徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-8 11:44


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 14:08 编辑

【原文标题】China lowers GDP growth target for the first time in 8 years
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China lowers GDP growth target for the first time in 8 years      中国八年以来首次降低GDP增长目标
The stated goal is to make China's economy more 'sustainable and efficient.' But a reduced growth rate could also result from China's investment constraints and deteriorating trade with Europe.                                                                                                                               新的年度GDP增长目标可以使中国的经济更加具备可持续发展性且效率更高。但是一个减少的增长率也可能会导致欧洲方面的来自中国的企业投资受到约束甚至更差。China has lowered its official growth target for 2012, sending the clearest message yet that the world's second-largest economy isn't likely to keep expanding at its previous steroid-charged pace.
Speaking to about 3,000 delegates Monday at the annual meeting of the National People's Congress in Beijing, Premier Wen Jiabao said China would cut its annual gross domestic product growth target for the first time in eight years, to 7.5% annual growth from 8%, to make the country's economy more "sustainable and efficient."国务院总理温家宝在星期一举行的全国人民代表大会上向3000名与会代表作出发言。他表示为了使国家经济更加有效且能保持可持续发展的势头,中国将会在八年来首次削减GDP增长目标,从年8%的增长率降低到7.5%。
That half a percentage point may not seem like much. But in China, it broadcasts a signal to policymakers, both national and local, that development will have to strike a better balance.这半个百分点可能看起来并不是很多。但是对于中国来说,这半个百分点想政策的发出者传递了一个信号,即无论国家还是地方,一定要去的平衡发展,稳扎稳打。
Swaths of empty luxury apartment blocks, environmental degradation and violent rural protests over land seizures are just some of the ways that ordinary Chinese can point to vast inequities generated by no-holds-barred development.很多中国的普通老百姓都可以指出一堆由于不平等发展产生的不公平的黑暗的社会现象,例如闲置的豪华公寓楼组成的社区,环境污染以及对农村土地的暴力征收。
"The announcement today means China will not simply chase after high-speed growth," said Hu Xingdou, an economist at the Beijing Institute of Technology. "Instead, it will seek high-quality growth."“今天宣布的事情意味着中国将会不仅仅是一味地追求经济与社会的高速发展,”北京工业研究院的经济学家Hu Xingdou说。“相反,中国未来将会寻求高质量的增长。”
But a reduced growth rate could owe just as much toChina's deteriorating trade with Europe and investment constraints brought on by rising public debt and inflation.但是有一个问题,增长率的减少可能会限制中国对欧洲的投资力度并且会是公共债务上升并带来通货膨胀。
China powered through the global financial crisis by loosening credit, encouraging real estate development and investing billions in public works. The resulting property bubble and stress to the banking system mean the government can't do that again.中国通过放松信贷,鼓励房地产开发并且在公共事业方面加大投资以帮助全球度过金融危机。由此而产生的房地产泡沫和银行系统日渐增大的压力迫使中国政府不能再继续这样做下去了。
With that in mind, the Chinese leadership is lowering the bar and tempering expectations at a time when China is expected to lead the world toward economic recovery.根据这种思维,在全世界都将中国作为世界经济复苏的主力军时,中国的领导层正在着手降低经济增长率及国际社会的期望值。
It's "a political statement that says, 'We can't grow like we'd like to grow,'" said Patrick Chovanec, an associate professor at Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management in Beijing. "They're saying, 'The economy is slowing and we can't admit to a hard landing.' It's an admission they can't hit their target."“这就是一在说‘我们不能再像以前那样增长经济了!’的政治声明,”清华大学经济和管理学院的副教授Patrick Chovanec说。“他们说的是‘经济发展正在放缓,我们需要一个软着陆。’他们已经承认他们无法实现像过去那样的未来经济增长的目标了。”
China previously signaled slower growth ahead when it released its current five-year plan calling for 7% annual growth from 2011 to 2015, but those medium-range plans typically understate actual GDP expansion. That economic road map also acknowledged the need to gear the nation's development model for higher-quality growth.中国在宣告其新的五年计划的时候曾经暗示过会放缓经济增长的趋势:2011年到2015年的年经济增长率平均到7%,但是那些中间制定的计划一般会低估实际的GDP增长。经济路线图也显示国家发展模型需要转换为“高质量”的经济发展。
Success will depend largely on the ability of China's leaders to take on entrenched groups. For example, a relatively weak currency has benefited state-owned enterprises and exporters. But it has made imports more expensive for Chinese households, which need to spend more if China is to rebalance its economy.成功很大程度上会取决于在所有根深蒂固的集团上中国领导者们所表现出的能力。例如,相对较弱的货币有利于出口商和企事业单位。但是低不值钱的钱会使大多数中国家庭花费更多,一旦中国要重新平衡其经济水平。
In a report released last week, the World Bank and a think tank attached to China's State Council outlined necessary reforms such as boosting the private sector and the financial industry to empower Chinese consumers.在上周公布的一份报告中,世界银行以及中国国务院下属的一个智囊团对必要的改革例如推动中国产业私有化和大力发展金融业做出了一个概述以及汇报。
Beijing will also have to convince local officials that their political careers won't hinge solely on delivering robust GDP growth. At present, government cadres have every incentive to build empty airports and lavish government offices to ratchet up growth numbers, which in turn has fueled skepticism about the validity of the statistics.中央也将会使地方政府相信他们的执政生涯不完全取决于助推中国GDP的增长。现在,政府干部通过建造机场航站楼及新的政府办公楼(大兴土木)来实现经济数据增长,并以此作为自己在位时的政绩,这种行为已经激起了老百姓对GDP数据真实性的怀疑。
"I don't believe in GDP numbers," said Zhou Xiaochun, a sociology professor at People's University in Beijing. "They're fairy-tale figures. In China, we say officials create figures and figures create officials."“我不相信那些数字,”北京人民大学社会学教授Zhou Xiaochun说道。“它们不过是一些童话般的数据。在中国,我们会说官员和数据会相互利用。”
In all likelihood, China will report much faster growth than 7.5% this year, barring another global financial meltdown. China far exceeded its 8% target last year, posting a 9.2% increase in GDP.
不管怎么说,除非全球性经济危机再来搞一次,否则中国今年的经济增长率将会超越7.5%。中国去年的经济增长率目标是8%,但是GDP实际增长9.2%。"It's never really a target, it's more about setting a floor for growth," said Wang Tao, chief China economist at UBS. "We still expect growth above 8%."“这其实不是什么真的目标,这个目标也就是个最低目标,”UBS的中国首席经济学家Wang Tao表示。“我们仍然预计2012年的增长率在8%以上。”(求高分)

lilyma06 发表于 2012-3-8 14:37

Beijing Institute of Technology 是北京理工大学。。。

不必 发表于 2012-3-8 18:23


mmxy 发表于 2012-3-8 20:34


沐霜 发表于 2012-3-8 22:13


铁血ABC 发表于 2012-3-8 22:41


2012烈火金刚 发表于 2012-3-9 08:14


五彩石 发表于 2012-3-9 09:18


baijuyi 发表于 2012-3-9 10:09


paoding 发表于 2012-3-9 11:54


baju2010 发表于 2012-3-9 14:23


meggjodie 发表于 2012-3-9 14:51


天马行空0 发表于 2012-3-9 19:34


flyworm 发表于 2012-3-9 22:56


若水洞天 发表于 2012-3-9 23:56

软着落成功。 :o

若水洞天 发表于 2012-3-9 23:56


冰镇自来水 发表于 2012-3-9 23:59


hsh3032003 发表于 2012-3-10 17:06


hzmy5 发表于 2012-3-10 23:02


shamoyu1980 发表于 2012-3-11 09:31

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