daydaydown 发表于 2012-3-28 02:25


据印度Rediff网报道,在接受韩国中央日报的采访时,印度总理曼莫汉·辛格称“我们的目的是与中国和美国建立合作关系。它不是零和游戏。我认为像中国那样庞大和有活力的国家是无法被遏制的”。印度人如何看辛格总理的声明呢?有的印度网民指责辛格总理过于温顺、过于谦卑,实际上是在向中国投降;有的印度网民称辛格总理连通货膨胀都遏制不了,又怎么能遏制中国。原文标题:Nations like China CANNOT be contained: PM
原文链接: ... ays-pm/20120324.htm
三泰虎链接:印度总理曼莫汉·辛格(Manmohan Singh)
Observing that large and dynamic countries like China cannot be contained, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said India aims to have cooperative ties with both Washington and Beijing.“Our aim is to have cooperative ties with both China and the United States. It is not a zero-sum game. I do not think that large and dynamic countries like China can be contained,” Dr Singh told South Korean daily ‘JoongAng Ilbo’.He was replying to a question on whether the US was keeping China in check and if he had ever faced a situation where he had to choose between China and the US.总理曼莫汉·辛格通过观察认为,像中国那样庞大和有活力的国家是无法被遏制的。他称印度旨在与华盛顿和北京建立合作关系。辛格博士告诉韩国中央日报,“我们的目的是与中国和美国建立合作关系。它不是零和游戏。我认为像中国那样庞大和有活力的国家是无法被遏制的。”辛格的这番话是对这样一个问题的回答,即美国是否在遏制中国,以及他是否面临过必须在中国和美国之间做出选择的情况。“China is our largest neighbour with which we share a long border. It is also our biggest trading partner in goods. With USA, our relations have been transformed in 2005. Three million people of Indian origin live and work in the US,” Dr Singh said.Dr Singh is in Seoul on a bilateral visit, following which he will take part in the Nuclear Security Summit that will be attended by 58 leaders including US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao.Dr Singh said that India’s relations with the US were transformed in 2005. The two countries had laid the framework for the India-US civil nuclear agreement in July 2005.辛格博士称:“中国和我们拥有漫长的共同边界,是我们的最大领国。中国也是我们最大的商品贸易伙伴。我们和美国的关系在2005年改变了。三百万印度裔在美国生活和工作。”辛格博士正在首尔参加双边访问。此后,他将参与核安全峰会。有58名领导人参加该峰会,包括美国总统奥巴马和中国主席。辛格博士称,印度和美国的关系在2005年改变了。两国于2005年7月为美印民用核能合作协议奠定了框架。On his meeting with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Dr Singh said he would talk about “giving depth and greater meaning” to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, strengthen people-to-people contacts, boost cooperation in science and technology, and coordinate thinking in matters related to security and global events.“Since this is an occasion which coincides with the Nuclear Security Summit, we can work together to promote nuclear security and safety in this world that we live in,” he said.Dr Singh lauded South Korea’s transformation and its emergence as a vibrant democracy.在和韩国总统李明博的会谈中,辛格博士称自己将谈论的是,赋予全面经济伙伴关系协定更大的意义和深度、加强人与人之间的联系、促进科学技术合作、协调有关安全和全球事件的思维。他称:“由于适逢核安全峰会,我们可以一起努力,促进我们居住世界的核安全。”辛格博士称赞韩国的改革和成功崛起为一个有活力的民主国家。He said South Korea, one of the fastest growing economies in the world and a powerhouse of innovation in just two generations, is an inspiration for the whole of Asia.“I am aware of the odds you fought against and the sacrifice you made in the early years of building your nation to gain the prestige and position you enjoy today,” he said.On delays with regard to the POSCO industrial project in Odisha, Dr Singh said it was his “sincere hope” that the issues pertaining to the POSCO project would be resolved soon to the satisfaction of all parties.On the issue of red-tapism, the prime minister said, “Outside observers often tend to take a narrow view of our economic policies. India is a far more open economy today than it was earlier.”他称,韩国是世界上发展最快的经济体之一,仅在两代人里就成为了创新大国,对于整个亚洲来说是一个鼓舞。“我知道,你们早期在建设自己国家的时候,为了获得今天所享受的威望和地位,你们作出了斗争和牺牲。”在谈到浦项制铁在奥里萨邦的工业项目的延期时,辛格博士称自己“真心希望”浦项制铁项目的有关问题能够很快解决,从而让各方满意。在有关官僚作风的问题上,总理称:“对我们的经济政策,外界观察者经常倾向于持有狭隘观点。印度经济比以前要远远更开放。”“We are governed by the rule of law, and as a functioning democracy, we need to be mindful of the concerns and sensitivities of all sections and stake-holders and take their interests into account,” Dr Singh said.The prime minister said that India planned to invest USD one trillion in infrastructure development in areas like highways, airports, power plants, mass transport systems and so on, in the next five years.“We would like to see more South Korean companies come to India and take advantage of our youthful and skilled labour force. Opportunities in India are wide open,” he said.辛格博士称:“我们依法治国,是一个运作良好的民主国家。我们需要留心各部门和利益相关群体的关切和敏感性,需要考虑他们的利益。”总理称,印度计划在未来五年里,在高速公路、机场、发电厂、大众运输系统等基础设施的发展上投入1万亿美元。他称:“我们希望看到更多韩国公司进入印度,利用我们年轻和熟练的劳动力。在印度,机会是敞开的。”以下是印度网民的评论India cannot contain anything
by lankapat (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 11:38 AM | Hide repliesFirst of all, India cannot go to war with anyone. Indian army is good at raping but that is the only thing it knows how to do. Take LTTE for example, Indian army got thoroughly beaten by the LTTE. Whereas, Brave Lankan Army completely annihilated the LTTE. Yes, the Lankan army took a long time but isn’t it better to take a long time than lose like India did. The only country India has won a war against is Pakistan, but outside of that, India got thrashed by China and by LTTE.Even LTTE winning was because Lanka openly supported the LTTE against India. In other words, India couldn’t even win a war against little Lanka. Shame on you India, Shame on you Indian raping army. Of course, India cannot contain a might and proud nation like China.Ravi Pathsinghe
Colombo, Lanka(印度无法遏制任何国家)。首先,印度不能和任何国家交战。印度军队擅长强奸。不过,那是印度军队唯一知道如何做的事情。就拿泰米尔猛虎组织(LTTE)作为例子吧,印度军队被泰米尔猛虎组织彻底击败。而勇敢的斯里兰卡军队完全灭掉了泰米尔猛虎组织。是的,斯里兰卡军队花了很长时间。不过,花很长时间总好于印度的失败。印度唯一赢得过一场战争的国家是巴基斯坦。除此之外,印度曾被中国和泰米尔猛虎组织重创。即使说是因为在斯里兰卡的公开支持下,泰米尔猛虎组织才打赢了印度。换句话说就是,印度甚至不能赢得针对小国斯里兰卡的战争。印度真丢脸。印度擅长强奸的军队真丢脸。当然,印度无法遏制中国那样强大和自豪的国家。Ravi Pathsinghe哥伦坡,斯里兰卡
by guy giggling (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 10:32 AM | Hide repliesYes, he cannot contain countries like China, Pakisthan, Sri Lanka. he can’t contain his coalition partners, he can’t contain corruption, he cannot contain loud mouths like Sibal and Diggy singh. He can just stick to his PM position like a limpet. never saw a more useless PM. Keeps lowering the poverty line but cannot contain inflation either. Economist? my foot是的,他无法遏制中国、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡等那样的国家。他无法遏制联盟政党、无法遏制腐败、无法遏制Sibal和Diggy singh等信口开河的人。他只会死死缠住总理职位。从来没看过比他更没用的总理。老是降低贫困线标准,却没能力遏制通货膨胀。经济学家?才怪呢原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comRe: Yes,
by Piyush Rughani (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 11:16 AM
Fully agreed….sir!!!完全同意…先生!Re: Yes,
by RSSHINDU (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 11:28 AM
We have got our worst PM ever. Dinesh Trivedi has got lot of guts compared to MMS.我们现在的总理是最差的。相比辛格,德尼斯·特里维迪有很大的勇气。Re: Re: Yes,
by Maverick (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 11:39 AM
What he said is diplomatically correct? It is the best answer one can expect. What do you think he should have told? I am looking at just the sistuation – please don’t bias yourself with the conditions at home.他所说的在外交上是正确的。这是你能预料到的最好答案。你认为他该说什么呢?我只是着眼于形势——请不要因为国内环境而使自己存在偏见。
What does mickey mouse mean?
by Rajma Rice (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 09:53 AM | Hide repliesDoes he mean that he will gift Indian states J&K and NE to China?他的意思是不是他将把印度的查馍克什米尔邦和东北部地区送给中国?
by drax (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 09:02 AMIn short thisEunuch says continue enjoying getting screwed by China and its airspace violations and aggressive posture.简言之,这个太监就是说要继续“享受”中国的绑架、侵犯领空和侵略性的姿态。
by Vilas Deshpande (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 06:45 AM | Hide repliesread已阅Re: Read
by s kesavan (View MyPage) on Mar 25, 2012 06:55 AM
The classic case of the reply of the weak or gaining for time, hoping we will be in a good postion to fight the over-ambitious chinese?这是软弱或者争取时间的典型回答,希望我们在和过分雄心大志的中国人的斗争中能处于不错的位置?
by Jayakwadi Jayakwadi (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 11:48 PM | Hide repliesso weak and so apologetic!!!
and they do advertisement of India becoming a super power.如此软弱,如此谦卑!可他们却在做印度成为超级大国的广告。原创翻译:三泰虎
by om shanti (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:12 PM | Hide repliesCongress is still alive because of a leader like Dr.Singh since the starting of liberalisation.Or else congress would have totally lost power under the leadership of Rajmata_and_her__son.Whichever vision Dr.Singh is showing today has great long term impacts,be it liberalisation,BRICS,Peaceful relation with China and Pakistan,Look East policy,Non_alignment,NuclearEnergy,etc,etc,etc.Dr.Singh is a person who cannot be shaken by any situation.We are proud of Dr.Singh.World looks upto Dr.Singh today for his vision and astitute statesmanship.自从经济自由化开始以来,因为有辛格博士那样的一位领导人,国大党仍然存在。否则,在Rajmata和她年幼儿子的领导下,国大党可能完全失去权力了。不管辛格博士今天展示出什么样的远景,不管是经济开放、金砖四国、与中国和巴基斯坦的和平关系、向东看政策、不结盟和核能政策等等,都会具有长期影响。辛格博士是不会受到任何形势动摇的人。我们以辛格博士为自豪。世界景仰辛格博士的远见和政治才能。
This man is made of steel
by mudasar ali (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:03 PM | Hide repliesThis man is made of steel.whatever bad things people said?..he doesn’t care and continuously do work for the people of India…during his tenure minorties started to feel that India is their country too…they are feeling more secur now…but some strong need to be taken against saffron terror organisation will add more belief in minorty这个男人是铁打的。不管人们说什么坏话…他不在意,继续为印度人民工作…在他的任期里,少数民族开始感觉到印度也是自己的国家…他们现在感到更安全了…不过,某些强势群体需要对抗恐怖组织…这会给少数族群带来更多信任Re: This man is made of steel
by venkatachalam govind (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:13 PM
when this man cannot even contain inflation what can he do to contain China. He is just a spokesperson of Sonia这个男人连通货膨胀都遏制不了,他又能如何遏制中国呢。他只是索尼娅的代言人。Re: Re: This man is made of steel
by mudasar ali (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:17 PM
he is an economist.he saved india in 92….他是经济学家。他在1992年的时候拯救了印度…
contain what then?
by Pramod Kulkarni (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:50 PM | Hide replieshe cud not contain 2g, coalgate, antrix, etc. how can v expect him to contain china. he canot even contain srilanka他无法遏制2g等丑闻。我们如何能期望他遏制中国呢。他甚至无法遏制斯里兰卡。
So what, India can be contained?
by Bhupendra Patidar (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:57 PM | Hide repliesSure, we don’t want to dominate or contain anybody. But what is doing now, recently their halicopter crossed India boundry and came in 7KM. What action plan you have for this. Looks like we are surrendering to China?当然,我们不想统治或者遏制任何人。不过现在在做什么。最近,他们的直升机越过印度边界7公里。你对此有什么行动计划?看起来我们是在向中国投降?
Nations like China CANNOT be contained: PM
by Sasidharan Nair (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:53 PM | Hide repliesHey PM, are you proposing for India’s surrender to Chinese ill gotten designs! Very sad of Mr. Singh to have given birth to such a meek stand! The country can withstand the Chinese ploy bravely and successfully, provided it is led by leader of bold vision and commitment!嘿,总理,你是否建议印度向中国不正当的计划投降!非常伤心,辛格先生发出了如此温顺的立场!只要具备雄才大略和献身精神的领导人能够领导国家,国家就可以勇敢和成功的经受住中国人的阴谋!
contain contain what contain
by Pramod Kulkarni (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:56 PM | Hide replieslet us try the other way round.tell us what u can contain?让我们换一种方式说。告诉我们,你可以遏制什么样的国家?
by freewill (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:55 PM | Hide repliesMMs praising china while PLA daily violating borders with INdia.辛格赞美中国,而PLA天天侵犯印度边界。
meet our prime minister (leader)
by Mehul Mehta (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:55 PM | Hide repliesHe is our prime minister by virtue of a gift from sonia
he has not contested an election. he says he his govt is a coalition govt and has to coalition dharma—- to save his govt and party, country can be saved later on. he takes months to decide weather to file case on accused ministers, but instantly gives statement to flay othershe now says countries like china cannt be contained — true but if he is our leader. do we want such leader who bows before fighting ????????
a big question we need to ask our own self rather then looking for answers from others由于索尼娅的馈赠,他当上了我们的总理。他并没有角逐过选举。他称政府是联合政府,必须实施联盟法律,从而保住他的政府和政党,而国家可以稍后再拯救。他花了几个月的时间来决定是否对受到指控的部长立案调查。不过在指责其他人的时候,他很快就做出了声明。现在,他说无法遏制中国那样的国家——这是真的,不过如果他是我们的领导人,我们是否需要在斗争面前如此低头的领导人?这是我们需要扪心自问的一个大问题,而不是从其他人那里寻求答案。Re: meet our prime minister (leader)
by venkatachalam govind (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:17 PM
he never makes a statement in the Parliament. He will make statements only to reporters on board Air Force one. Probably he feels he is safe from the criminal MPs only on his flight or else he make statements abt India in some other country.他从来没有在议会发表过声明。他只在“空军一号”上对记者发表声明。他可能只有在飞行中才能免遭那些罪恶议员之患,或者他只有在某些其他国家才会发表有关印度的声明。Re: meet our prime minister (leader)
by om shanti (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:17 PMScholars cannot win election in India,only goons_can.It was not Sonia’s choice,Sonia had no choice.Dr.Singh is the architect of today’s India.学者是无法在印度赢得选举的,只有暴徒才可以。这不是索尼娅的选择。索尼娅是没有选择。辛格博士是当今印度的设计师。原创翻译:三泰虎
Here goes…
by Jaganniwas Iyer (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:36 PM | Hide repliesThe inanities from India’s politicians never seem to cease. Here goes the latest one.
Jaganniwas Iyer印度政客的愚蠢似乎从来没有消停过。这就是最新的一个愚蠢表现。——Jaganniwas Iyer
by John Janardan (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:43 PM | Hide replieswith the present leadership it simply CANNOT be contained很明显,就印度的当前领导层而言,中国简直是无法被遏制的。Re: obviously
by JACK SLATER (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:44 PM
well said讲得好Re: Re: obviously
by vidwan soni (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 09:52 PM
SoJack & John go to the Borders and contain the dragon. Do you have guts? Or are only you talk hypothetically?所以,Jack和John(三泰虎注:指楼上两位)去边界遏制中国龙。你们有这个勇气吗?或者,你们只是在设想而已?Re: Re: Re: obviously
by John Janardan (View MyPage) on Mar 24, 2012 10:15 PM
contain any country is not just about going to the border and fighting wars… there’s something called as strategic planning for nation’s betterment, but the government neckdeep into corruption can only thing about throwing mud at the army chief, defending diggy raja and booklckng the high command and claim the pm’s position for her son.遏制一个国家不仅仅是去边界打仗…有一个东西叫做国家发展战略规划。但是政府深陷腐败泥潭,只想着往陆军参谋长身上泼脏水、只会庇护阴毒的拉贾……

ljf5245 发表于 2012-3-28 02:45


bbsty21 发表于 2012-3-29 10:44

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