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发表于 2012-3-29 10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-4-1 18:07 编辑

【译者】  woikuraki
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hem_sphere 3 weeks ago

In the late 1950's, the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru campaigned hard to end China's isolation and helped it become a permanent member of the UNSC, replacing Taiwan. A few years later,China bombed the s**t out of India. Jawaharlal Nehru was so stunned that in the following year he dies of a heart attack.
China currently has border issues with Japan, India, Vietnam,Philippines and a few others.To make things worse, China is Pakistan's "all weather friend",supplying it with unaccounted nuclear material and money.
All this on top of the fact that China exports low quality, environmentally hazardous products to every corner of the globe while artificially maintaining its currency low.

Harry Zhao 3 weeks ago in reply to hem_sphere

LOL, india shouldnt preach China about neighborly behaviour, all of your neighbors hate you so much all of them wants to bomb the s**t out of you. btw the war of 1962 was fault of indians they perused a so called "forward deployment policy" just like what they are doing right now.
fyi india seems to be hooked on those "low quality, hazardous products" just look at the fact that 70% of export going from india to China is raw material, and 90% of export going from China to india is manufactured products. what ever indians are trolling about China their actions certainly dont match their rhetoric.

adilrye 3 weeks ago in reply to hem_sphere

Wait...how does Nehru die from a heart attack from shock of a war that happened a year before?

Nazir Ahmed 3 weeks ago

Arms race is in no way helpful for the mass people of the emerging Asian giants- India and China.What should have been spent for projects on poverty alleviation,rural electrification,health-care and like would now be spent on machinery,arms & munitions benifitting the bigger powers.Honestly,the innumerable mass of both the countries want peace and not war.Whatever may be the reasons of amassing 'the means of killing & destructions', these are breach of trusts that the common peace-loving people of those countries have  bestowed upon their political leadership.

Benjamin 3 weeks ago

It is quite sad that for most people---and especially those in power---a country's greatness reflects in its military super-power and capacity in international affairs, rather than in its capacity to coordinate a fulfilling and fair life for all its inhabitants which work at building it.

Kerato 2 weeks ago in reply to Benjamin

"When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled" African proverb

abdulturner2 2 weeks ago in reply to Kerato

Africans should spend less time making proverbs and babies, and more time making food and medicine.

educate1 3 weeks ago

There maybe some who want an arms race. The ancient civilizations of the Indians and Chinese should know better --- an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Debanjan Banerjee 3 weeks ago

As long as India and China are not fighting against each other that is good for Asia and the rest of the World. The manipulators of the current global system sitting in Washington and Tel Aviv want the countries from the East to fight amongst themselves so that on one they remain weak and unable to pose a strong alternative to the current global system and on the other hand swelling the coffers of these arms marchents.Now I request the leaders of India and China alongisde other nations from East i.e. Pakistan , Turkey and Iran and Russia to settle their differences amicably and come together.

发表于 2012-3-30 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-30 18:39 | 显示全部楼层
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