diver18 发表于 2012-3-13 14:13


本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-4-1 15:34 编辑


US to challenge China over rare earths
By Leslie Hook in Beijing

The US is preparing to launch a case at the World Trade Organisation against China’s export controls on rare earths, in a move highlighting the growing trade tensions between Washington and Beijing ahead of this year’s US presidential election.

A senior US official confirmed that the Obama administration would soon bring a case against China over rare earths – 17 elements crucial for producing a range of items from fluorescent lightbulbs and BlackBerrys to guided missiles and hybrid cars.

paoding 发表于 2012-3-14 12:09

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查看完整版本: 【金融时报20120313】美国准备向世界贸易组织挑战中国控制稀土出口