徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-4 15:07


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 10:44 编辑

【原文标题】Opinion: China has not been behaving like a friend
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An electronic stealth operation allegedly based in China hacks into Nortel Networks Inc., Canada’s high-flying telecom superstar, loots its secrets for a decade and, says one cyber-security expert, contributes to the company’s fatal implosion.最近一名供职于该公司高层的网络安全专家发布消息称,一位被发现来自中国的黑客使用电子隐身技术闯入了加拿大高空电信巨头,北电网络公司并窃取了此公司十年间的机密文件。Queen’s University professor David Skillicorn points out that after the hackers penetrated Nortel around 2000, they began stealing technical papers, research and development reports, and strategic business plans.女王大学教授David Skillicorn指出在北电公司于2000年被黑客渗透以后,黑客们开始不断窃取技术文件,研究和发展报告,以及某些战略业务计划书。After that, Nortel couldn’t compete for contracts “because the hackers had their technical knowledge, their financials, their bids, before they submitted them,” Skillicorn told Postmedia News. “How can you compete in an environment like that? These hackers weren’t into Nortel just out of curiosity. They were using the stuff they got.”之后,北电公司不能再参与新合同的竞争。“由于黑客们已经在他们(北电公司)正式递交他们的技术知识,他们的财政状况和他们的出价前知道了这些信息,”Skillicorn告诉Postmedia News。“在这种环境中你难道可以和别人公平竞争吗?这些黑客可不是出于好奇才渗透北电公司的。他们正在使用他们已经得到的东西!”A Wall Street Journal report quotes Brian Shields, a 19-year Nortel veteran who led the internal investigation into the hacking. Shields apparently found spy software so deeply embedded in company computers that it took years to realize the size and pervasiveness of the problem.华尔街日报报道引述了领导了有关黑客的内部调查的在北电工作十九年的资深人士Brian Shields的调查结果。Shield最终清楚地发现了藏在公司电脑中很深的一个间谍软件,这个软件花了很多年的时间去了解问题的规模和普遍性。There’s a bigger concern. In bankruptcy, Nortel sold off assets to other major telecoms. Those assets may have included computers and routing hardware already infected with the same spying software.还有一个很令人担忧的问题。在宣告破产之后,北电公司曾经向其它电信公司变卖了大量资产。那些资产就很有可能包括那些已经被感染了间谍软件的电脑和路由硬件。Nortel had plenty of other serious problems. Its top executives now face charges they fraudulently misstated financial reports. Still, it’s worth noting who now occupies the business landscape littered with the rubble that once was Nortel.北电仍然存在着大量其它严重的问题。它的高层管理人员现在面临着他们欺诈谎报财务报告等多项指控。不过,值得注意的是到底是谁现在占据着那些属于曾经辉煌而现在却残破不堪的北电的业务。It’s Huawei, one of the Canadian company’s chief rivals from China. In fact, Nortel unsuccessfully tried to buddy up with Huawei Technology Co. Ltd. in 2005 as a way of cracking the Asian market.它就是华为,一家来自中国的加拿大公司的主要竞争对手。事实上,北电公司就是在2005年试图与华为技术有限公司建立合作伙伴关系,以此作为进军亚洲市场的敲门砖时遭遇了滑铁卢般的惨败。There’s no suggestion Huawei, which rocketed from a no-name start-up in 1987 to its rank among the world’s top three vendors of telecommunications equipment, had anything to do with Nortel’s problems — internal or external — and eventual collapse.还没有任何迹象表明华为,这个1987年还默默无闻而如今已经跻身世界前三名的电信设备制造商,参与了任何导致北电由内到外崩溃的问题。However, there’s a fascinating irony in Huawei announcing it will double the staff at the research and development centre it established in Ottawa in 2010. It plans to expand its research, development and engineering staff from 120 to 250 employees by 2013, right at the epicentre of the market crater left by Nortel.然而,我们不得不说华为公司宣告其将在2010年增加一倍在渥太华研究和发展中心的工作人员是一个极大的讽刺。正当北电公司逐渐退出该市场中心,华为公司计划到2013年将其研究,发展和技术人员从120名增加到250名。In the meantime, there’s a report from McAfee, the Internet security company. It reports that for five years hackers ransacked the computer systems of at least two Canadian government agencies. Even a fraction of the stolen data represents a massive economic threat to Canada, said a Reuters story about the incursion. Once again, the electronic trail led back to China.在此期间,一份来自互联网安全公司McAfee的报告称,五年间至少有两家加拿大政府机构的电脑系统遭遇了黑客的洗劫。根据路透社的有关报道,哪怕有一小点数据资料被窃取都会在加拿大产生巨大的经济问题。而黑客留下的“脚印”再一次将矛头指向了中国。And in 2010 a background paper prepared for Parliament warned of “an ongoing and increasingly aggressive cyber espionage campaign being waged against U.S. interests and those of its allies,” with China one of the principal instigators.一份2010年由国会提供的背景文件警告说“持续并且越来越多的在网络层面针对美国及其邻国利益的间谍挑衅活动正在被不断开展起来,”中国被认为是煽动者之一。“China’s suspected cyber spying first gained public interest in 2003, when reports emerged that it was behind a massive, coordinated operation in which sensitive government and private-sector computer systems in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada had been compromised,” the report said.“中国的涉嫌网络间谍事件在2003年首次获得了公众们的注意力,大规模的报道指出在美国,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰和加拿大等国协调运作的政府与私营产业部门的计算机系统正在不断受到威胁,”报告称。To point out China’s apparently pervasive role in the alleged theft of economic, industrial, military and diplomatic secrets and other intellectual property is not to indulge in Sinophobia, although apologists for China are prone to characterize such interest as a resurgence of “Yellow Peril” racism.中国被似乎在各个领域例如经济,工业,军事和外交秘密都被指控偷窃,甚至在其他的类似知识产权问题上也出现了对华人世界的恐惧,虽然中国辩解称这只是由于外国人的被称为“黄祸”的种族主义发生了回潮。So let’s be clear. The Chinese Communist Party and the government it controls are neither the culture of China nor its diverse and admirable people. To examine the activities of the Chinese state is not to denigrate the value and richness of Chinese culture, whether in Asia or among Canada’s vibrant Chinese communities. It is simply to examine what transpires in 21st-century geopolitics.因此,我们可以很清楚知道的一点是中国共产党和政府控制的既不是中国文化也不是那些多样化的令人钦佩的人民。而检验中国国家政府的活跃性并不是为了诋毁中华文化的丰富与重要性,或者是活跃在亚洲还是加拿大的华人团体。它仅仅是考察在21世纪地缘政治发生的知识及档案的泄漏问题。And this examination must inevitably lead to questions about what this phenomenon signifies for a Canadian political landscape that a Conservative majority government seeks to recast, in part by promoting a sudden and dramatic expansion in economic engagement with China, a nation which is rapidly emerging as our chief ally’s major military and economic competitor.另外这种检验也将不可避免地导致加拿大的政府格局逐渐转变为重新由保守党把持的状况,这将会增加加拿大政府与军事和经济日渐崛起的中国发生冲突的可能。China, of course, denies nefarious activities. A student of history might say, the more things change in strategic geopolitics, the more they stay the same.当然对于这一切恶意活动的指控,中国都选择了否认。学历史专业的学生可能会说,在地缘政治战略上改变的越多,他们就越会趋于相同(两个国家)。Five hundred years ago, English privateers plundered the Spanish Main. They were judiciously ignored and publicly lamented by the English Crown, so long as Spain suffered and Queen Elizabeth I got her cut.500年以前,英国的私人武装开始在西班牙领土上进行大范围的掠夺。英国皇家对此不屑一顾并且为之表示了悲哀,不久西班牙政府也就忍受了伊丽莎白女王一世的行为并对女王的外交辞令感觉很受用。Today, intelligence experts say China routinely turns a blind eye to “patriotic hackers” — so long as they turn over any sensitive data for the state’s own use.到了今天,情报专家认为中国政府经常对那些“爱国主义黑客”睁一只眼闭一只眼,纵容他们的行为——也许不久他们也会开始考虑那些他们正在使用的敏感的资料。The U.S. Defence Department, in a report on security developments involving China, last year confirmed “a large, well-organized network of enterprises, defence factories, affiliated research institutes, and computer network operations to facilitate the collection of sensitive information and export-controlled technology.”美国国防部去年在涉及中国的安全发展的报告中确认中国拥有一个“大型的,有组织的集工商企业,国防单位,下属的科学研究所,以及计算机网络业务的联合体,中国以此手机敏感信息和管制出口的技术。”Testimony in early February at hearings by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission in Washington, D.C., reported that state-owned enterprises in China are ubiquitous and often serve as strategic instruments for advancing state policy.二月初来自华顿的中美经济与安全审查委员会的证据报告称,中国的国有企业是无处不在的,并且他们经常成为推动国家政策的战略工具。“They are run by high-level Party cadres or their children,” said Derek Scissors, a research fellow in Asian economics with the Heritage Foundation.“他们(国企)由最高行政级别的干部与太子党运作着,”亚洲经济与遗产基金会的研究员Derek Scissors声称。He listed the key industrial sectors controlled by the Communist party to advance state goals: information technologies, telecommunications, oil and gas and shipping.他列举了那些由共产党控制的关键工业部门:信息技术,电信,室友,天然气和运输。Given the prevalence of these state-owned enterprises and the degree of control that China exercises over Internet portals, security and telecommunications, it beggars belief that “hackers” capable of operating on such a scale and for so long as the ones who looted Nortel and rummaged about in Canada’s federal government could be anything other than government proxies.考虑到这些国有企业的普遍性以及中国一定程度的控制下的互联网门户网站,电信交流与安全,很难相信“黑客”能够经营如此大甚至超越加拿大联邦政府的代理水平的规模对北电公司进行掠夺。The Pentagon’s 2011 report to the U.S. Congress, for example, says specifically that Chinese technology companies maintain close ties with the Chinese military and have been linked directly to Beijing’s intelligence service.2011年五角大楼向美国国会提交报告明确宣称中国的科技公司与中国军方的关系十分紧密并且他们直接与北京的情报部门挂钩。The U.S. department of defence maintains that “economic espionage, supported by extensive open source research, computer network exploitation, and targeted intelligence operations” are part of China’s global strategy for obtaining technologies to advance both its military and its industrial competitiveness against the West.美国国防部认为“由广泛的资料研究所支持的经济类间谍活动,计算机网络开发,以及有针对性的情报活动”是中国获得技术用以改善其军事和工业以便与西方世界展开竞争的全球战略。The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development warned in 2010 that state-owned enterprises of foreign governments can be effective as “Trojan horses,” serving as conduits of illicit technology transfers as well as outright espionage.经济合作与发展组织在2010年警告说,外国政府的国有企业可以作为“特洛伊木马”,沦落为非法转让技术的渠道甚至彻底间谍化。Analysts say another key element in Chinese military theory is “strategic deception,” creating misperceptions about intent while manoeuvring into a strategically advantageous position.分析家说,中国军事理论的一个关键纲要就是“战略欺骗,”创造有关意图的误解从而在战略上占据主导地位。So let’s consider Alberta’s oilsands, frequently cited as a future source of crude oil in a magnitude similar to Saudi Arabia’s conventional reserves.因此,让我们考虑那个经常被提到可以作为未来原油供给源头的与沙特阿拉伯储量相当的阿尔伯塔省的油砂。Back in 2007, Chinese officials were publicly complaining that the Conservative government was giving them the cold shoulder. In 2008, Stephen Harper and the Conservatives even campaigned on a promise that Alberta’s bitumen would not be exported to a jurisdiction with lower environmental standards than our own.早在2007年,中国官方就开始公开抱怨(加)政府中的保守派对他们很冷淡。2008年,Stephen Harper和保守党甚至为了选举而承诺阿尔伯塔的原油不会被出口到一个司法公正程度不如加拿大本国标准的地方去。But in a paper in the Canadian Political Science Review published in January, University of Alberta scholar Laura Way points out that in 2009, PetroChina abruptly acquired 60 per cent of the Athabasca Oil Sands Corp.但是阿尔伯塔大学的学者Laura Way在2009年一月份出版的加拿大政治科学杂志中指出,中石油突然收购了Athabasca(以加拿大著名河流命名的)油砂公司60%的股份。Then in 2010, Sinopec, a state-owned enterprise ranked No. 5 on the Fortune 500, bought into Syncrude. Sinopec promptly used its seat on the board of Canada’s largest oilsands producer to veto plans to increase upgrading of bitumen in Canada. This was effectively a vote for exporting skilled refining jobs to China.然后是在2010年,在世界五百强里排名第五的国有企业中石化买入了Syncrude。从此中石化占据了加拿大最大油砂生产商董事会的席位,在加拿大是否增加浓缩沥青的开采量问题上有了投否决票的权力。这也是对于出口原油到中国最重要的一票。Chinese companies have now invested almost $20 billion in acquiring Canadian oil assets. And that’s just in the past few years.仅仅是在过去几年里,中国企业现在已经在受够加拿大石油资产方面投入了将近20亿美元。Ottawa not only appears to now lack the means to control these resources, Way observed, it appears not even to aspire to control them, a peculiar position for a nation whose government keeps touting itself as orchestrating Canada’s emergence as an energy superpower.加拿大政府中央不只是缺少足够的手段去控制这些资源,而且甚至于让别人都看不出来他们有类似这样的想法,加拿大就像一个总是吹嘘自己资源如何如何丰富的国家却对如何管理这些资源不大感冒的国家。Robyn Allan, the economist who was formerly the Insurance Corp. of British Columbia’s president, points out in a recent Edmonton Journal article that one strategic implication of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline project is that it promises a major negative impact upon other regions of Canada.曾经在不列颠哥伦比亚省首府的保险股份公司担任经济学家的Robyn Allan,在最近的Edmonton Journal article杂志中指出,在被提议的有关Northern Gateway建设石油运输管道的隐含的有关战略问题一旦被实现将会在加拿大其他地区产生巨大的负面影响。“Enbridge documents filed with the National Energy Board confirm that, once the Northern Gateway pipeline is built,” Allan wrote, “oil producers plan to restrict supply of conventional and heavy crude oil flowing to Ontario refineries.“安桥文件与国家能源局确认,一旦Northern Gateway管道建成,”Allan写到,“依照石油生产计划,流向安大略省的炼油厂原油将会被限制住。”“The pipeline will be used to redirect 20 per cent of the supply currently going to refineries in Ontario to refineries in northeast Asia. Reduced access to reasonably priced feedstock will threaten the economics of Canadian refineries and many will struggle to survive.”一旦这条管道的20%被使用,本该流向安大略省炼油厂的油就会全跑到东北亚去了。减少货的价格合理的原谅将会危及加拿大炼油厂的经济,很多(加拿大)人将会为生存而挣扎。This shift would certainly be in the interests of China, but would it be in the interests of Canadians?这个对中国来说肯定是个绝妙的礼物,但是对加拿大人来说呢?Meanwhile, since 2006, U.S. government agencies have recorded 26 major cases linking China to attempts to acquire technological secrets involving everything from integrated microwave circuits to major weapons systems, advanced materials research and uranium enrichment processes.同时,2006年以来,美国政府机构已经把26起与中国有关联的大案要案,它们都是涉及中国尝试获得包括整合微波电路在内的主要武器系统,先进材料的研究与铀浓缩过程的等有关的技术机密。In 2010, “numerous computer systems around the world, including those owned by the U.S. government, were the target of intrusions, some of which appear to have originated within the PRC ,” says the Pentagon report.在2010年,“包括美国在内的世界很多计算机系统成为了黑客入侵的目标,其中很多的黑客来自中华人民共和国,”五角大楼的报告称。Last year, as Finance Minister Jim Flaherty prepared for a G20 economic summit in Paris, hackers penetrated Canada’s Treasury Board and department of finance computer networks. They also infiltrated the House of Commons network. Later analysis identified a particular interest in MPs with large numbers of ethnic Chinese in their constituencies.去年,当作为财政部长的Jim Flaherty正在准备在巴黎的G20经济峰会时,黑客嵌入了加拿大国库的金融部门的计算机网络。他们还渗透到下议院的网络。后来分析证明发现下议院中的一大批人都是华人。Canada’s Communications Security Establishment tracked this hacking operation to the Chinese embassy in Ottawa and from there to computer servers in Beijing, reported CTV News.根据CTV News的有关报道,加拿大通信安全局沿着这个黑客留下的线索追查到在渥太华的中国大使馆,并且发现服务器也是来自中国的。Japanese diplomatic missions have been compromised by a computer virus originating in China which provided outside access to data on embassy servers and networks, reported the newspaper Asahi Shimbun. It said that sensitive information in the Japanese parliament was targeted for electronic espionage. The operation was traced back to China.日本外交代表团的任务已经被来自提供外网连接的中国中国大使馆的电脑病毒损坏了,朝日新闻如是报道说。它还说对日本国会的敏感信息的有针对性的电子间谍活动都可以追溯到中国。In 2011, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission reported that hackers routing commands through a ground station in Norway took total control of two U.S. surveillance satellites gathering data for non-military scientific research. While the report did not accuse China directly, it did observe that the events which occurred were consistent with “Chinese military tactical writings.”2011年,中美经济与安全审查委员会的报告称,黑客通过挪威的一个服务器控制了两枚美国侦察卫星手机非军工科研数据。虽然报告没有直接说中国就是小偷,但是这种事跟中国军方多少也要有一些关系。A Reuters investigative team reported in 2011 that according to U.S. investigators, “China has stolen terabytes of information – from user names and passwords for state department computers to designs for multi-billion-dollar weapons systems. And Chinese hackers show no signs of letting up.”2011年一个路透社的调查小组根据美国调查者作出报告称,“中国已经窃取了数以万计的信息——从国务院电脑的用户名和密码到价值亿万美元的武器系统。中国黑客不减反增。”Reuters said U.S. state department c由路透社报道ables obtained by WikiLeaks and made available to Reuters by a third party reported that the department’s Cyber Threat Analysis Division had traced the intrusions to Chengdu, China, right to the door of the Chinese army’s First Technical Reconnaissance Bureau.路透社说美国国务院资料被维基解密获得并且由路透社报道,概不得网络威胁分析部已经追查入侵了在中国成都的中国人民解放军第一技术侦查局。In 2010, the New York Times reported that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was informed by the FBI that its computer networks had been compromised and that hackers deploying from servers based in China had stolen emails for six weeks. These emails involved most of the largest corporations in the U.S. The hackers were also spying on and stealing information from the chamber’s four Asia policy experts.在2010年,纽约时报报道FBI已经证实美国商会的电子邮件等资料在六个星期以来已经被来自中国的黑客窃取了。这些邮件涉及了大部分美国最大的公司。黑客们还刺探并窃取了商会的四个亚洲政策专家的信息。In January of 2010, Google complained it had been attacked by hackers trying to access the accounts of human rights activists in China.2010年1月份,谷歌抱怨称黑客们一直在尝试进入某些在谷歌注册的中国人权活动家的账号。British, French and German governments all report being penetrated by hackers which they traced back to China. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s accounts were targeted.英国,法国和德国政府也都通报了他们被来自中国的黑客渗透了。甚至是针对德国总理Angela Merkel的私人账号。Ed Turzanski, of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, was quoted by CTV News as saying that Chinese hackers conduct these high-profile intrusions because there have been no consequences.在费城外交政策研究所,Ed Turzanski接受CTV News采访时说,中国黑客如此高调的行为显然是因为其没有受到任何有效地控制。And so, permit me a few impertinent questions:因此,请允许我无礼地问一些问题。How is it that our federal government is suddenly fawning all over these guys, who are clearly not our friends, nor the friends of our closest allies in the U.S. and NATO?为啥我们的联邦政府会突然间都贱兮兮地像哈巴狗一样摇尾巴祈求这些家伙的可怜呢?他们很显然不是我们的朋友啊,他们也不像我们的盟国美国或者是北约那样啊。Defence Minister Peter MacKay told Parliament that, “There is growing and concrete evidence of a massive Chinese network actively spying and reporting on the activities of Canadian citizens and engaging in economic cold war activity.” He said industrial espionage was costing the economy $1 billion a month.国防部部长Peter MacKay告诉议会说。“大量增长的有关中国进行网络间谍活动的实体证据,加拿大公民活动的报告以及忙于经历冷战的活动。”他说工业经济的间谍活动每个月都要花费10亿美元。“Chinese spies were and are tapping phones and waging campaigns of threats and harassment, all actions that contravene Canadian laws,” MacKay said. “China has a huge interest in owning our natural resources and dominating our economy.”“中国间谍活动以及各种利用电话宣传发动的骚扰和威胁活动都与加拿大的相关法律所抵触,”MacKay说道。“中国在我们的自然资源的利用和经济上也取得了相当大的利益。”So how is it that our Conservative government is now so assiduously courting the same people who are still, apparently, rummaging busily through Canada’s most sensitive financial information, stealing industrial and trade secrets?但是为什么我们的保守党政府现在仍然在如此马屁精一般地与这种在加拿大忙着翻箱倒柜窃取我国最敏感的财务信息,工业和商业机密的家伙交朋友呢?How is it that the 2008 campaign promise not to export Alberta’s oilsands bitumen to a country with lower environmental standards, such as China, has morphed overnight into a plan to ship 190 million barrels a year — to China?它(政府)是如何在2008年竞选时发毒誓承诺不出口阿尔伯塔省的油砂李清到中国那样的环境标准更差的国家,但是现在却按照计划每年运送1.9亿桶原油去——中国?These are all reasonable questions. They should be the starting point for a national conversation.这些都是很合理的问题。他们应该作为国家谈话的起点。Perhaps this sudden rapprochement with China is a good idea; perhaps somebody’s wisely hedging bets against perceived cracks in the American empire; maybe it’s a prescient strategy for more fully engaging China with the global economy and thus stabilizing the world; maybe it’s terrific for Canadian development.也许和中国突然和解是一个好主意;也许某些人是为了精明地在推翻美帝国主义的问题上赌博;或者这可能是一个为了能在全球经济市场中更充分的与中国交战并稳定世界的有先见只能的策略;也有可能它是为了使加拿大发展得更美好。But maybe it’s a really bad idea to be jumping into bed with our best friend’s principal competitor for influence in the Pacific; maybe the perils inherent in possibly alienating the U.S., if push comes to shove over strategic oil supplies, far outweigh the immediate benefits from sales to China; maybe we’re being played for suckers in the contemporary version of what Rudyard Kipling called “The Great Game.”但是可能这对我们最好的朋友在太平洋地区产生影响是一个坏主意;或许最大的危险是为了离间我们和美国之间的关系,如果推来推去在战略上的石油供给,这个的重要性将远远超过从在中国的买卖中获得即时利益;没准儿是我们只不过是某人玩儿的“一盘大棋”中的某个棋子……Meanwhile, somebody check those new pandas for bugs, please – and I don’t mean fleas.与此同时,一些人在检查为了那些bug而检查新的熊猫,好吧……我不想说跳骚。

Jigong 发表于 2012-3-4 16:21


zlyywy 发表于 2012-3-5 10:59


扶摇可接 发表于 2012-3-5 11:04


墨子的咸菜 发表于 2012-3-5 11:26


sy25777 发表于 2012-3-5 11:35


沐霜 发表于 2012-3-5 11:55

笑话西方一直以来都不把中国当朋友凭什么要中国把西方当朋友   要玩手段就大家一起玩看看谁玩得更高明谁能笑到最后

色影爱好者 发表于 2012-3-5 12:03


YBSJG 发表于 2012-3-5 12:19


麦天 发表于 2012-3-5 12:27


老六21 发表于 2012-3-5 12:31


wkitdw 发表于 2012-3-5 12:32


战略核企鹅 发表于 2012-3-5 12:45


拾柒人金 发表于 2012-3-5 13:00


导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2012-3-5 13:00



allan8290069 发表于 2012-3-5 13:05


cqwlj 发表于 2012-3-5 13:05


hx1997 发表于 2012-3-5 13:21


hx1997 发表于 2012-3-5 13:22


清淡飘渺 发表于 2012-3-5 13:25

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