Murtaza Rangwalla replies to Desh Bhakt
5 hrs ago (02:11 AM)
Get your history right Mr Desh Bhakt their were no talibans in 1980 they were mujahids created by these terrorist America to fight with the russians so how can the Mujahids who were the enemies of russia ditch russia it was the americans who ditched mujahidins once russia was defeated & soviet union broke up so thats why i am asking Indians to be aware of these christian american terrorist if once india gets into trouble with china the coward terrorist americans will flee away leaving india in trouble waters
Tyagi (Chandigarh) replies to Murtaza Rangwalla
4 hrs ago (02:55 AM)
Hey Murtaza, I have given him a piece of his mind. He has no knowledge about anything. I wonder if he knows what is the difference between Russia and Soviet Union. His id may be Desh Bhakt but there's another that suits him more: Desh Drohi. Regards
我已经指出了他的一些缺憾,他什么也不知道,我甚至怀疑他是不是能区别俄罗斯与苏联。他的智商就是desh bhakt,但是这里有另一个人比他还无知,他是desh drohi 。
Joseph C (Singapore)
21 hrs ago (09:51 AM)
I have been to India and China many times on business, and I know many Indians and Chinese who have visited the other country. It is a fact, when a Chinese visits India for the first time, when they go back, they are surprised how can such a poor country be a threat to China. When an Indian visits China for the first time, they go back saying "wow, awesome, how can we even dream of tackling such a powerful nation". This is based on my personal observations of many such discussions. I suggest anybody who can afford it, just buy a ticket to China and spend 2 days in Beijing and 2 days in Shanghai. Then come back and post about your experience. I can guarantee you,your opinion of China will change.
Chinese threat (Beijing") replies to Joseph C
20 hrs ago (11:33 AM)
No need to travel in China.A common India can find a true China by Google earth.Unfortunately,most Indians are poor and low-IQ.More Unfortunately,they are also lazy. Guizhou is the most poor province in China.If an Indian is studious,he can find millions fresh photos of Guizhou in Google earth. Can a POOR,FOOLISH AND LAZY nation be a rival of China? HAHAHAHA.
不需要到中国旅行,普通印度人可以在google 上看到真正的中国,不幸的是,大多数印度人很穷,智商也不高,另外他们还很懒,中国最穷的省是贵州,一个爱学的印度人可以在google 上找到好多贵州的美景。一个又穷,又傻,又懒的国家哪敢与中国为敌。
Hallam (Chinkyland) replies to Chinese threat
19 hrs ago (12:15 PM)
Two or three cities in China are advanced. Chinese Commie Party rules the people with an iron fist. You, Chinese Threat, think a bit as to what has been done to your people by the ruling class. First Mao chododed you and the current rulers are chodoing you. You are the one with low IQ dog-shit eating turd.
Sam I am (Northern Hemisphere) replies to Joseph C
20 hrs ago (11:10 AM)
Well Beijing and Shanghai does NOT represent entire China. Just because these two cities are impressive does not mean entire China is like that. So I disagree with your statements. China has several territorial challenges, only handful of people have become wealthy and there is a rapidly growing number of dissidents. One of my Chinese Co-Workers is scared of visiting China since he fears that Chinese Govt may not allow him to come back as he is well qualified and they might find him useful "to serve the country". Have you ever felt it this way when you come back to India from foreign land?
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God (USA) replies to Joseph C
20 hrs ago (10:41 AM)
In the age of nuclear weapons nothing else matters except few nuclear war heads. Real strength is not measured by power or money or bravery of people anymore. Of course if both sides are nuclear powered none wins except damage to both sides, so the point is no one fights anymore. If 5 feet Chinese have strong head on their shoulders they will definitely decide not to fight.
longlake (Beijing)
22 hrs ago (09:10 AM)
After read most of the comments here, All I can say is, no wonder your master says your average IQ is only 85. Day dreaming, arrogance, ignorance... india is such a poor country can't even feed its people, and you guys still talk about Fighting a War with China, with what? empty belly, weapons made in 1930? solider still using world war II rifle, everything imported, zero Olympic medals. india is like the gutter of the world, why would China want to attach India, what would China gain? nothing, india have nothing valuable except, million millions of slum dogs. Indians please clean up your country, stop dumping dead bodies in the river, don't drink it, don't wash with it, it will spread disease to the world, stop peeping pooping on the side of the street, stop wiping a55 hole with hand, no one want to shake hand with you. please clean up yourself, have some class, no wonder your master gave up, they couldn't take it any more.
European (Europe)
02 Feb, 2012 07:28 AM
Some people in this reader’s column (e.g. Kabir below) pretend to be experts on macro economics and military matters. But have no idea about history either. How did India under the leadership of Mohandas Gandhi (Mahatma) bring down the then mighty British empire? Only a pakistani - licking the chinese boots - will praise china; thriving on slave labour, manipulated currency, and cheating on WTO and other international understandings. I know many Indians here who consistently avoid chinese goods and even restaurants. Why? Because they were school boys in India in 1962, sang India-china bhai bhai. The trauma of chinese back-stabbing still remains!

chidun 发表于 2012-2-19 21:18


妇科主任 发表于 2012-2-19 21:42

chidun 发表于 2012-2-19 21:18 static/image/common/back.gif


喜欢峄山 发表于 2012-2-19 21:55


yingyu0502 发表于 2012-2-19 23:32



砍柴翁 发表于 2012-2-22 10:29


鎖傦上啲蝴蝶 发表于 2012-2-24 00:29


zfyfyz 发表于 2012-2-24 09:20

造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣 造谣;P
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