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发表于 2012-3-2 17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【来源】:S. Korean MPs slam China for returning N. Koreans

    【新闻翻译】:龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
    Policemen stand guard near balloons reading "stop the deportation to North Korea" outside the Chinese embassy in Seoul on February 22, 2012. China has repatriated nine North Koreans who fled their homeland despite pleas by South Korea to treat them as refugees and let them stay, news reports said Friday            

    File photo taken from the Chinese city of Dandong on the border with North Korea shows a squad of North Korean soldiers on patrol along the bank of the Yalu River in December 2011. About 30 North Korean refugees have reportedly been            
             caught by Chinese authorities this month and are awaiting repatriation            
             South Korean legislators on Friday condemned China's repatriation of fugitives from North Korea after Beijing            
             reportedly sent nine back despite pleas from Seoul.            
             A resolution passed by the committee on foreign affairs and unification urges China to follow international rules in handling North Koreans who flee their impoverished homeland, and seeks outside help to halt the returns.            
             The resolution, adopted at a meeting attended by Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan, followed reports by Yonhap news            
             agency and newspapers that nine North Koreans were sent back last weekend.            
             Activists who have been demonstrating in Seoul say the fugitives face severe punishment, even a possible death sentence,            
             if forced to return home.            
             President Lee Myung-Bak said Wednesday the North Koreans should be treated in line with international rules.            
             The South's foreign ministry has urged China to change its policy of treating North Koreans as economic migrants, and to give them refugee status.            
             The ministry declined to confirm last weekend's reported repatriations but said it would raise the issue for the first time at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva next week.            
             Seoul, however, will not mention China by name because of fears this could backfire, Chosun Ilbo newspaper said.            
             "We don't want to put defectors in a bind by creating diplomatic discord with Beijing," an unnamed foreign ministry official was quoted as saying.            
             North Korea's official website blasted the South for trying to internationalise the issue, saying repatriations are the "righful activity of sovereign nations".            
             "Recently South Korean authorities have been frantic in their commotion over 'refugees' in a reckless attempt to internationalise the issue of repatriating them," the Uriminzokkiri website said Friday.            
             "Nobody can say this or that about the rightful activity of sovereign nations when they take administrative actions on            
             problems on their border in line with domestic laws and relevant treaties."            
             About 30 North Korean refugees have reportedly been caught by Chinese authorities this month and are awaiting repatriation, as their relatives or other supporters in the South campaign to save them.            
             "My brother in North Korea called me, and said that my female cousin who crossed into China in late February was caught and sent back to North Korea," a North Korean refugee in the South told Yonhap Thursday.            
             She said eight others were also repatriated.            
             A Seoul group called North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity said it could confirm that China had recently repatriated three North Koreans, although there might have been more.            
             More than 21,700 North Koreans have fled to the South since the 1950-1953 war, the vast majority in recent years. They            
             typically escape on foot to China, hide out and then travel to a third country to seek resettlement in the South.            
    1. Sappho4now  •  加拿大,尼亚加拉大瀑布     
     Chines simply send North Koreans to Death Penalty.     
     1-1. TAEJUN  •  中国,天津市     
     China gives the death penalty all the time. They stopped caring if they are Chinese or not. They killed Filapinos last year.     
     1-2. TheAdditional1     
     I think people disliked the comment because it's an ugly comment, but it probably is very true. They do punish or kill anyone who breaks their law down there in NK - they even imprisoned people who didn't cry enough for Kim!     
     2. Rose     
     Why don't the south Koreans just take the refugees in?     
     They don't because they're cheap skates who don't want to foot the bills of resettlement.     
     2-1. moop  •  中国,北京市     
     apparently someone who doesnt understand anything about the situation. the prc won't let them go to south korea. the prc arrests them and sends them back to nk. they can't escape through the north korean and south korean border you #$%$ its covered with mines and thousands of soldiers. get a clue. pathetic communist apologist.     
     2-2. Calling     
     Rose must be a North Korean, as only North Koreans refer to South Korea and South Koreans with lower case "s" in the word "South."     
     2-3. David     
     Moop how do you explain this quote? "The South's foreign ministry and legislators have urged China to change its policy of treating the North Koreans as economic migrants, and to give them refugee status."     
     It seems to me South Korean want China to them them in as refugee inside China.     
     2-4. TeaPartyForever     
     David - you're basing your conclusion on an incomplete article. This is not the policy that South Korea follows and it does try to get North Koreans resettled within South Korea. If you do not follow Korean politics and research, then don't comment. That quote is only partially accurate, but it's more complicated than the cut-and-dry way you are treating it.     
     2-5. a     
     David is a chink.     
     3. AndyC     
     The DungPiles Han Chinese enjoy sending people to their deaths. Look at their genocide in Tibet and their endorsement of Syria's. Garbage of Asia.     
     3-1. Chung  •  泰国,曼谷市     
     Andy, please do not denigrate the whole ace, the sending back to their Country has nothing to do with genocide in ibet, besides, no proof of genocide has been found, even the UN has no record f your so call genocide in Tibet, spreading false information, denigrating the hole race makes you a liar, an enemy of the Han race, it does not benefit you ourself or anybody else in the World.     
     3-2. untitled_1  •  中国,广州市     
     AndyC do you know what the word genocide means? with you western people t always comes down to race.     
     3-3. David     
     Genocide...let me see, oh you mean how the Americans wipe out the Native mericans?     
     3-4. TonyG     
     No it is about Chinese leadership killing Tibetans and the Chinese eople supporting it! Maybe not genicide, but ruthless minded society!     
     3-5. Haifeng  •  中国,北京市(译者注:这是我回的)     
     TonyG, R U an idiot? That's so called 'sarcasm'. Do you need a member of ruthless minded society' to teach you English comprehension?     
     4. jeff     
     There are estimated over 10,000 North oreans hiding in China. Chinese government normally turned blind eye on it as ar as there is nobody reporting them. North Korean government agent sometime racks down those they think important, then inform Chinese authority to catch hem and repatriate them. At Chinese side of Yalu river, you don't see any hinese boarder quards around. In winter time, North Koreans can just walk cross the river to China if they are lucky not caught by North Korea soldiers.     
     5. ses  •  中国,北京市     
     The nine refugees are dead man........     
     But hiding in China is much more happier han be send to South Korean.     
     You have have meat every meal here :)      
         5-1. Joey Williams
rat in it hole thinks their hole is best.            
     6. The Manzi     
     those caught in China tend to be up to no good in China. they break the law in China and get sent out.     
     7. River     
     China just exculpated nine North Koreans in her land...then forced them to death sentence in North Korea. This is one of the typical communist tactics in order to get rid of someones...     
     8. .(译者注:这位的ID就是“.”)     
     is'nt china so sweet,,,,,,,the people who will your internal organs wile you are alive---if you are a criminal.....     
     8-1. An     
     Too much Hollywood you watched.     
     9. .     
     or shoot you and send the bill for the bullit to your mom and dad     
     9-1. An     
     Seems your media really spoonfed you well.     
     10. .     
     gotta love those chineese.     
     11. An     
     Its easy to talk human right. There are over 100,000 North Koreans hiding in Northeast China. How many of them will America want?     
12. David     
     This article should be titled "China returns nine refugees to North Korea, because South Korea and United State also refuse to take those refugee in their own nations"     
     12-1. Sean  •  韩国,首尔市     
     South Korea has a open policy of accepting any North Korean defector. North Koreans are automatically citizens of South Korea under the Korean constitution.     
     12-2. TheAdditional1     
     Yeah it's our fault, isn't it? No. South Korea openly welcomes refugees, except N Korea keeps them in there at gunpoint so it's hard to get over there..     
     12-3. David     
     Sean then how do you explain this statement "The South's foreign ministry has urged China to change its policy of treating North Koreans as economic migrants, and to give them refugee status."     
     It seems to me South Korea wants China to accept those NK refugee as part of China's own.     
     12-4. TonyG     
     China is a inhumane society, David and others like him , prove the point, they do not even care about the Chinese leaders killing their own, and the Chinese people support that, so why would someone else matter to the Chinese people or the leaders of China???? It doesn't!     
     12-5. GF     
     So far, South Korea has been willing to take pretty much any and all North Koreans who can get there. Asking China to recognize them as refugees is just the first step in ensuring their security until they can be resettled in the South.     
     12-6. JoeMawma     
     Being given a "refugee" status simply means safe haven instead deportation; they don't want to live in China, they want to go to S. Korea.     
     12-7. Hadtasay     
     David: #$%$ are you talking about; YOU ARE A STRAIGHT . . . #$%$Stupid A S S Trick.     
     12-8. Hadtasay     
     #$%$ David, how can you be so stupid?     
     13. Sean  •  韩国,首尔市     
     I feel sorry fot them...North Korea will torture and kill them, then inprison three genertions of their family, where they will likely die of starvation and beatings....I really wish China would change that policy and send them to the South.     
     14. Doodoo     
     The main question is does South Korea want them? It gives refugee status to those who make it into S. Korea but are they saying give us all North Korean? Completely different story if S. Korea is saying give us all N. Koreans. It seems they are saying we don't want them in South Korea but please let them stay in China.     
     14-1. Joey Williams     
     you are full of poops kid.     
     14-2. David     
     "The South's foreign ministry has urged China to change its policy of treating North Koreans as economic migrants, and to give them refugee status."     
     It seems your assessment is correct, SK government want those refugee stay inside China.     
     14-3. TeaPartyForever     
     It's not, though. if you are not here, following the actual story within Korea and have been following its policies concerning these situations, then you don't have a right to comment. Period.     
     14-4. GF     
     By requesting that China recognize the North Koreans as refugees, the South is not saying China has to keep them. That is just the first step in the process of extending them protection until they can be resettled in the South.     
     15. Joey Williams     
     people use to get out of China because there not enough food for all, now china keep poor hunger people from coming in eating up their stock pile.     
     16. TonyG     
     The world knows China puts no importance on life, as we see with Syria, Africa, Tibet, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, etc etc etc..... Most of all, its own people, CHina's keaders main concern is power over people as they have harassed all south East Asia recently, and what is really sick, the people of CHina accept the killing of everyone by their leaders and including their own.. What a Society in China today!!!! North Korea is a death bed, and China and its people support it! All one has to do is read the Chinese posts on Yahoo!
         17. Groucho Marxist  •  中国,广州市         
Why should it matter to the South Koreans what happens to illegal immigrants from North Korea? And why should any
international organization trump a sovereign nation's right to deport illegal immigrants? We shouldn't be deriding China here; we should be wondering why we can't do the same with illegal immigrants in our native United States.         
         17-1. A         
         Idiot, they are refugees fleeing from an extremely repressive govt. Anything that involves North Korea inevitably involves South Korea, as much as they don't want it to. So it does matter. Repatriating North Koreans to North Korea further strengthens the North Korean gov't, and that's exactly the opposite of what SK wants. If Americans like you don't care, then don't even f###ing comment about it, idiot.         
         17-2. Jake  •  台湾,台北市         
         Marxist how brainwashed do you get in Communist China? Spend a day in the life of real North Koreans and you'll do anything to get out of NK. South Korea actually cares about its fellow koreans and don't want to see them in labor camps...China could care less and will deport them to go into labor camps...Why can't China grant them political asylum (They will be tortured on
return) or just deport them to South Korea.         
         17-3. River         
         Marxist will change his mind before he is forced to live in North Korea for one day!         
         17-4. JoeMawma         
         Groucho, you might want to change your Yahoo location before claiming to be in or from the U.S. Propaganda works much better that way.         
         17-5. GF         
         Any illegal immigrant in the United States, who can show a credible fear of torture, or imprisonment, due to political or other reasons, if returned to their home country, is elligible to seek asylum.         
         Most North Koreans in China are different than Mexicans in the United States, for example, because while the Mexicans may have come for economic reasons, they do not face torture and imprisonment if returned, where as most North Koreans do. Now if a particular person, Mexican or North Korean, could show the credible fear of persecution if returned, they could get asylum in the United States, and under international human rights treaties, should be able to get the same protections from China ... but China won't allow it.         
         18. Jake  •  台湾,台北市         
         Why are there so many paid prc china trolls on yahoo? SOUTH KOREA GRANTS AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP TO ANY NORTH KOREAN WHO MAKES IT TO SOUTH KOREA. Are you guys that brainwashed?         
         19. A         
         China is an ALLY of NK, so it's no surprise that they're doing whatever NK tells it to do. Notice that the Americans, despite all their constant wading into other countries' business, are saying absolutely nothing about the NK refugee situation. Neither China nor the US are on SK's side, they're just both using their little puppet states.         
         20. River         
         North Korea = hell on earth!         
         21. GF         
         Did anyone but me think from the healine, that this story was going to say something about "Military Police" (MPs)?         
         22. JoeMawma         
         A lot of you seem to be a bit ignorant. Granting refugee status is not the same as granting legal resident or citizen status. Refugees are called such to indicate that they will be given safe haven, and not be deported. There is no reason why China cannot grant them 7, 15 or 30 days of refugee status to give them time to get to S. Korea - which is where the refugees want to be, not China.         
         23. Teng         
         Well, that's 9 people and their families possibly, that we'll never see or hear from again...         
         24. terry         
         South Korean Constitution claims North Koreans as South's citiens. Any North Korean defector knocking on the door of South Korean Embassy or Consulate WILL BE REPATRIATED TO SOUTH KOREA AS HER OWN CITIZENS.         
         SHAME ON CHINA!         

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