diver18 发表于 2012-3-10 13:03


本帖最后由 diver18 于 2012-3-10 13:05 编辑

既然有'给于被告更大的权利'的共识, 还扯啥? 无限制?一人一票?


China Acts to Give Defendants Greater Rights
Published: March 8, 2012

BEIJING — China moved on Thursday to enhance the rights of suspects and defendants in criminal cases, recommending that its handpicked national legislature adopt a series of Western-style safeguards in the most sweeping revisions to its criminal procedure code in 15 years.

The hard-fought amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law were presented to the National People’s Congress and are almost certain to be adopted next week, in the legislature’s most significant act this session. The new language would curb the power of the police and prosecutors to detain suspects without notifying relatives, to use evidence extracted by torture and to keep defense lawyers at bay.

Still, legal analysts said, much of the state’s overwhelming advantage over criminal suspects would be preserved. They also questioned whether the new protections would be enforced or exist only on paper.
法律分析家说, 许多对犯罪嫌疑人的压倒性优势仍然将被保留。他们还质疑,新的保护措施是否会被强制实施或只是写在纸上。

“There is no question these are welcome changes,” said Mike McConville, a Hong Kong law professor and the author of a recent book, “Criminal Justice in China .” “What I am saying is that they do not go far enough.”
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查看完整版本: [nytimes3.9]中国正在立法给于被告更大的权利:既然有'更大'的共识,还扯啥?