kamina_shin 发表于 2012-3-1 12:27

【澳大利亚人20120227】维基解密泄露澳大利亚采矿 没有贿赂让“中国人”很 吃惊

本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 10:43 编辑

【中文标题】维基解密泄露澳大利亚采矿 没有贿赂让“中国人”很 吃惊

【原文标题】Lack of mining bribes 'shocks China'



【译    者】 kamina_shin


【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。


         CHINESE mining officials are surprised whenthey learn that they do not need to bribe Australian officials to secure miningprojects in this country, a former Australian senator has privately told internationalsecurity intelligence service Stratfor.                                                               
       Leaked emailsfrom Stratfor, published yesterday by WikiLeaks, reveal that an unnamed formersenator, dubbed "source CN65", made the claim toa Stratfor intelligence analyst in June 2010.

         WikiLeaks is publishing more than five millionleaked emails from Stratfor between 2004 and last year, including, it claims,potentially sensitive off-the-record correspondence between Stratfor and US defence and intelligenceofficials. Stratfor provides daily intelligence, security and financialbriefings to clients, including the Australian Defence Force, which has anannual subscription to help it keep abreast of military developments in othercountries. The company uses methods similar to intelligence agencies: forexample, collecting information from sources, as well as so-called "opensources" such as newspapers.
    维基解密在2004到去年间从斯特拉福共公开了超过5百万份解密邮件,其中包括,所谓的,斯特拉福和美国防御情报官员之间私下敏感的非正式通信。斯特拉福给委托人提供每日的情报,安全和金融简报,包括澳大利亚国防部每年捐助来保证其与其他国家的军事发展同步。    这个公司运营的模式与情报机构相似:例如,从各源头收集情报,也包括所谓的“公开资源”比如报纸。
         According to the leaked Stratfor assessment,the former Australian senator described China's mining sector as deeplycorrupt.      "Where foreign companies do get access totenements, they always seem to lose out because the mining sector in China is one ofthe most corrupt sectors of all," Stratfor says, paraphrasing the words ofthe former senator.      Theformer senator is then alleged to have said:"Ironically, this corruption is one of the impediments to Chineseinterests not having accumulated even greater stakes in the resources sector inAustralia.      "They simply cannot get it in their headsthat the rule of law applies to mining projects in Australia. They refuse to believe thatthey have a right to receive a mining lease subject only to complying withrelevant environmental permitting conditions. They think you have nocredibility unless you tell them that you need to bribe someone."
    通过解密的斯特拉福看法,原澳大利亚议员将中国的矿产部门描述为严重的腐败。    斯特拉福解释原议员的话说道:“任何海外公司能接触到租户的地方,总是会失败,因为中国的矿业部门是最腐败的部门之一。”    前议员然后声称说:“讽刺的是,这种腐败是中国在澳资源领域利益没有积累更大财富的妨碍之一。”    “他们只不过没办法将在澳法律允许下的矿产项目拿到手。他们拒绝相信他们有权利仅仅在遵守相关的环境许可条件下即可拿到矿产租借项目。他们认为除非你告诉他们你需要贿赂某人,才有可靠性。”

      Stratfor described the former senator as"well-connected politically, militarily andeconomically".       "He has become a private businessmanhelping foreign companies with merger and acquisitions," it said.         Millionaire politician MalcolmTurnbull, billionaire businessman David Smorgonand veteran journalist Sam Lipski are among morethan 300 Australian subscribers to the US-based Stratfor who have had theircredit card and other personal details published on the internet.      WikiLeaks has not revealed how it acquired itslatest cache of private documents.
    斯特拉福将前议员描述为“有良好的政治,军事和经济头脑。”    “他已然成为了帮助海外公司合并和收购的私人商人。”    身家百万的政客Malcolm Turnbull,亿万富商David Smorgon和资深记者Sam Lipski在超过300位澳大利亚对美国斯特拉福捐助者之中,那些人的信用卡和其他私人信息已被公布在网络上。    维基解密没有透露如何获取到这份最新的私人档案。

         Stratfor was the victim of a mass hackingattack by Anonymous, the group of so-called "hacktivists"who target politically sensitive subjects, in December last year.      Wiredmagazine quoted sources from Anonymous saying the hacking group wasconsidering partnering with WikiLeaks for future hacking attacks, apparentlywith the view to exploiting WikiLeaks' distribution methods and partnershiparrangements with the media.
    斯特拉福是大规模匿名黑客攻击的受害者,去年12月黑客们自称所谓的“黑客活动分子”团体,目标是政治敏感问题。    《连线》援引匿名消息称,黑客团体正考虑与维基解密在将来的黑客攻击中合作,显然包括开拓维基解密分配方案与媒体的合伙准备。

作为 发表于 2012-3-1 12:29


fuhexinqd 发表于 2012-3-9 19:31



zxb0412 发表于 2012-3-9 18:58


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Jcl2011 发表于 2012-3-10 02:58


山风71 发表于 2012-3-12 16:40


winnerking 发表于 2012-3-28 17:46

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