Ordo 发表于 2012-3-3 11:53


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 14:49 编辑

Trade officialurges action on China, Russia ties贸易官员敦促美国对与中国及俄罗斯的关系采取行动 http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/29/trade-official-urges-action-on-china-russia-ties/ WASHINGTON –Congress, acting in concert with theadministration, took steps Wednesday toward overturning a federal court rulingthat restricted the government's ability to impose higher tariffs on China andother countries that subsidize exports to the United States.华盛顿——美国国会周三与政府采取一致行动反对联邦法院的一项限制政府针对中国以及其他一些向美国出口商品进行补贴的国家施加更高关税的能力。Republican and Democraticleaders of the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees trade issues, putforth the bill that would restore the government's authority to respond whencountries such as China and Vietnam use unfair trade practices to sell goodsoverseas.负责监督对外贸易的众议院筹款委员会中共和党和民主党的负责人提出一项旨在恢复联邦政府在面对包括中国和越南在内采取不公平贸易手段进行海外贸易的国家时有权采取回应的议案。 Senate FinanceCommittee chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., and committee member John Thune, R-S.D.,quickly followed suit with a parallel Senate bill. They said some 80,000 jobshave been protected from predatory trade practices since the government beganusing these countervailing duties in 2007.参议院财政委员会主席Max Baucus(民主党员,来自蒙大纳州)和委员会成员John Thune(共和党员,来自南达科他州)随后很快与参议院的法案同时提起诉讼。他们说,自从政府在2007年开始征收反补贴税之后,政府从掠夺性的贸易手段中保护了大约80000个工作岗位。 The bipartisanlegislation emerged as the administration's top trade official, U.S. TradeRepresentative Ron Kirk, urged Ways and Means members to act quickly both onthe China issue and on the normalization of market relations with Russia.美国贸易代表Ron Kirk以政府的高级贸易官员的身份出现在两党立法会上,劝说筹款委员会成员在对中国市场和美国与俄罗斯市场关系正常化上迅速采取措施。 Kirk said the"flawed" court decision "jeopardizes the ability of the UnitedStates to remedy the harmful effects of unfairly subsidized imports."Kirk说,法院“有缺陷的”决定“损害了美国纠正那些不公平的进口补贴所造成不良影响的能力。” A U.S. Court ofAppeals ruled last December that the Commerce Department lacks legal authorityto impose punitive duties on subsidized imports from countries such as Chinaand Vietnam that still have remnants of socialist-based economic systems.一个美国上诉法院去年十二月裁定商务部向诸如中国和越南这些任然存在社会主义经济的国家征收惩罚性关税为不合法。 In 2009 the BarackObama administration imposed a three-year tariff, starting at 35 percent, onU.S. imports of low-grade Chinese tires. The tariff was approved after importsof those tires rose threefold to about 46 million tires between 2004 and 2008.Last year the World Trade Organization, rejecting an appeal from China, foundthat the United States acted consistently with its WTO obligations in imposingthe duties.在2009年奥巴马政府向美国进口的中国低档轮胎征收为期三年,最低为35%的关税。这些轮胎的进口数额在2004年至2008年间翻了三倍达到4600万之后这项关税议案获得了批准。去年世贸组织驳回了中国的上诉,世贸组织认为美国在征收税收上一直履行着它在WTO的职责。 Ways and MeansCommittee chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., who sponsored the legislation with the panel'stop Democrat, Sander Levin of Michigan, said it was written to comply with WTOrules and "preserves our ability to fight unfair subsidies granted bycountries like China that injure our industries, cost U.S. jobs and distort themarket."筹款委员会主席Dave Camp(共和党员,来自密歇根州)说,各方需要遵守WTO的规则并“保证我们有能力对抗来自中国等一些国家的不公平补贴,这种不公平补贴损害了我们的工业,减少了美国的就业机会,扭曲了我们的市场。”Dave Camp和小组中来自民主党的Sander Levin提出了立法议案。 China's tradepractices and how to deal with countries that don't play by the rules was atheme in Kirk's testimony before the hearing.中国的贸易手段以及如何处理那些不遵守游戏规则的国家是听证会前Kirk证词的一个主题。 Kirk pointed tothe new trade enforcement unit, the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center, thatObama outlined Tuesday during a speech to the United Auto Workers. Obama saidthe new center would bring "the full resources of the federal governmentto bear" to level the playing field for U.S. workers.Kirk提出一个名叫部门间贸易执法中心的新贸易执法部门。奥巴马曾在周二与美国汽车工人的讲话中简要介绍过这个部门。奥巴马说,这个新的中心将“使联邦政府资源得到最大的利用”以提供给美国工人一个公平的竞争环境。 Levin said hehoped the new agency would "focus immediately on China's duties on autoexports, its practices in rare earth restraints, its export credit program, itsforced technology transfer and its lack of transparency and use of intimidationas a trade policy tool."Levin说,他希望新机构能“马上关注一下中国的汽车出口关税,它对稀土资源的控制,其出口信贷计划,其被迫的技术转移,透明度的缺失以及把恐吓作为贸易政策工具的这些问题。” Kirk also askedCongress to repeal a Cold War law that has clouded trade relations with Russia.Without action to eliminate the 1974 Jackson-Vanik law, U.S. companies will beshut out of trading opportunities with Russia that will open up after Russiagains entry to the WTO later this year.Kirk还要求国会废除冷战时期的法律,这项法律已经给美国与俄罗斯的贸易关系蒙上了阴影。如果不采取行动取消1974年的杰克逊——瓦尼克法,美国公司将在今年晚些时候俄罗斯进入WTO之后失去与俄罗斯进行贸易的机会。 Jackson-Vanikdenied normal trading relations with communist countries that restrictedemigration or punished those trying to leave the country.杰克逊 - 瓦尼克拒绝与那些限制移民或是惩罚那些试图离开本国的社会主义国家开展正常贸易。 Camp acknowledgedthat U.S. relations with Russia today are "complex," with strongcongressional antipathy to Moscow's human rights records and its ties to Syriaand Iran, but agreed that "only if we grant Russia permanent normal traderelations will we be able to obtain the benefits of the concessions Russia madeto join the WTO."Camp承认美国与今天的俄罗斯的关系是“复杂的”。这既包含了国会对莫斯科人权记录强烈的反感以及它与叙利亚和伊朗的关系,但同时,国会也同意“只有我们与俄罗斯保持长期正常的贸易关系,我们才能获得俄罗斯在做出让步并加入WTO以后所产生的利益。” Kirk said another toptrade priority this year will be concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership, atrade agreement being negotiated with countries such as Australia, Brunei,Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Japan, Canada andMexico have also expressed interest in joining the negotiations.Kirk说今年另一个最大的贸易优先项包括跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定。包括澳大利亚,文莱,智利,马来西亚,新西兰,秘鲁,新加坡以及越南对这个贸易协议进行谈判。日本,加拿大和墨西哥也表示有兴趣加入谈判。 Last year Congressand the White House cooperated in approving three free trade agreements, withSouth Korea, Panama and Colombia. The agreement with Korea is to go into effecton March 15.去年美国国会和白宫合作批准了3个与韩国,巴拿马和哥伦比亚的自由贸易协定。与韩国的协议自3月15日起生效。
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