apluie 发表于 2012-2-25 11:03


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 15:34 编辑

【中文标题】首尔呼吁中国不要遣返朝鲜难民【原文标题】Seoul Urges China to Not Return North Korean Refugees【刊载媒体】纽约时报【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/world/asia/seoul-urges-china-to-not-return-north-korean-refugees.html【译者】apluie【翻译方式】人工【声 明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处。

SEOUL, South Korea — President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea urged China on Wednesday to follow “international norms” in its treatment of North Korean refugees, as his government shifted to a more aggressive diplomatic effort to press China not to arrest and repatriate North Koreans who have fled there.

Human rights activists, South Korean lawmakers and teenage North Korean defectors have held a series of rallies in front of the Chinese Embassy here since last week, calling on Beijing to free 30 refugees they said were recently arrested in China and were about to be sent back to North Korea.Park Sun-young, a South Korean lawmaker who has long spoken out for the rights of North Korean refugees, started a hunger strike on Tuesday to highlight their plight.      人权专家,韩国立法者以及刚背叛北朝鲜的人们上周起在中国大使馆前举行了一系列的行走示威,呼吁北京释放最近在中国逮捕的30位难民,他们即将被遣送回北朝鲜。朴善英,韩国立法者,长期为北朝鲜难民说话,周二绝食抗议,以此强调难民的困境。“As long as they are not criminals, I think the Chinese government should treat them according to international norms,” Mr. Lee said during a nationally televised news conference marking the beginning of the last year of his five-year term.   “只要他们不是罪犯,我认为中国政府会按照国际准则对待他们。”在去年纪念李明博任满五周年的国家电视会议肇始,他如是说道。His comments came a day after South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said it would seek global support at a United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva next week for its efforts to rescue North Korean refugees under Chinese detention.      韩国外交部说会在下周召开的美国人权协会的日内瓦会议中,寻找国际支援,从而尽可能解救在中国扣留的北朝鲜难民。之后一天李明博发表了上述评论。More than 20,000 North Koreans have defected to South Korea since a famine hit their homeland in the mid-1990s. Almost all of them traveled through China, with the help of Christian missionaries, human rights activists or smugglers. But Beijing considers them illegal migrants and Chinese police often round them up for repatriation.      自从在20世纪九十年代中期北朝鲜发生饥荒后,超过20,000的当地人叛变去了韩国。在基督传教士,人权团体和走私团体的帮助下,他们几乎都经过了中国。但是北京认为他们是非法移民,中国警察经常把他们集体遣送回国。Those who are sent back are treated as “traitors” and fare incarcerated in re-education camps, where corporal punishment, forced labor and other human rights abuses remain rampant, according to North Koreans who have survived the camps and defected to South Korea.      那些被遣送回去的百姓会被当成“叛徒”,并被送进监狱进行再教。据一些逃亡到韩国的监狱幸存者描述,在那里体罚、劳动改造和其他人权虐待的现象依旧泛滥。Mindful of Beijing’s close ties with Pyongyang, South Korea has seldom confronted China over the issue of refugees. But in recent days, it has expressed frustration after low-key bilateral talks with Beijing failed to free the North Koreans.      考虑到北京和平壤的密切关系,韩国很少就难民问题与中国发生对质。然而最近,关于释放北朝鲜公民的不受关注的双边会谈失败了,这使事态变得严重。By Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry in Seoul said that it would take the matter to the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting next week. There, South Korean diplomats are expected to call for the safety and humane treatment of North Korean refugees living in hiding in China.   周二,首尔外交部发表言论,他们会将在下周的美国人权协会的会议上提出这个问题。韩国外交官希望呼吁藏在中国的北朝鲜难民能确保安全和人道的待遇。Activists say that North Korea has toughened punishment for fugitives as the regime of the new leader, Kim Jong-un, has sought to assert his control. Mr. Kim took over after his father, the long-time North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, died in December.   活动家称,北朝鲜加大了对逃亡者的惩罚力度,以便巩固新任领导人金正恩的政权。金正恩继承父亲的地位,十二月去世的朝鲜长期领导人金正日。In Beijing on Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry reiterated that North Korean fugitives in China were not refugees because they crossed the Chinese border illegally and for economic reasons.      周二在北京,中国外交部重申在中国的北朝鲜逃亡者不是难民,因为他们进入中国是非法的,是为了经济利益。Looking back on his four years in office, Mr. Lee said he felt “speechless” about corruption scandals involving his associates. On Wednesday, a Seoul court sentenced a former press spokesman for Mr. Lee to 18 months in prison for taking bribes from a businessman.   回顾他过去四年的执政生涯,李明博说他对伙伴的腐败丑闻“无语置评”。周二年,首尔法庭判处李明博的前任新闻发言人18个月的有期徒刑,这位发言人曾收受过一位商人的贿赂。Mr. Lee also vigorously defended some of his key policy decisions, such as a free trade agreement with the United States and the building of a naval base on the southern island of Jeju.   李明博同样有利地捍卫了某些关键政策决定,例如与美国的免关税协定,在济州岛南部建立一个海军基地。After years of delay, the American Congress and South Korea’s National Assembly approved the free trade deal last year. Both governments agreed on Tuesday that the deal will take effect on March 15. South Korea’s main opposition party insists that the deal be renegotiated to better protect the country’s interests, or it will withdraw from the agreement if it takes power through elections later this year.   数年的延迟后,美国国会和韩国国家议会于去年通过了免关税贸易协定。两政府周二同时宣布这个协议将在3月15日生效。韩国主要反对党坚持主张这个协议需要重新商讨,从而更好保护国家的利益,否则如果在今年的选举中反对党获得统治权,他们会退出这个协议。Mr. Lee said the base was needed to protect busy sea lanes off the southern coast of South Korea. But critics say it has harmed the environment and raise tensions with China by allowing the United States thrust its naval power toward the country.   李明博说军事基地是为了保护韩国南海岸沿线的繁忙航道。但是有人批评道建立海军基地严重污染了环境,允许美国加强对韩国的海军力量使中韩局势变得更加紧张。“Most of those who oppose them now are those who supported them aggressively and positively,” Mr. Lee said, targeting the top opposition leaders who served in the previous government, negotiated the free trade deal and decided to build the naval base.      “现在大多数反对这些决定的人是那些曾经极力支持决定的人。”李明博的话语隐射了曾在前任政府任职,参与过免关税协定的谈判,支持建立军事基地。Mr. Lee said he was ready to talk with North Korea “with an open heart” if the North shows a “sincere attitude.” The North has repeatedly vowed not to talk with his government.   李明博说过他曾准备“敞开心胸”与北朝鲜对话,如果北朝鲜以“真诚的态度”对待。可是北朝鲜反复重申不和他的政府对话。

lst5230 发表于 2012-2-26 00:39


apluie 发表于 2012-2-27 15:41

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