lilyma06 发表于 2012-3-8 16:23


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 14:22 编辑


【原文标题】Gordon Gekko, Meet Lei Feng








对于中国共产党来说,当前最主要的问题是雷锋的神话到底能在当代的中国起到多大的影响。环球时代指出:“在当今社会,雷锋精神确实遇到了一些问题。” 2007年的一篇文章甚至图文并茂地叙述了现在中国人民自私自利和犬儒主义的特殊问题。近些年来所谓的“雷锋”——彭宇,因为扶起了一个追赶公交车却不慎摔倒的老人而被起诉,起诉书中称彭宇应该为老人的摔到负主要责任,事后法庭宣判彭宇应支付给老人大约6800美元,文章说道:“这件事在中国引起了广泛的关注。”

北京的哲学家许攸宇引用了周二的中国南方早报中的一篇文章说道:“文化大革命的宣传使人们不再相信雷锋的故事,宣传家们需要去找到一个新的方式来使人民信服。” 这篇文章也引用了共青团的一句话就是现在很多中国的年轻人不知道雷锋的丰功伟绩,有的学生甚至连雷锋是谁都不知道。
去年,在中国共产党成立90周年前夕,雷锋的故事得以被澄清并且与复兴再生的红色文化的背景相辅相成。正如我的同事爱德华所写道,尽管中共领导人正尝试把文化大革命的唯毛主席独尊的影响逐渐淡化,他们却依旧不停推崇那个时代的神话和偶像,慢慢的向人民群众灌输爱国主义和忠于党的思想。在文化大革命中,学生和党员被要求下乡劳作一个月。并且最值得被关注的是在重庆这个大城市,薄熙来要求学校和国有企业歌唱像《东方红》或者《没有共产党就没有新中国》之类的毛氏红歌。当时有记者报道:“即使是在监狱也要求跟唱类似的红歌。一家精神病院甚至将唱红歌当做是处方开给病人。” poster of Lei Feng — hero-solider, selfless citizen and Communist Party role model. The top line says, “Learn From the Lei Feng Spirit.” The bottom line: “Love Your Party, Love Your Society, Love Your People.”
HONG KONG — The Chinese Communist Party knows it has a problem. A billion Gordon Gekkos are blooming, but moral standards are withering on the vine. Corruption pervades. Villainy abounds.
Everybody seems to be cutting corners. Contractors add too much sand to their concrete, causing bridges and buildings to collapse. Shoddy designs send bullet trains running off their rails. Milk producers add poisonous chemicals to baby formula. Government officials gamble away municipal funds in the casinos of Macao. A third of China’s wealthiest billionaires are senior leaders supposedly living on meager government salaries — while their kids party in exclusive clubs and flout traffic laws in absurdly expensive cars. Everyday citizens are increasingly angry at the excesses of the so-called Red Nobility, and the societal rift between town and country grows ever more bitter.
Enter Lei Feng to the rescue.
Communist propagandists are going old school, circa 1962, in resurrecting Lei Feng as a paragon of moral virtue and party devotion. They have just launched a 50th anniversary campaign called “Practice Lei Feng Spirit” in an attempt to restore some sense of moral order.
Here’s the brief bio by the official Chinese news agency Xinhua, as published in the People’s Daily newspaper: “Born in late 1940 in central China’s Hunan Province, Lei was orphaned at the age of 7. He started working in a steel mill in 1958, and became an army recruit in 1960 at the age of 20. Lei is known for devoting almost all of his spare time and money to selflessly helping the needy.’’
Some accounts say that Lei died when he was hit in the head by a falling telephone pole that was knocked over by an army truck. His good deeds seemed to know no bounds, from darning his fellow soldiers’ socks to doing other people’s laundry.
“He was respected and remembered for decades as a role model for his selfless altruistic attitude, patriotism and modesty,’’ the Communist Party newspaper Global Times said.
“The ‘Lei Feng Spirit,’ a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty and dedication, was formed in the 1960s and had an extraordinarily broad impact.’’
According to one entry in the recently published compilation of Lei Feng’s diaries and poems, he aspired to be “a revolutionary screw that never rusts.’’
Lei Feng’s voluminous writings — perhaps forged by publicists, perhaps not — were studied by a generation of Chinese schoolchildren. The scholar Stanley Rosen said Lei’s “ordinary but great communist spirit’’ was linked in party propaganda to his peasant-family background and because he had “suffered great hardships at the hands of the landlord class’’ and then exploitation by the ruling class.
There is substantial evidence that the Lei Feng myth was just that, little more than a folkloric concoction, much like the Soviet propaganda campaign that exaggerated the exploits of Aleksei Stakhanov.
Stakhanov, a Ukrainian coal-mining dynamo, reputedly dug a record 102 tons, singlehandedly, during a single shift in 1935. He made the cover of Time magazine, and Stalin used the ensuing Stakhanovite movement to proclaim the inevitable triumph of socialism over capitalism.
Fifty years later, Mikhail Gorbachev was facing a crippling decrease in productivity by Soviet workers. Enter, again, Aleksei Stakhanov.
“Although the Stakhanovite movement no longer exists as such except in Soviet legend,’’ my colleague Serge Schmemann wrote from Moscow in 1985,“a flood of newspaper and television reports pegged to the anniversary have highlighted some striking similarities between the problems and propaganda of those days and Mr. Gorbachev’s campaign to enhance productivity.’’
The Soviets had productivity, the Chinese have corruption.
The question at hand for Communist Party officials is how well the legend of Lei will play in modern China. Global Times acknowledged that “in today’s society, the Lei Feng Spirit has encountered some problems.’’
The paper even pointed to a specific incident in 2007 that illustrated a growing selfishness and cynicism in China. A latter-day would-be Lei Feng — a young man namedPeng Yu — helped an elderly woman who had fallen while running for a bus. The woman, who was injured, claimed that Mr. Peng was at fault. When a court ordered him to pay the woman the equivalent of $6,800, the paper said, it “caused quite a stir in Chinese society.’’
A Lei Feng video game was published several years ago to make him a little more hip and a little less Beaver Cleaver. Gamers performed good deeds to advance to their ultimate goal — winning a set of Chairman Mao’s collected writings.
“Once the propaganda during the Cultural Revolution became a joke, people didn’t trust the story of Lei Feng anymore,’’ said Xu Youyu, a Beijing philosopher quoted in a story Tuesday in The South China Morning Post. “The propaganda machine needs to find a new way to persuade people.’’
The paper also quoted a Communist Youth League official as saying that many young Chinese don’t know about Lei Feng’s exploits — or even who he was.
The dusting-off of Lei Feng dovetails with a wider revival of “red culture” that began to be orchestrated last year before the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party.
Despite their efforts to put the Mao era behind them, as my colleague Edward Wong has written, Communist Party leaders “still promote the myths and icons of that time to instill patriotism and loyalty in the population.’’
Students and party members have been ordered to work on farms for a month at a time. And party leaders, most notably Bo Xilai in the megacity of Chongqing, have ordered schools and work units at state-owned companies to sing Maoist classics like “The East is Red” and “Without the Communist Party There Would Be No New China.”
In Chongqing, Ed reported, “even prisons are holding singalongs, and one psychiatric hospital has prescribed it for patients.’’ 该贴已经同步到 lilyma06的微博

李如松 发表于 2012-3-8 19:22


paoding 发表于 2012-3-9 12:36

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