李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2012-3-26 15:33


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-3-26 17:37 编辑

【原文标题】A Collage of Chinese Values
【登载媒体】 纽约客博客
【原文作者】 Evan Osnos
【译者】   woikuraki
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】   欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

March 21, 2012
A Collage of Chinese Values Posted by Evan Osnos
I’ve been spending time with young Chinese people recently, talking about their beliefs and priorities , which has reminded me just how difficult a task it is to define Chinese values these days. So I was struck when I came upon these photos by the British photographer Adrian Fisk. The project, iSpeakChina, evolved, as he puts it, from a twelve-thousand-five-hundred kilometer journey through China, meeting people aged sixteen to thirty and giving them a paper on which they could write anything they chose. I asked him some questions:

我最近一段时间接触了很多中国的年轻人,和他们一起讨论他们秉持的信念和拥有的优势,这也让自己进一步发现给现今中国的价值观下定义是一件很困难的事。这些由英国摄影师AdrianFisk拍摄的照片初看时就给自己带来了极大的震撼。Adrian Fisk本人解释说,这一名为“我说中国”的计划是由一个在中国境内一万两千五百公里的旅程演变而来的,该计划的内容是在旅途中采访16岁到30岁的青年人,并给他们一张纸写下自己任何想写的东西。我问了Fisk以下几个问题:
Which picture from the China project stays with you most? How did you meet?


It is hard to pin down the one image that made the deepest impression on me—as many of them did. But if I had to pick one, I would say the photograph of Avril Lui (above) taken in Guangxi Province. Avril had recently graduated from university in Hunan Province, and I met her when my translator and I went to a place teaching English as a summer course. Her statement was: “We are the lost generation. I’m confused about the world.” This photograph seems to have struck a chord with many of the young Chinese who have viewed it. I think the pace of change has been so rapid in China in these last two decades that many of the young are in a spin which has left them somewhat confused. Their parents’ generation had a clear idea of what their identity was and the better life they were struggling for. Now that that better world has arrived it can be argued that life for the Chinese youth might have more opportunity but has in turn become more complicated with difficult career decisions, an increasingly materialistic society, and a complex relationship with the West. All this contributes to a sense of confusion.I also like this photograph because of the classic building in the background and the traditionally dressed man in blue on the bicycle.

选出一张给我留下印象最深的照片是很困难的,因为很多照片都让我难以忘怀。不过要是非选出一张的话我也许会选在广西拍摄的Avril吕的照片。Avril 刚刚从湖南省的一所大学毕业,我是在教授暑期英语课程的地方遇到她的。她写在纸上的陈述是:“我们是迷茫的一代。我对于世界很迷惑。”这张照片似乎让很多中国的青年人都产生了共鸣。中国社会在过去的二十年中经历了如此巨大的变革以至于这些身处其中的年轻人们会感到头晕目眩,无所适从。这些年轻人的父母一辈对自己的身份有着清醒的认识,他们也知道自己努力奋斗的目标就是过上更好的生活。时至今日,大部分人已经过上了好日子,可以说中国的年轻一代比他们的父辈拥有更多的机遇,但他们同时也面临着很多难题,比如说艰难的职业选择,越来越物质化的社会和与西方世界复杂的关系。这些都促成了迷茫情绪的滋长。我非常喜欢这张照片的另一个原因是照片背景中的古典建筑物和骑自行车的身着蓝色传统服装的男人。
What has surprised you most about the kinds of things people choose to write? What do we tend to misunderstand about Chinese youth?


This was my first visit to China. I made the trip because I presented myself with a question that I could not answer: Who are the young Chinese and what do they think about life? This meant that I had few theories on what I would find. I knew little on entry to the country but left with a head crammed with thoughts on Chinese youth. Something that a number of those I photographed touched on was the issue of the single-child policy and the difficulties that has caused for so many. I realized just how hard it must be to be a single child and provide all the care and support for your parents as well as try to maintain your own life.

这是我第一次来中国。我来中国的原因是我无法回答自己给自己提出的这样一个问题:这些中国的青年是什么样的人,他们又对生活有怎样的看法?这就意味着我并不知道自己会在中国发现什么。我来时对这个国度知之甚少,走时却为该国度的青年人思绪万千。很多我拍摄的照片中的年轻人都会提到中国的计划生育政策以及该政策引起的很多问题。我自己也意识到了家中独子的艰辛,因为在努力维持自己生计的同时还要照顾父母。 http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/evanosnos/RainSu_opt.jpg
I was also interested by how many of those I met wanted to reach out to the West, to strengthen international relations but not be told what to do by Western powers. I think what surprised me most was the rising concern for the rapid increase in materialistic values and rampant consumerism that has spread through the country. This is reflected well in the photograph of Rainbow Su (right) who is worried that his girlfriend might not marry him because he does not own a house. I think what many of those outside China most misunderstand about Chinese youth is their relationship with politics. There is an assumption in the West that surely the young Chinese must want democracy, but for most young Chinese this is an abstract concept. The West would do well to remember that in twenty years the Chinese Communist party has delivered year-on-year growth of around eleven per cent, which has resulted in over four hundred million being lifted out of poverty. The Party has delivered on economics and opportunity, and, therefore, for most young Chinese, democracy is not only an alien idea but one that is not necessary.


If you were forced to enumerate a few of the recurring values that you encountered in China, what rises to the top?


I think the outside perception of Chinese youth is one of a mass of people with limited individual identity. I came to realize that perception is clearly wrong. Although it can be argued that society in China is becoming more materialistic and selfish, the care and concern for their parents by Chinese youth is something that those in the West could learn from. The ability to rebel and conform simultaneously is something unique to Chinese youth. The desire by Chinese youth to succeed and to grab what opportunities come their way whether that is in education or business is impressive. In the West, even with the current economic difficulties, we have become lazy and complacent.


Top: Avril Lui, twenty-two, graduate student, Guangxi Province.

上图:Avril 吕 ,21岁,大学毕业生,广西。

Middle: Rainbow Su, twenty-two, student in software engineering, Guangdong Province.

中图:Rainbow Su,22岁,软件工程专业学生,广东。

Bottom: “Huge historical and cultural differences still exist between the East and West. Do not tell us what to do.” Li Qisheng, thirty, computer-science teacher, learning English.
底图:Li Qisheng,30岁,正在学习英语的计算机科学教师

滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-26 20:53


lyycc 发表于 2012-3-27 09:12

滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-26 20:53 static/image/common/back.gif
我们的确经常遭遇迷茫,但我们心里都很清楚自己究竟想要些什么,而不是被别人提醒指点说三道四。 ...



李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2012-3-27 10:52

滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-26 20:53 static/image/common/back.gif
我们的确经常遭遇迷茫,但我们心里都很清楚自己究竟想要些什么,而不是被别人提醒指点说三道四。 ...


李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2012-3-27 10:52

lyycc 发表于 2012-3-27 09:12 static/image/common/back.gif

岁月催人老啊,也许再过十年回想一下现在可能发现自 ...


misha2010333 发表于 2012-3-27 11:40


麦天 发表于 2012-3-27 13:12

本帖最后由 麦天 于 2012-3-27 13:13 编辑


1041541700 发表于 2012-3-27 13:53

滔滔1949 发表于 2012-3-26 20:53 static/image/common/back.gif
我们的确经常遭遇迷茫,但我们心里都很清楚自己究竟想要些什么,而不是被别人提醒指点说三道四。 ...


迷失_fei 发表于 2012-3-27 15:36


xyzholiday 发表于 2012-3-27 16:12

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