lilyma06 发表于 2012-2-22 16:18


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 13:41 编辑


【原文标题】Vladimir Putin is spoofed on the Internet



【译      者】lilyma06


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【译    文】普京及其总统竞选活动引发了网上网友的恶搞活动。普京发言人称这些这些“肮脏的攻击”不会激怒俄罗斯的领导人。
俄罗斯著名的演员、作家、导演、音乐人参加录制的视频都表达了一个核心思想:“为何我要投票给普京。”小提琴家Yuri Bashmet将俄罗斯领导人普京与伟大的小提琴制造商Antonio Stradivari做对比,说他的“黄金时代还未到来。”
俄罗斯著名演员Oleg Tabakov说他会在3月4日的总统大选中投票给普京,因为普京“很正直合适。”
普京发言人Dmitry Peskov称普京本人对这些网上针对自己的“恶搞”很在意,但他会无视这些,至少也不会感到吃惊。"
他说“普京有多少敌人已经不是秘密了,他们打算用这笔钱如何诋毁普京呢。”电影人Stanislav S. Govorukhin做了一份普京竞选的视频迅速在互联网上引起了反应。在接受报纸采访时他说道,在普京领导下,臭名昭著的俄罗斯腐败现象得到了“更文明”的形式。Govorukhin在俄罗斯国内因其拍摄的1979年苏联犯罪短剧而很有名受尊重,在短剧中一位虽苛刻但善良的警察说了一句名言,之后也成了这部剧的标语“小偷必须得呆在监狱。”很难想象整个事件是如何在30多年间还影响到了当前的总统竞选。在他的“文明腐败”论背后,某位网友在Facebook上面上传了一张Govorukhin 和普京两人对望的照片。在他们之后是克里姆林宫塔,上面字写着:“小偷必须得呆在克里姆林宫。”
然而竞选管理人员在参访中猜测道,“这种反普京流行症”事实上更能鼓动不同省的人们站起来支持普京,普京获胜就会更容易了。Govorukhin 称他自己不上午,而他的老板上司也不喜欢上网。
Govorukhin 说道,”互联网毕竟是个大垃圾桶。我没有时间去搞这些。”(译者 lilyma06)

Reporting from Moscow—                                                                                          
                                                                The videosfeature some of Russia's most famous actors, writers, directors, musicians and other VIPs, all united by the heartfelt slogan: "Why I am voting for Putin."

Violist Yuri Bashmet comparesRussian leader Vladimir Putin to the great violin-maker Antonio Stradivari, saying that his "golden period is yet far ahead."

                                                                                                                                                                                                      One of the country's most loved actors, Oleg Tabakov, says Putin has his vote in the March 4 presidential election because he "wants to be good and honest."

As soon as the clips started airing on Russia's heavily controlled major television networks, the Internet empire struck back.

One user posted a picture of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin raising eyebrows over the phrase, "Why I am voting for our Lord Emperor." Pushkin is known to have been exiled and had his poetry personally censored by Emperor Nicholas I.

Another went further, posting a portrait of Putin with a clipped mustache and shock of black hair and the inscription: "Why I am voting for Hitler."

In the course of the swift and getting-dirtier-by-the-day presidential race that Putin is widely expected to win, hehas had to suffer unprecedented humiliation. Much like the authoritarian Chinese leadership, the Kremlin has found it difficult to control the rebellious Internet, let alone protect itself from the biting satire that has been the dissident weapon of choice throughout a Russian history rich in suppression.

It is perhaps notcoincidental that one of the first television shows that Putin got rid of after coming to power was the sarcastic puppet show "Kukly," which in the early 2000s portrayed him as Klein Zaches, a mean and ambitious dwarf from a 19th century tale by the German author E.T.A. Hoffmann.

Putin is quite aware of "the dirty attacks" against him on the Internet but ignores them and doesn't feel in the least taken aback by them, his spokesman Dmitry Peskovsaid.

"It is all extremely unpleasant, but it is also marginal in its effect, as it aims at people who virtually live in the Internet and their numbers are insignificant compared with the support Putin gets from the rest of the Russian population," Peskov said in a telephone interview. "We are not going to look for those who make up these things, and we are not planning to sue them in court because it is useless as we won't catch them in the end, it being Internet and all."

But if the numbers are so insignificant, how then to explain the 3-million-plus hits for a YouTube spoof that hit the Internetlast week?

In a scene that clearly is meant to echo the politicized trials of imprisoned tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a defendant stands alone in a courtroom cage, shy and timid.

"What is your nationality?" the judge asks. "A citizen of the Russian Federation," the frail man, eyes cast downward, answers almost inaudibly in the unmistakable rapid clatter of sounds that Russians know so well from Putin's marathon prime-time TV call-in shows, endless televised reports of motorcycle trips, hunting escapades and diving tours, not to mention daily meetings with workers, intellectuals, scientists and farmers.

The man who has ruled Russia with an iron hand for more than a decade faces a set of sinister charges,including abuse of power, fraud,theftand organizing terrorist acts to intimidate citizens, a monotonous voice-over recounts.

Peskov acknowledged that the quality of this and other spoofs he called "virus clips" was very high.

"It is no secret how many enemies Putin has and how they are ready to spend any amount of money to blacken him," he said.

The Internet was also quick to seize on a recent slip by Putin's chief of campaign staff,filmmaker Stanislav S. Govorukhin. In a newspaper interview, he said that under Putin, the notorious Russian corruption has acquired "civilized" forms.

Govorukhin isfamous and respected in the country largely for his 1979 Soviet crime miniseries, in which a tough but good cop pronounced the catchphrase that became the series' slogan: "A thief must sit in prison."

Govorukhin could hardly imagine how the whole thing could haunt the current campaign more than three decades later.

Theday after his "civilized corruption" comment, some resourceful Internet user posted on Facebook a photo collage in which Govorukhin and Putin face each other across the table in the foreground. Behind them is a Kremlin towerwith these words flying in the dark sky over it: "A thief must sit in the Kremlin."

But the campaign manager surmised in the interview that "this anti-Putin hysteria" actually mobilizes people in the provinces to stand up for Putin and makes his victory easier. Govorukhin said he doesn't use the Internet, something his boss, by his own admission, isn't very fond of, either.

"The Internet is, after all, a big garbage bin," Govorukhin said. "I have no time for it." 该贴已经同步到 lilyma06的微博

国庆 发表于 2012-2-22 16:32


bbyidai 发表于 2012-2-23 11:10


浔阳江 发表于 2012-2-23 13:28


fiddle 发表于 2012-2-23 13:40


wangzb838 发表于 2012-2-23 14:37


wlz9511 发表于 2012-2-23 16:17


桃花满天红 发表于 2012-2-23 16:36


紫玉炎华01 发表于 2012-2-23 17:48

还是那一套 不是俄国国内反对势力就是美国人搞的 出口转内销 内销转出口 。。。。。。。。

踽踽 发表于 2012-2-23 18:55

8错8错 连普皇都要恶搞

沐霜 发表于 2012-2-23 19:46


用4年的帐号没了 发表于 2012-2-24 02:23

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查看完整版本: 【洛杉矶时报20120220】普京在网上被恶搞