lilyma06 发表于 2012-2-27 11:35


:Many Chinese have taken up a call to “Occupy Obama’s Google+” over the weekend in the style of Occupy Wall Street in order to feel “close” to the popular world leader as well as air some of their views.许多中国人在一个周末内,以占领华尔街之势了响应了“占领奥巴马G+”的号召,为的是“近距离”接触这位世界级领导人,并表达自己的观点。    龙腾网版权所有            Thousands of comments in Chinese and English have been flooding every topic on Obama’s G+, drowning out all other conversation until reaching the topic’s 500 comment limit before moving to the next. Since Monday, Chinese netizen have been surfacing that Google+ was no longer blocked by the Great Firewall, and numerous Chinese have now taken this opportunity as a chance to express their views frankly on an (albeit less popular) American social network website.    Despite the uncensored platform, In true Chinese netizen style, many are simply having fun showing off the might of China’s online hordes — posting internet memes and being silly to the general annoyance and befuddlement of Americans caught in the middle.数千条中文和英文的评论淹没了奥巴马G+的每个主题,层层堆叠直至到达500条评论上限,然后转而攻陷另一个主题。从星期一其,中国网民浏览G+不在受GFW阻挠,大量中国人乘这个机会在美国社交网络上表明自己的观点。                  虽然是一个不受和谐的平台,但许多中国网民的只是单纯为了展示中国网络游民力量而找乐子——贴上无厘头的内容,把恼怒而迷惑的美国人挤在中间。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Allen Taylor:   
    Brian Anderson (American writing in English):    The Chinese word for “sofa” must be really similar to some other chinese word that the translator is not understanding. There’s no way this many people are talking about sofas. lol(原文为英文:中文“沙发”就像机器翻译没办法翻出靠谱的其他词一样,当然没可能这里的大家都在探讨沙发,哈哈)
    霍建波:    Here come the Chinese.中国人来了
    王志永:    President, respect human rights! You freed Iraq and, freed Libya, shouldn’t you also free us?!!总统啊,要尊重人权啊,你自由了伊拉克,利比亚是不是也该给我们自由一下下呢!!
    陳曉:    Must occupy Google+! Capture the White House!必须占领G+,攻下白宫!
丁春阳:    Mr. President, do you like to eat la mian ? If you like it, come to my hometown, and I’ll treat you to eat until you’re full!总统先生,喜欢吃拉面不?喜欢的话来我家乡,请你吃到饱啊!
    Ali Utlu (Addressing the Chinese comments):    Be polite!要有礼貌!
    Terry Schmidt:    Dear President Obama, when will you send troops to liberate China?尊敬的奥巴马总统,何时出兵解放中国啊
    张勉:    Mr. President, we long for America’s freedom.总统先生,我们渴望美国的自由
    Dylan Bozarth (American writing in English):    I need to learn Chinese.(美国人的英文评论:我得学中文了)
    秋山晴子:    Are you all not losing face? I cannot feel embarrassed more.你们不丢人么?
    Joepo Ding:    Is this what freedom tastes like?这个就是自由的味道吗?
    吴佳斌 (In English):    Obama, you do not contribute to world peace, but earlier get the Nobel peace prize, do not you feel ridiculous?   
    You to attack terrorists without the permission of a sovereign state without authorization to send troops into the country, and the manslaughter of a few 60 people in this country, and finally, only say “We regret that”. Please tell me what is your human rights?(原文英文:奥巴马,你没为世界和平出力,却早早拿到诺贝尔奖,你不觉得这匪夷所思吗?你打击恐怖分子,却没有征得主权国家的同意就投放部队,在那个国家杀了60个人,最后只说“我们感到抱歉”,这就是你们所谓的人权?)
    COATTAIL WA (In English):    We Chinese seldom have the chance to connected with the world’s famous websites including U2B,FACEBOOK, TWITTER,WIKI. g+ opened several days ago and Chinese is so exited and our “occupy” is friendly, We love America and world value!(原文英文:我们中国人很少有机会登陆世界著名网站,比如youtobe、非死不可、推特、维基。G+前几天开放服务,中国人兴奋地实施占领,其实我们都是很友好的,我们爱美国和普世价值!)    Robert Bridgewater (American writing in English):    If they can’t speak English, they most likely aren’t even legal and shouldn’t be voting anyways! Who paid for this? It better not have come from any tax payers!(美国人英文评论:如果他们不会说英语,那么八成是非法移民,没有投票权!谁付他们钱干这个?最好不是用纳税人的钱!)
    Cale Monson (American responding to above):    Um, I really hope this is supposed to be a joke comment. These are Chinese citizens who are actually in china, not “illegals”. If this is a joke profile, then you’ve done very well. If this is sincere, then you are a moron.(美国人回复楼上:呃,我非常希望你只是在开玩笑。这些是真真切切待在中国的中国公民,不是“非法”的,如果你只是在开玩笑,那你干得不错;如果你是认真的,那你就是个怪胎)
    Sean Lee:    Americans suspect we are all illegal immigrants, but according to freedom of speech is it against the law for illegal immigrants to write comments??(美国人怀疑我们是非法移民,但就言论自由而言,不让非法移民评论难道不是非法的吗?)
    tianhao shen:    Do you know why if was so easy for you you guys to grab the sofa? It’s because foreigners often first read the post seriously, earnestly think about what to say, and then write a comment. Unlike Chinese people who come and immediately say “sofa, front row, up close…..”, All day writing these meaningless things. Perhaps this is the so-called “Chinese characteristics.”知道为什么你们那么容易抢到沙发吗?那是因为外国人往往会先认真读一遍帖子,好好思考一下该怎么说,然后再写评论。而不像中国人上来就“沙发,前排,零距离……”,整天写这些毫无意义的东西。这也许就是所谓的“中国特色”吧
    Siqi Wu:    Ha ha ha, watching intensely~~~~why we should speak English ?Just some people dont know Chinese?Its tell you learn Chinese is important.plz learn ,ty. lol~~So happy I can type Chinese, oh yeah!~~~哈 哈哈,强力围观
    王华庭:    Really sorry, but I’m also here to occupy. Hope Obama doesn’t just focus on China economically, what China needs more is democracy and freedom. Obama please exert your influence.实在不好意思,我也来占领了。希望总统不要只盯着中国可以赚钱,中国更需要民主和自由。总统能够施加您的影响的。
    Brian Anderson :    I think it’s awesome that China now has access to G+, but seriously, if you’re going to flood an American politician with comments, at least put them in English so those of us who actually live here can read them? I don’t really understand the purpose of responding to an all-English post in nothing but Chinese. Clearly you guys can speak English if you can read the post…(原文英文:我想中国能接入G+是件大好事,不过严肃地说,如果你们都这样用评论淹没美国政治家,至少写点英文的让我们能看懂?我实在不明白给一个纯英文主页写一堆中文回复有啥意义。很明显你们这些家伙能说英文,如果你们读得懂帖子的话……)
    (陈口诚) (Responding to above in English):    My reply to the Chinese compatriots are in order to express their aspirations for freedom. We do not have direct access to G+ , because we have a national firewall. I hope you forgive us, thank you!(原文英文:我对中国同胞的回复是为了表达他们对自由的渴求。我们无法直接连接到G+,因为我们有国家防火墙。我希望你们原谅我们,谢谢!)
    Paloschi Alberto:    Hello Mr. President, I am Chinese. I hope that when you are dealing with the Chinese government that you won’t only focus on economic interests. The people here also need freedom and democracy. We need a free internet and a safeguarded life that is not too hard. Hope you can do your best to help us, thank you.总统先生你好。我是一名中国人。希望你们在于中国政府打交道的时候不要只顾经济利益,这里的人民也需要自由和民主。我们需要自由的网络和有保障的不太辛苦的生活,希望您能尽力帮我们,谢谢。
    武廷建 (In English):    Why there are so many Chinese. Because we can’t communicate with other country people for a long time. We come here and post comments. You see, most comments have nothing.That’s like you hadn’t ate food for a long time. So when you can eat food now. You have no time to think it’s delicious or not but eating. Because you don’t know where is the next food. If you can eat anytime,that won’t a problem.I hope you could understand that, my American friends.(原文英文:这儿有好多中国人。因为我们长时间以来无法和其他国家人民沟通。我们在这里评论,你知道,大多数评论毫无价值。就像是很长时间以来你都没吃过东西。所以当你现在能吃东西。你没时间考虑到底是美味不美味,只管吃。因为你不知道下一顿在哪里。如果你能想吃就吃,就不会有问题。我希望你们能理解,我的美国朋友们)
    闵晨:    I will speak English!,we want freedom,we need facebook,we hate great fire wall我说的是英语哦!(我们要自由,要非死不可,不要防火墙!)
    Cross Lee:    hi americans. i know it made you uncomfortable because so many chinese here. please dont mind. most of them are stupid and ridiculous。they have a damn mind education by ccp. they dont know what is manner. but not all chinese like them. hope your mood will be better. god bless you.and god bless america.:) Fellow Chinese, please demonstrate manners and upbringing, this is not China.   
    From Sina Weibo:    新浪微博
    @月光博客: Chinese web-users have initiated a “Occupy Obama’s G+” movement, and currently American President Obama’s Google+ commentary has all changed into Chinese. Since January 31st, President Obama has allowed comments on his Google+ profile page in order to interact with web users.中国网民发起了“占领奥巴马G+”的活动,目前美国总统奥巴马的Google+评论已经成功的变成了中文版。1月31日美国总统奥巴马开通了他的Google+实名认证帐户,并与网民互动。
    Comments from Sina Weibo:   
    秋叶语录:    Chinese people’s “sitting on the sofa” culture will become the internet’s first cultural export!中国人的占座沙发文化将实现首次互联网文化输出!
    渔夫二世:    Haha, I just went to look, left my name.哈哈,刚去围观了,留了个名。
    不安分的挽魇:    I heard that Brother Obama will give every commenting compatriot a green card!据说小马哥会给每一位评论的同志发绿卡!
    马里昂杜兰特:    Reminds me of Omegle.想起 omegle
    愿行:    In the comments there are a few posts asking Obama to join the Communist Party!评论中几个要奥巴马入党的帖子
    Jeccica丽人儿:    Speechless… Chinese are so humorous, so clever…. How are the laowai reacting to it? 无语......中国人真幽默,有才...........老外看了不知啥反应?
    月亮不孤主:    So stupid, it’s all garbage comments, is there nothing funny?非常无聊,都是垃圾评论,没处玩吗?
    毅咝不挂:    has changed into a Chinese version…变成了中文版。。。
    曹七戒:    It’s great that you can use Chinese on G+, unlike Twitter….G+ 能用中文真好 , 不像 Twitter ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【评论翻译】:    Cool Matt    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:24 pm    Wish Mr. Hu was on Google plus. But he isn’t obligated i guess.    Reply希望胡先生也在G+上,不过我猜他不在。
        Elijah        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:38 pm        Ha! That would be hilarious.        Maybe the Chinese citizens are going to Obama’s page cause they know they can’t get anything from the ccp….    Clever girl.jpeg【←一张图】    Reply哈!那样的话就搞笑了。大概中国公平到奥巴马主页上的原因是他们知道他们不能从TG那里得到任何东西
      donscarletti          Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 11:41 am          Picture links don’t seem to work here.          For all those who don’t get the reference, imagine ShanPao being ambushed by raptors.          Reply      图挂了      如果有谁搞不清楚状况,想象一下山炮被土匪打劫吧
    notorious    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:32 pm    I don’t understand what sofa means either. But anyway, I don’t mean to boast, but I met obama when I was in college. We hosted a breakfast for him. He was a professor at the university of chicago (I went to the cheap city college on the other side of town hehe), he was running for office and we invited him to speak to our student group. About 30 of us listened to his speech and this was back in 1999 and he was younger and omg SO HANDSOME. I had no idea this man would become the president. Shook his hand, I smiled and could not stop looking at him. I didn’t even care what he was talking about lol    Reply我也不知道“沙发”是啥意思。不过我并不想是想炫耀啦,我在大学的时候遇到过奥巴马,我们给他张罗了顿早饭。他那时候是芝加哥一大学的教授(我在城市另一边便宜的大学念书啦,哈哈*city college on the other side of town不知道有没有什么特指,社区大学吗?*)。他那时候正竞选公职,我们邀请他给学生团体讲话,听他演讲的大概有30个人。那时是在1999年,他还年轻,帅得天怒人怨。我根本没想到这是个会成为总统的男人。我和他握手,只知道光顾着看他了,根本不在乎他都说了啥。
        山炮 ShanPao        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 5:36 pm        wow, thanks for that!    Reply哦哦,多谢!
        madao        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 10:27 pm        sofa means: “I’m the first one who put a comment “, u may say “chair” if u are the second,because the most comfortable place “sofa” has been occupied, u can also say “bed” “floor” “basement” .. all of this are just for fun    Reply沙发的意思是:“我是第一个评论的”,如果你是第二个,就说“板凳”。因为最舒服的沙发被占座了。接下来你能说“床”、“地板”、“地下室”……都是为了好玩啦。
   lxpatterson        Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 8:00 am        I almost met him in Chicago when I was doing grad school at UIC. He was a senator at that time and he was doing some event with Mayor Daley. I was planning on going, but I went to the zoo with some friends instead…He was a pretty charming dude from what I saw on TV.    Reply当我在UIC念研究生的时候差点就在芝加哥遇到他了。他那时候是个参议员,和戴利市长公事。我本来要去的,结果和朋友逛动物园了……从电视上来说他真是个有魅力的家伙。    Michael S.    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:32 pm    Do some of those commenters really think they invented “firsties”? I hope not.    Reply那些评论里真有人疑为自己发明了“占座”吗?不是吧。
    Elijah    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:35 pm    It’s actually an amazing show of the deep desire for freedom.    Think about it, parents tell you not to do this and that and the moment they go off on a trip or something, you immediately do it. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t very interesting or clever, it was fulfilling enough to have the freedom of choice.    Seriously, look at how many comments are actually clever and polite and explain the situation. I’m not usually moved, but I find this to be deeply impressive.    Of course the ccp will quickly close off access again…. Can’t let them have too much leash…    Reply这真是一场渴求自由惊人展示想想看吧!父母告诉你别做这做那,而他们出门的时候你就立即那么干了。无关有趣或明智,仅仅视为满足选择的自由真的,看看那儿有多少明智礼貌地解释现状的评论。虽然还算不上被感动,但的确给我留下了深刻印象。当然TG会很快就把G+再墙了,他们手上拿的皮鞭不要太多……
   notorious        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 4:40 pm        things are going to change. I have faith in that. Reading those comments, it’s like how can anyone want to say no to that? how does it not make ones heart soft?    And they are right, don’t show only economic interest in China, be genuine.我坚信变革正在发生。读着那些评论,你怎么可能不相信呢?你的心怎么能不为之动容呢?他们没错,坦诚点儿,在中国不能只顾着生意。
    Reply        hooots        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 5:43 pm        I was deeply moved too. Yes, some comments were silly, but most of the comments spoke volumes about Chinese people’s respect and admiration for what we have built in America. I see it all the time through my work. These comments were mostly sweet, polite, informed, and sincere and it makes me happy to see Chinese people able to express themselves in such a forum. So many of them are just asking for help. I hear it all the time.    Reply我也被深深地感动了。是的,有些评论是很蠢,但大多数评论显示出中国人民对美国成就的尊敬和钦佩。我在工作的时候也能够感受到。这些评论大都是亲切、礼貌、见多识广、情真意切,我恨高兴地看到中国人民能在这样一个论坛中表达自己。他们中的那么多人在恳请帮助,我一直一直都能听到。
    Chris N.    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 6:09 pm    I think this is great. Its almost like a celebration.    If you look at it in a funny way you could say that when Chinese people finally obtain the freedom to say whatever they want, they end up saying nothing at all, haha.    Reply我觉得这太棒了,就像一场庆祝一样。如果想用一种高效的方式看待这事,你可以说当中国人民终于获得表达的自由时,他们倒啥也不说了,哈哈。
        anon        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 7:26 pm    I wouldn’t say they end up saying nothing at all. The majority of people everywhere aren’t dominated by politics and strong beliefs. They’re online, doing their thing, living their lives, goofing off, having some fun…and I think that’s adequately represented in the comments on Obama’s page.        But there are also quite a few comments with more substance, ones that understandably weren’t translated here because of how sensitive they might be. The thing is, the mainland Chinese who are on Weibo and especially Google Plus are usually more tech savvy and liberal leaning, like the mainland Chinese on Twitter. They represent one side of the larger Chinese population, and tend to have more exposure to the West, are more “international”, usually living in the big cities, belonging to the Chinese middle class. Those on the other end tend to regard them as worshiping the West, “running dogs”, self-loathing Chinese “traitors”.        Chinese netizens don’t fully represent the average Chinese person. Those on Sina Weibo less so. And those on Google Plus even less so. But these Chinese people are out there. The worry is when people try claiming the Chinese people as being for one side or another when the fact is that there’s just a huge diversity.        That they flooded the Obama’s page with comments is pretty annoying, but most of them weren’t doing so out of malice, just excitement.        Reply我不认为他们啥也没说。大多数对政治和信仰不感兴趣。他们上线,做想做的事,过生活,下线,继续穷开心,和奥巴马主页上的评论内容差不离。但也有相当多的评论有些实质内容的,可以理解那些评论由于太过敏感而没有被翻译到这儿。那就是:中国大陆的微博、尤其是G+用户,通常更熟悉新技术,视野也更宽,就像中国大陆的推特用户一样。他们在巨大的中国人口中代表了与和西方有更多接触的那一部分,更“国际化”,属于通常住在大城市里的中产阶级。另一方则倾向于把他们当做西奴,西方的“走狗”,自卑的中国“汉奸”。中国网民不完全代表中国普通人。刷新浪微博的是小众,刷G+的就更少了。但是这些中国人的确是在那儿,不来不去。真正令人担心的是,有人会试图说中国人民是站在这方的或站在那方的,但是事实是中国人民具有巨大的多样性。淹没奥巴马主页上的评论很烦人,不过大都不出于恶意,仅仅是为了好玩。
    sven    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 7:45 pm    I am confused.    It isn’t accessible in China (I just tried?!) Maybe those sad excuses for human beings that work in the censorship office let it slip through the net for a few hours. But you ain’t getting on it directly from the middle kindgdom… freedom..think again kids.    Reply在中国连不上(我刚试过?!)也许这些悲惨的事实是和谐办公室不小心让这网站溜号了几小时。你从中央王国里连接不上啊……自由……想想吧孩纸。
        anon        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 8:03 pm        I can’t get on it now either but it was indeed openly accessible a few days ago.        Maybe Obama complained about the flood of comments to his Beijing counterpart?    Reply我现在上不去,不过几天前的确可以上的。也许奥巴马向北京抱怨了洪水一般的评论?
      Alan          Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 8:42 pm          Yeah, just yesterday I was able to check google +, now zippo, wtf happened?          But renren still works I bet?!          Reply      是啊我昨天还能上的,今天就挂了,这算是个鸟事啊?      但是人人还能用我猜?
Jaded Samurai        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 8:33 pm        It’s not too hard to get a proxy up and running…    Reply搞一个代理也不是那么麻烦嘛……
          sven          Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 9:29 pm          Obviously…not really the point though is it.          Reply      虽然是啊但有点歪楼。
          sven          Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 9:31 pm          that sounded a bit blunt.          My point is that it looked for a second like the government might have been showing an inkling of common sense…alas… that clearly now is not the case.          Reply      我的话有点2了。      我的意思是就再找一个,看起来政府只是做做面子工程……唉……现在看来明显不是嘛(*这句话啥意思求点拨)
    FYIADragoon    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 9:40 pm    Its really funny how their users aren’t even at the level of moot’s site (and what a low level that is), and they’re more like a bunch of retards from 9gag or reddit.    Reply太搞笑了这些用户居然连moot’s site*这是啥*(最低级别)都没有,他们就像是从9gag和reddit跑来的一样
    侯火        Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 10:00 pm        This comment made me laugh heartily, thanks    Reply你的评论让爷真心笑了,哈哈
    MGhostSoft    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 11:17 pm    lol. The meaning of “sofa” is: I am the first coming to comment, and I am so close to the main post, so that I can watch the show comfortably, just like sitting in a sofa.    Reply笑死我鸟,“沙发”的意思是:我是第一个评论的,最靠近主贴的,所以我看表演看得最爽,就像坐在沙发上
    Dean    Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 11:46 pm    Its just a net meme.    I dont think the internet block could really disappear.    its just an accident I think to the government of China    In fact most of the comments are nonsense,people just looking for fun, someone suggested on Chinese twitter so now u see what happened.    at least there are no bad language or rude comments.    most are LOL LMFAO Hello formers etc.    If yll feel uncomfortable,Im sorry about it.    Reply不过就是个网络文化嘛我可不认为网络管制就这样真的消失了我想这只是中国政府的一时失手事实上大多数都是垃圾评论,大家只是在找乐子。有人在中国推特(*我想他指微博?*)上发了个动议,所以你看这就发生了至少评论里面没有骂人话大多是“太好笑了”“笑死我鸟”“到此一游”之类的如果你们觉得不舒服,我很抱歉
    staylost    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 12:32 am    That’s awesome! Go crazy Chinese people!! I strongly support my brothers and sisters!    Reply太帅鸟!中国人民疯狂鸟!!墙裂支持我的兄弟姐妹们!
        staylost        Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 12:34 am        I also like the girl in the white shirt on the last picture perving Obama. Be bold!    Reply我也很喜欢最后一幅图上偷瞄奥巴马的白衣女孩子,真胆大!
    dadanada    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 1:51 am    Watch for the far right press to pick up on this and blame Obama for being a communist sympathizer.    Reply坐等极右媒体用这个来抨击奥巴马是共产主义同情者。
    Rod    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 6:38 am    Shit. I didn’t realize the internet could be overpopulated as well. Looks like The US is going to need a firewall to limit the number of Chinese users in American cyberspace as well.    Reply擦,我从来不晓得网络还能这样人满为患的,看来美利坚的搞个防火墙防备中国用户入侵美国网络空间了。
    陶陶谈老外    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 6:42 am    Nice. Obama is almost as popular among Chinese netizens as Sora Aoi.    Reply不错。奥巴马在中国就跟苍老师一样受大家喜闻乐见。
    Rod    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 6:47 am    But I think that ‘somebody know what they’re talking about?’ hardly seems ‘annoyed’. Maybe looking for a fight, or suspicious, but not annoyed.    Reply不过我想,那个说‘到底有多少人明白他们在说什么啊’倒未必是被惹恼了。也许他只是想打嘴仗,或者有疑问,不过没觉得烦。
    Jay K.    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 7:32 am    I’m really wondering if our comments on this site are translated back and post in chinee format in some bbs or chinese only website. i think it would be cool    Reply我非常非常想知道我们这边的评论会不会被翻回中国论坛,那样一定帅呆了
    Pathoth    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 8:18 am    the comments were done on obama’s page since because of the amount of exposure. one side effect is that if the CCP does censor there will be a bigger stink about it.    Reply鉴于奥巴马主页上的评论被大量曝光,有个副作用就是:如果TG又想搞和谐,那就太难看了。
    Vonskippy    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 8:30 am    Enjoy your teeny tiny taste of freedom Chinese Netizens, before your cold cruel leaders beat you back into your cage.    Reply享受你们微不足道的浅薄自由吧,中国网名们!在你们残酷的领袖们把你们揍回笼子之前!
    Robert    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 8:51 am    WHAT?! Americans HATE obama! Only lazy stupid people vote for and support him. I am american and ashamed. China has more freedom and a better life. Aoi Sola is super hot; obama super NOT.    Reply    神马!美国人憎恨奥巴马!只有懒惰的傻瓜才投票支持他。我是个美国人并为此感到羞愧。中国是个更加自由的地方,生活更美好。苍老师太令人心驰神往了,奥巴马只让人心窝哇凉。
        Boris        Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 9:59 am        Are you referring to a Japanese porn star and the President of the United States in the same sentence? Outstanding!    Reply你指的是那个日本AV女优和美利坚总统平起平坐吗!奇葩!
Dat Ankle    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 8:59 am    “Is this what freedom tastes like?”    I LOL’d    Reply“自由就这味儿啊?”笑死我鸟!
    Robert    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 9:06 am    PLEASE jam obamas google+. Jam obama! Why would normal americans care? make fun! enjoy the social tool. Just do the world a favor and tell this fucktard that we know every word from him and his fat wife is a lie! Only europeans like him because he will kill this country so it looks like the failed socialist experiment that europe can’t support. If you like exporting to americans, he has to go!    Reply求 求你们挤爆奥巴马的G+, 挤爆奥巴马!关普通美国人啥事啊?好好玩儿!好好拿社交工具寻开心。就算帮这世界一个忙,告诉那个鸟人我们知道他和他老婆说的 每一个字都是谎言!只有欧洲 佬喜欢他,因为他扼杀了这个国家,就像是欧洲因为无法负担而失败的社会主义实验一样。如果你们喜欢继续向美国出口,他就必须 滚蛋!
        mr. wiener        Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 9:39 am        you tell ‘em Newt….um Rush…..Billy-Bob?    Reply*我不知道他在讲啥……*
    silverfox605    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 9:36 am    So sorry for anyone, anywhere who thinks that the President of the United States cares about anyone other than hinself. He is a great lier who makes people believe that he cares about anything other his agendas. He is a coward and a thief. He makes no time for his own troops who are wounded nor for his citizens so why do you believe he would make time for other countries unless it furthered his agenda?    Reply向任何地方的任何认为美国总统关心别人超过自己的人道歉了,他就是个大骗子,让别人相信自己的日程表有正经事。他是个懦夫和小偷。他没时间关心自己受损的军队,也没时间关心美国公民,所以为毛你们认为他未来还能有时间关心别的国家?
    dim mak    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 9:57 am    >durr hurr freedums    I bet none of the liberal faggots sucking Obama’s dick realizes what it’s like to live a in a “democracy” where half the the population treats the other half like enemies because they belong to different political parties. And people think there are hanjian in China now, just wait till there’s a left vs right multiparty democracy. Idiots.    Reply我打赌没有那个自由的基佬会去吸奥巴马的JB,买他的帐认为我们生活在一个民主国家,这个国家里一半人口把另一半人口当敌人,因为他们分属两个党派。人们还相信中国有汉奸,蛰伏着直到左派和右派斗出民主多党制,一群2B。
        staylost        Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 12:08 pm        I’ve lived in both countries and you have no idea what you are talking about. Nobody in the United States is afraid of any party, while everyone in China is afraid of the Party.        Maybe you got your information from reading internet article user comments?    Reply我在两个国家都住过,而你根本不知道你在说什么。在美国没人害怕任何政党,在中国人人害怕那个党。也许你光从读网民评论里获取知识的?
    maplebeats    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 10:37 am我忍不住用中文回复了,I’m sorry…到现在还没开通G+…没有去现场观看可惜了    Reply    Matthew A. Sawtell    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 10:52 am    Nice to see that “Sofa” has cracked the Meme Barrier… and gone on to confuse yet another set of unsuspecting folks on the Internet.    Reply很高兴看到“沙发”打破话题隔阂……然后继续糊弄那些天真的网络土人。
    shuai.zend    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 12:27 pm    表示我也来占个位置    Reply    Peye    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 1:39 pm    At present frreedom means. Free to take from others as one desires. Is this not what many are looking for ? All the best to you all.    Reply到目前为止自由还是有点意义的。自由地掠夺他人,难道不是大多数人渴望的?祝你们万事如意。
    robert    Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 2:19 pm    I’ve lived and worked in China. first hand info. and if you think Obama=democracy you’re just ignorant.    Reply我住在中国,工作在中国,我有第一手资料。如果你们认为奥巴马=民主,那可就大错特错了。 该贴已经同步到 lilyma06的微博

GORDONZHOU 发表于 2012-2-27 19:06


GORDONZHOU 发表于 2012-2-27 19:08


紫霞山子 发表于 2012-2-27 19:50




青衣紫萝 发表于 2012-2-28 16:22


bei3010 发表于 2012-3-3 15:13


Enid 发表于 2012-3-3 16:43


滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-3 19:16


ms666 发表于 2012-3-4 00:38


ggmch 发表于 2012-3-4 09:16

开放个屁啊 还是登不上 除非真的翻墙了

非驴非马 发表于 2012-3-4 17:20

本帖最后由 非驴非马 于 2012-3-4 17:21 编辑


敬扬 发表于 2012-3-5 00:13


小絮儿 发表于 2012-3-26 09:00


一朵忧郁滴女纸 发表于 2012-3-26 10:52


srktm 发表于 2012-3-28 13:49


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