徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-12 19:02


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 13:32 编辑

【原文标题】What China's Talking About Today: Is American Citizenship Still Desirable?
【登载媒体】By Massoud Hayoun
【来源地址】http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/03/what-chinas-talking-about-today-is-american-citizenship-still-                        desirable/254070/
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Chinese web users debate whether joining the U.S. is so great anymore.中国网民讨论是否做着自己“美国梦”的中国人依然那么多。Shortly after I left China to return to the U.S., a friend from Beijing wrote to urge my return. "Come back to China," she said, "The U.S. is no place to look for work. It's like a third world country now, we hear."我离开中国回美国后不久,有个北京的朋友给我写信劝我回去(中国)。“回中国来吧,”她说,“在美国你已经找不到很棒的工作了。我听说美国现在就跟一个第三世界国家似的。”This view is a relatively new and unusual one in China. Some immigrants to the U.S. have gone so far as to claim that they practiced Falun Gong, whose members are officially branded as cultists in China and sometimes tortured, in order to claim political asylum in the U.S.. American citizenship, in other words, has typically been considered to be a big deal. 在中国,类似这样的观点还是比较新且不同寻常的。有的很早之前去美国的移民者自称他们是曾经在中国修炼轮子功的“轮子功痴迷者”,他们在中国收到了当局的迫害,到美国去是为了寻求政治避难的。美国公民身份,换句话说,已经可以被看做是一宗买卖了。Now, withthe U.S. stalled and unemployment high, while the Chinese economy flourishes, maybe that perception is changing. Spanning nearly 1.5million micro-blogs on Sina Weibo, Chinese users yesterday discussed the hash-tag:#Is American citizenship no longer desirable?#现在,和美国经济发展的停滞不前和高失业率相比,中国经济正在蓬勃发展,可能这就是观点正在不断发生变化的原因吧。中国用户昨天在有着150万用户群的新浪微博上围绕以“美国公民身份已经不再值得拥有了”作为题目展开了讨论。The associated Sina News article argued that, in San Diego, according to the immigrant advocacy group Naturalization Collaborative, some 150,000immigrants eligible for citizenship had not applied for U.S. nationality.Around a third of the million Chinese residents in the United States are not U.S. citizens, according to U.S. Federal Census Bureau statistics published in the article. 相关的新浪新闻有文章认为,在圣地亚哥,根据支持移民的团体“入籍协调会”(Naturalization Collaborative)的统计结果,圣地亚哥本地有资格成为美国公民但未提出申请者超过15万人(身份已经成为移民地外国人)。而根据美国联邦人口普查局公布的人口统计数据的文章来看,每一百万在美国的中国人有三分之一的身份不是美国公民。The article offers two possible explanations for the Chinese residents' decision not to become Americans. First, that some don't speak good enough English to take the citizenship test, and second, that many Chinese prefer to remain Chinese. 本文提供了两种对此问题即中国居民不想成为美国人的可能的解释。第一点是一些人英语不够好,没办法通过入籍测验,第二,很多中国人宁愿保持他们中国人的身份。Sina offers the example of a "Ms. Liu," a Chinese-American living in China who allegedly said that her American citizenship became less advantageous in the past few years, with so much business going to China. 新浪网给出了一个例子,刘女士,作为一名美籍华人,她觉得过去几年来当她在中国做生意的时候,她的美国公民身份开始变得不那么有利了。Whether or not Chinese people do still want to come to America, the ones who do are not too well received. One famous CCTV journalist,Yang Lan, was rumored on the thread to have obtained American nationality, which earned her a lot of scathing comments. 但是不管怎样,中国人还是要去美国,但是那些兴致勃勃成为美国人的华人会发现他们在中国却不会再像以前那样受欢迎了。就像杨澜,“著名的”中央电视台记者,很多人相信她已经获得了美国公民的身份,结果她就开始被越来越多的人讽刺了……For Chinese people, there is often a major stigma for people who do obtain American citizenship.对于中国人来说,获得美国公民身份对一个中国人来说是其一生最大的耻辱。User Suses summed up some of the popular views of émigrés: "If you say China isn't good, you are a Western slave. If you say America is good,then you are an American bitch. If you say you don't want to be a Chinese, you area wretch and a traitor... If you get a green card and stand on the corner of American streets shouting, 'I love you, China,' you are a 'patriot.'"用户Suses总结道一些在移民者中很流行的观点是:“你要是敢说中国不好,你就是汉奸。你要是说美国好,你就是美分。你要是说你不想在中国活着,那你就是一个内奸王八蛋……如果你拿了绿卡并且站在美国的街头大喊,‘我爱你,中国,’你就是一个‘爱国主义者’。”Another user, 湾区求职站, took the opportunity to advertise what seemed to be a job in California.另外一个网民,“湾区求职站”,借此机会宣传着什么好像是在加利福尼亚提供工作的事。"San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf clothing store, full-time employment;cashier,salesperson; Must speak fluent English..."“旧金山渔民码头服装店,全职工作岗位;招收款员,售货员;流利英语者优先录取……”

yingyu0502 发表于 2012-3-13 00:21


徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-13 19:10

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yingyu0502 发表于 2012-3-14 00:01

徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-13 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif


rainne 发表于 2012-3-16 21:17


徐大帅 发表于 2012-3-18 22:32

rainne 发表于 2012-3-16 21:17 static/image/common/back.gif
怎么可以叫人家少翻译呢.如果垃圾文章不翻译,跟那些媒体的新闻选择又有什么区别?何况我觉得这个文章并没有 ...


snbssnbs 发表于 2012-3-19 01:42


zhiyi 发表于 2012-3-19 12:02


滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-20 03:36


火在烧雪在飘 发表于 2012-3-20 07:31

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查看完整版本: 【大西洋月刊20120306】中国人热烈讨论的话题:美国国籍现在还那么吸引人吗?