sharond185 发表于 2012-3-5 00:54


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 14:16 编辑

【中文标题】“超级星期二”临近 似乎反华言论也越来越多了
【原文标题】As Super Tuesday Nears, More Anti-China Rhetoric Likely


Mitt: "I got another one. What did the three China men say when they came out of the janitor's closet? Supplies!" Newt: "Quack-qwa-qwack!" Huntsman: 這是粗魯...    米特说“有了,当三个中国人从看门人的衣橱里出来时会说什么?用品”,纽特回应“呱呱呱”。
Next Tuesday is a big primary day for Republican White House wanna-bees. As the top contenders all head into Ohio, always a battleground state, one thing is certain: more anti-China rhetoric is likely, especially from leading man Mitt Romney.     对于想进驻白宫的共和党人来说,下周二是盛大的选举日,当有力的竞争者都聚焦在历来是是非之地的俄亥俄州时,有一件事是很确定的:反华言论似乎越来越多了,尤其是来自领头人,米特罗姆尼。
Here’s a collection of what the candidates think about China. Romney is the most rhetorical.    以下是各个竞选人对于中国的感想。米特罗姆尼是言论最多的。
“If I’m president of the United States…on Day One, I will declare China a currency manipulator, allowing me to put tariffs on products where they are stealing American jobs unfairly. We can compete when there’s a level playing field and we’d win…. I’m going to insist that China plays by the same rules that everyone in the world plays by.” — Mitt Romney (my humble guess is he can call China chopped liver if he wants, but will do nothing to retaliate other than what Obama has already done. Romney’s the most anti-China of the bunch.)    “如果我当选为美国总统,上任第一天我就会对外宣布中国是货币操纵国,请允许我提到货品关税,在这一点上中国很不公平地在偷窃我们美国公民的就业机会。如果在一个有标准的竞赛场地上,我们就可以竞争并且会赢。我会坚持中国要遵守我们任一国家都会遵守的守则。”米特罗姆尼说到(我想如果米特罗姆尼可以的话他会称中国“杂碎”,但这并无影响奥巴马对中国已经做出的举措。在这群人中,米特罗姆尼是最反华的。)
“I want to beat China. I want to go to war with China and make America the most attractive place in the world to do business.” — Rick Santorum (quite mild; doesn’t want a trade war like Romney says he wants.)    “我想打倒中国,我想和中国开战,让美国成为全世界最有吸引力的商业之地” 桑托勒姆说到,(说法)挺“含蓄”的,并不想发生罗姆尼想要的商业战。
“I think we’re going to have to find ways to dramatically raise the pain level for the Chinese cheating, both in the hacking side, but also on the stealing and intellectual property side. And I don’t think anybody today has a particularly good strategy for doing that.” –Newt Gingrich (he’s mostly come out against Chinese stealing of intellectual property; a legitimate, non-emotional complaint based on facts.)“我想我们必须要想出办法来惩治中国的这种作弊行为,不仅是在犯规方面,还有偷窃和知识产权方面。我想现在还没有人能想出一条特别有效的策略”金里奇说到(他是最为反对中国窃取知识产权的,这是根据事实作出的合法的理性的指责)。
“To fight with China now? They are our third best partners and are great customers. Why say that they are the problem? We complain that they’ve messed around with their currency. What have we done with the dollar over the last three years?” — Ron Paul (Doesn’t think China is the cause of our problems.)    “现在同中国作对?他们是我们的第三大伙伴和最大的顾客。为什么要说他们是问题所在?我们指责他们搞乱自己的货币,那我们在过去的三年又在美元上做了什么?”罗恩保罗如是说(认为中国不是我们现今问题的原因所在。)
As the Republicans head into the Buckeye State, Romney may want to note that China is an important business partner there. It’s the state’s third largest export market, with $2.3 billion in revenues last year. Only Mexico ($3.5 billion) and Canada ($17.2 billion) beat them.    之所以共和党人要聚焦在七叶树州(俄亥俄州的别名),(因为)罗姆尼可能是想指出中国是该州的重要贸易伙伴。中国去年以23亿美元的对俄出口收益位居俄亥俄州第三大出口市场,只有35亿美元的墨西哥和172亿美元的加拿大能与之抗衡。
In percentage terms, export growth to China outpaced Ohio businesses exports to Mexico, Canada and all other countries. Since 2000, Ohio’s China-bound export volume has increased by 686%, (yes, six hundred and eighty six) while exports from the state to the rest of the world grew by 50%, according to government numbers.    以百分比例来算,俄亥俄州对中国的出口增长超过对墨西哥和加拿大以及任一国家的增长。根据政府数据表明,从2000年起,俄亥俄州出口中国的数量已增长了686个百分比,(是的,是686),而而出口到世界其他地区的量只增加了百分之五十。
Ohio ranks No. 8 out of the 50 states in terms of exports to China.
Of all the primaries left on the calendar, none carries quite the same symbolic weight as Ohio. Recent polls suggest a two man race between Romney and Santorum. Quinnipiac University has Santorum up by around seven. Private polling conducted for Republicans outside the presidential race, and shared with POLITICO, showed Santorum up by five.    在出口到中国的50个地区里面,俄亥俄州排名第八。    名单上的所有初选人,没有一个可以和俄亥俄州的重量相提并论。近期的民意调查显示竞争在罗姆尼和桑托勒姆中展开。昆宁佩克大学(民调)显示桑托勒姆已上升至前七左右。私人投票则显示共和党人会被踢出局,政客们也是这么认为,并表示桑托勒姆会进到前五。 该贴已经同步到 sharond185的微博

清淡飘渺 发表于 2012-3-5 10:29


sy25777 发表于 2012-3-5 11:53


麦天 发表于 2012-3-5 12:32


avava 发表于 2012-3-5 12:33


沐霜 发表于 2012-3-5 12:47

历届美国总统选举的例行公事   都神经麻木了

lihong_susan 发表于 2012-3-5 13:21


hm37957 发表于 2012-3-5 14:45


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麦天 发表于 2012-3-5 12:32 static/image/common/back.gif


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zzxan 发表于 2012-3-6 10:10

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